If done correctly, the massage of the head is equivalent to a full body massage. Because it calms the center of the nervous system, the point of concentration of the reflexology lines. In the process of developing the fetus, the brain is the first organ that forms and at birth is bigger and heavier than any other organ...
Starting already from our childhood we have all experienced traumatizing and heavy situations where our integrity has been undermined. We all once felt the feeling of being stuck without a real choice. We had to close our eyes and keep quiet. What few people know is that when we fail to deal positively with a painful and unpleasant experience, we activate an unconscious defense mechanism that isolates and crystallizes it in our body...
The "Harmonic Antistress Massage with Tibetan Bells®" treatment creates a magical, ethereal and particularly well- chosen bond for the lowering of Stress and for the emotional rehabilitation of the person. What are Tibetan bells? The Tibetan Bells or Singing Bowls or Cloche Tibetaines, are round-shaped bowls, golden in color, black, silver or green, often with Sanskrit inscriptions depicting the Ohm or the Chakras....
The nervous system is divided into the central nervous system , consisting of encephalon and spinal cord, responsible for interpreting the received stimuli and sending commands based on past experience and current conditions, and in the peripheral nervous system , composed instead of spinal nerves and cranial nerves, which have the task of transmitting information to various sectors of the body...
Olodanza is a discipline that uses music to stimulate movement and free expression for therapeutic purposes in order to help the individual find his own psychocorporeal unity, his own well-being and improve the quality of life. Olodance can be a very useful technique for people with eating disorders...
During pregnancy the woman is subjected to countless changes , both physically and on a metabolic level. Imbalances and discomforts are often the order of the day: from the now much feared nausea , to back pains, from water retention to swollen and painful feet. Foot reflexology can accompany this troubled path from the third month onwards and effectively reduce the weight (in the broadest sense of the word) of this great change...
Ganoderma, the natural supplement that comes from the East Oriental medicine has known it for millennia: in China and Japan the Ganoderma Lucidum mushroom , also known as Reishi or Ling zhi, is a saprophytic fungus with remarkable beneficial properties. In these countries, where the holistic vision of personal care is the guiding principle, micotherapy is part of the first and most important element of traditional medicine, namely nutrition ...
Conjunctivitis is one of the most frequent diseases of the eye, it can be caused by viral or bacterial infections . The components that can trigger this inflammation can be the use of contact lenses, wind, colds, measles or spring allergens, such as pollens, grasses, fine dusts. The mucous membranes become irritated, cause excessive tearing , itching and sometimes even pain...
Regressive hypnosis is certainly one of the most "suggestive" and fascinating methods of investigating consciousness, in fact more and more people are asking for it, preferring this to other more demanding and long approaches. What can be investigated? The most general answer is "the contents removed from memory", but in the collective imagination these removed contents can relate to any area of life, from the precious object placed somewhere, to the name of a person lost from sight for many years, up to get to the identity we had in a previous existence. Ne...
What is that The Reiki Alignment is a holistic technique developed by the Reiki School which is based on Reiki and is complementary to it. It is a treatment for people who feel they have "lost their way" forgetting their purpose in life or not finding the strength to do it. Why do we need alignment...
Tsa-rLung therapy Tsa-rLung therapy (long name Tsa-rLung-'khrul'khor-gyi-bcos-thabs ) is a very ancient traditional yogic practice. It dates back more than 2, 500 years ago, when it was practiced by both Tibetan masters and Indian masters. These healers are able to improve the health and well-being of the subjects by providing them with love, compassion and spiritual energy through the power of tantra and the recitation of ancient mantras...
Ayurvedic medicine: healing or healing an imbalance Ayurvedic medicine is a complex medical system that includes prevention and treatment aspects aimed at lengthening and improving the life of the human being in harmony with nature . "Knowing life" ( ayurveda ) means understanding that man, consisting of body and mind, senses and soul, being an integral part of nature like all living forms, is subjected to its laws also as regards health, disease, healing and death...
We are used to knowing Reiki by reading it in hundreds of internet sites systems and concepts that are NOT ABSOLUTELY the reality of true Eastern Reiki. The Universal Sinergy Reiki wants to eliminate all those limits and those " beliefs " that have been established within Western systems. The USR has done several very detailed research to rediscover the true teachings of Mikao Usui and NOT his successors...
We are besieged by thousands of persuasive proposals to lose weight quickly, safely, eating whatever we want, or to go hungry for a few weeks and stay slim forever. Very little is needed to realize that these systems hardly work. It is enough to be women fighting with the balance. Is there a way to stay fit without suffering too much, to be healthy as well as thin...
Plantar Reflexology is a simple and effective manual technique aimed at recovering and maintaining general health . This is one of the many alternative therapies, even if, to tell the truth, many therapists who practice it consider Plantar Reflexology a complementary therapy rather than an alternative therapy...
Lactic ferments are used for the irritable colon , by virtue of the ability of these microorganisms to restore intestinal function, acting beneficially on the bacterial flora. Irritable bowel syndrome is also known as nervous, or spastic colitis, as it is most often caused by severe psychic stress and manifests itself in severe abdominal cramps...
Natural therapies involve the use of lactic ferments for diarrhea in order to restore the balance of the bacterial flora. This disorder can be the consequence of gastrointestinal infections, food poisoning, in the most common cases; or be the symptom of more serious diseases such as Crohn's disease or viral hepatitis...
Laughter therapy Laughter does not seem to be contemplated in the classical Yoga tradition. Today we are talking about laughter therapy. The "yoga of laughter" represents an activity that combines the deep breathing exercises of Yoga, stretching and some exercises of play and laughter stimulated to laugh without needing any reason to do so...
The Buddhist principle of dependent origination (in Sanskrit pratitya-samutpada ) expresses the interdependence of all things: no being or phenomenon exists by itself, but exists or manifests itself because of its relations with other beings or phenomena, therefore nothing it can exist independently or manifest itself in isolation...
As is known, Parkinson's disease does not heal itself, but neither does it die! The average life is extended for everyone, even for those suffering from disorders of the central nervous system! In Parkinson's disease the disorders are due to the irreversible and progressive degeneration of some nerve cells of the black substance: the consequent dopamine deficiency, a neurotransmitter that connects distant neurons to each other, disturbs the activation of the circuits delegated to control the movement...
Become an acupuncturist Acupuncture in Italy is a medical act , recognized by the Court of Cassation since 1982. In our country, only graduated doctors and veterinarians can practice acupuncture. Whoever practices it without this requirement commits an illegal act, punishable by law (sentence of the Court of Cassation, 1982)...
Phytotherapy is among the natural remedies against cellulite and overweight: these are natural food supplements that must be combined with diet and physical activity. In fact, phytotherapy uses herbs, plants and their derivatives in the prevention and treatment of diseases without the secondary effects of traditional drugs...
Nails that fall apart , open up, become white and weaken. Brittle nails are a symptom of something that does not work perfectly. In fact, when there are dysfunctions that compromise the production of keratin , the substance of which the nail is made at 98%. These signals should not be neglected, but listened: our body is telling us that there is need for amino acids such as cystine, arginine, glutamic acid, minerals, iron, zinc and selenium ...
Osteopathic techniques Osteopathy consists of a series of manipulative techniques aimed at restoring certain specific functions of the body. The basic assumption of osteopathy is that according to which the deformation of some skeletal sectors and the consequent interference on adjacent nerves and blood vessels are the cause of most diseases...
After hearing the Italian Drug Agency gave the go-ahead to the recognition of homeopathic preparations and starting from January 2019 the homeopathic medicines on the market must have obtained the marketing authorization. But is this really a positive news? Let us try to understand better what is happening in this scenario of great transformation, perhaps more economic than cultural...
Let's go with the Moon. Let's try to go there literally and not in the metaphorical sense that we are "saddled" (or we are the first to wear it) that is closer to restlessness than to adherence to a natural cycle. However, in the days preceding the cycle, the feeling of tension, swelling and irritability is really concrete...
The vital energy in Traditional Chinese Medicine In traditional Chinese medicine, each organ of the body has a psychic content, which means that we also store mental energies within the body. In this perspective, asthenia is therefore a condition of imbalance in the energies we have. Each organ has its own Qi, its reserve (which can be maintained, increased, decreased)...
The benefits of massage There are different types of massage : sports, anti-stress, decontracting, therapeutic, lymphatic drainage, modeling, shiatsu, tuinà, ayurvedic, Thai, with oils, massaging stones and many others. Any therapy that involves contact , pressure and light or deep manipulation of skin , joints and tissues is part of the vast practice of massage....
The autumn solstice announced the change of season and as often happens our body "lives" the transition with metabolic changes, psychophysical stress, psychosomatic manifestations. Sometimes it simply serves as an invigorating remedy that stimulates the immune system and strengthens it, which rebalances the cardiovascular and gastrointestinal system, such as for example Korean ginseng , perennial herb of South Korea, but which is also found in China and Japan and which from much time is evaluated as the most viable variety of Ginseng ...
THE CURIOUS STORY OF THE ORIGIN OF MASSAGE ROLLS ... I think that curiosity and the desire to know must always accompany the existence of a man and that therefore knowing the past helps us to understand the present and prepare us for the future. Four years ago when I started studying how to best realize my wooden instruments for the practice of Maderoterapia Manuel Casado® Method I started to research and I discovered something really curious ....
What is the Aura Soma Aura Soma, developed in 1984 by Vicky Wall, combines the healing energies of colors, plants and crystals to clean, harmonize and balance the aura of a subject, helping emotions, mind, body and spirit. Through the universal language of colors , one is able to recognize oneself, discover who we are and understand the gifts and challenges for inner growth ...
The nervous cough declares its origin already presenting itself: it is of a psychosomatic nature , unfortunately, therefore more difficult to flush and sedate than that of a viral nature. It appears as a dry, frequent, irritating cough, irritating in all senses, for the mucous membranes of the throat, for the pectoral muscles, for those who are affected and for those who are close to it...
Everybody does a sneezing sooner or later : the cold virus (rhinovirus) is - unfortunately - a tenacious organism, always present on our nasal mucous membranes. As soon as we are a little "scarce" with the immune defenses, the cold virus takes over . Among the best natural remedies to prevent colds we will find all those that enhance our body's natural immune defenses ...
When we talk about homeopathy, all kinds of comments are triggered , opinions more or less supported by scientific studies and reviews, interests of all kinds. Perhaps this discipline is one of the few that still manages to generate so many conflicts around the world. The father of homeopathy was the German doctor Samuel Hahnemann in the mid-1700s, who had the perseverance to deepen the intuition of Hippocrates related to the " similia similibus curantur ", the similar cure the similar and with initial empirical evidence on the use of quinine for malaria, right on itself, a healthy su...
Beyond the word "Needle" which initially can be frightening, acupressure has nothing to do with needles, but with "needle points", that is the points of the meridians of traditional Chinese medicine, which are treated by the therapist with just using your fingers and even over the clothes of the person you are receiving...
The nervous system is a complex organ that at all times knows and guides all the processes that take place in our body. Care must be taken, more and better than any other part of the body. Naturopathy for the nervous system has in store for wellness goodies. The nervous system The nervous system is a tissue of our organism specialized in the processing of electrical signals ; consists of two large units: one part located in the skull ( the brain ) and one (called nevrasse ) that branches out, with numerous offshoots and gradually smaller ( the nerves) , starting from the spine up to all the dis...
The phenomenon of Diksha originated in the late eighties in southern India, when Amma and Bhagavan, two teachers recognized as Avatar, founded their school called Jeevashram, now Oneness University, in South India. Oneness Diksha is a special energy capable of favoring in those who receive it the progressive state of awakening of consciousness from the illusory perception of separation from the Divine, of feeling part of a single organism to which every life form belongs, but without losing the sense of one's identity...
To talk about ecological medicine and the memory of water we must go beyond that boundary that separates physics from medicine. This is a journey that involves matter and its dark side, that is, what we do not immediately perceive through matter through our senses, but which exists and operates through the emission of frequencies still not fully studied...
Brittle, weak, thin nails that break easily? Let's discover together the five most effective natural remedies to strengthen nails . 1. Handle for fragile nails Olive oil is perhaps the most used traditional natural remedy to strengthen nails and, in fact, is part of the formulation of innumerable cosmetic creams dedicated to hands and nails...
This is not just a female problem, no, since candida is a host to the bacterial flora of the human body, even for men it is possible that it takes over and causes infections , with unpleasant symptoms , all male. This is not a sexually transmitted infection, but if you have low immune defenses , the risk of contracting candida infection from a partner with candidiasis increases ...
Lactic ferments are used for colitis, in order to restore intestinal function and the balance of bacterial flora . Also known as irritable bowel syndrome, colitis can arise due to bacterial or viral infections, diseases such as gout and diabetes or become a chronic form without a specific cause (ulcerative colitis, disease of Crohn's)...