When to take milk enzymes

Lactic ferments, probiotics and prebiotics, are useful for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. Discover the properties, when to hire them, how.

Numerous factors can induce the intake of probiotics: when taking live milk enzymes depends, in fact, on the health conditions in which we find ourselves. When we are sick, these precious allies are indicated to reinforce our defenses, to avert debilitating factors for gastrointestinal function, and to rebalance the lazy intestine in the event of constipation or diarrhea .

These microorganisms are so important for the well-being of the whole organism, that many suggest taking them periodically, even if we are healthy, in seasonal changes or if we are exposed to the risk of contracting infections.

In fact, the living lactic ferments largely belong to the genera Lactobacillus, Lactococcus, Leuconostoc, Pediococcusm and to the Streptococcus species. Some are already present in our intestines, probiotics; while others we take them from the outside with yogurt ( Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus ) or other natural supplements.

The colon (the final part of the intestine) is populated by billions of good bacteria (eubiotics), which have the main task of synthesizing digestion residues (fibers, carbohydrates and proteins), through fermentative and putrefactive processes of the remains of food.

You can learn more about the properties, use and contraindications of probiotics

The preventive function of lactic ferments

Prevention is one of the factors that indicate when to take lactic ferments, if there are no infectious states or inflammatory syndromes of the gastrointestinal system, their use serves to prevent these disorders, enriching the flora bacteria and supporting the immune defenses of the whole organism.

- Traveling in foreign countries: people who visit foreign countries are at risk of intestinal diseases and can contract traveler's diarrhea, caused by food or drinking water contaminated by bacteria, viruses or parasites. Our useful microorganisms are photosensitive to sunlight and ion-sensitive in seasonal changes, after strong thunderstorms and in places other than where we live regularly, so when we travel, the intestinal bacterial flora changes, causing the onset of inflammation.

- Diet changes : they are far away places, where you eat different foods than those we are used to, or follow new diets, for weight control or curative purpose (diabetes, cholesterol, hypertension, etc.) is definitely recommended help the digestive process, with the intake of lactic ferments, for their ability to promote the absorption of nutrients derived from food, and to facilitate the digestive process.

- Season changes: when they had not yet invented the refrigerator, in spring and autumn our flora suffered a change of bacteria, to allow the digestion of summer or winter foods. This still happens in our body today (although we can eat everything at any time of the year), so the use of lactic ferments favors this bacterial turnover.

Also find out what probiotic foods are

The curative function of lactic ferments

In case of illness, the curative function of lactic ferments is far from negligible given that in similar conditions the native flora is always more or less compromised, from substances foreign to the human metabolism (above all drugs and vaccines ), from chronic stress or drinks not healthy or diet not suitable for the subject.

- Diarrhea and constipation: these are among the most common disorders requiring the use of lactic ferments due to their ability to restore intestinal function.

- Infections and inflammations: the presence of probiotics in our flora is an adjunct in the treatment of the main respiratory and urinary tract infections, in inflammatory bowel syndromes and in disorders of the immune system: in case of allergies, food intolerances, colds, against candida and in case of cystitis the use of lactic ferments is recommended.

- Antibiotic treatments : antibiotics and lactic ferments, most of the time they are not taken at the same time and this lack involves on the one hand the weakening of the bacteria that make up the intestinal flora ; on the other, the onset of recurrent infection . Unfortunately antibiotics have undesirable effects: they can affect the intestinal bacterial flora and give, of consequence, more or less serious forms of gastrointestinal disorders diarrhea or constipation. They can also cause allergic reactions, due to individual sensitivity towards one or more components; or high level toxicity to the organs (liver, kidneys etc.); and finally resistance to antibiotics.

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