Curated by Maria Rita Insolera, Naturopath Abscess in dogs and cats may be more frequent than one might imagine. Natural remedies help accelerate healing. Let's find out what they are. > > > What is the abscess The abscess is an accumulation of pus contained in a small pouch called pyogenic membrane ...
Escin is a mixture of saponins present in the Horse Chestnut with an anti-inflammatory vasoprotective and vasoconstrictor action, useful for the health of the circulatory system and against cellulite and hemorrhoids. Let's find out better. Horse Chestnut from which escin is extracted What is escin Escin is a mixture of raw saponins , which by reduced hydrolysis is reducible to escigenin , chemically definable as a pentacyclic triterpene...
What is energy medicine? In a living being there is matter and energy: if there were no energy, matter would not be living; if the energy were altered, there would be a disease. Energy medicine studies and treats this energy present in humans. How does our energy originate? From cellular respiration...
The region of the Levant, irreplaceable neuralgic point of the Mediterranean culture, has seen in the millennia to pass on its territory innumerable peoples, ethnic groups, religions: Phoenician, Assyrian, Chaldean, Egyptian, Sumerian, Macedonian, Carthaginian; and then Greeks, Thracians, Romans; and then Jews, Arabs, Ottomans; and still Yazidis, Druze, Baha'is, Muslims, Catholics and, above all, Jews...
Natural hair products nourish and restructure our damaged hair, and help them defend themselves from the aggression of sunlight, salt air, wind, swimming pool chlorine, chemical treatments (dyes, drafts, permanent) or mechanical treatments. For this reason it is important to resort to remedies coming from nature, capable of giving new vitality to our hair through, a correct diet rich in antioxidant substances , amino acid , mineral salts and vitamins ; and natural products to be applied on our hair, such as the precious vegetable oils...
When you lose something and you are in the dark, arming yourself with a light can be a good idea. Metaphorically, the light to find lost humor is patience . It takes patience and silence to listen. Listening to what? Of intuition. Yes, because the heart always knows where to move to find a smile . And by smile we don't mean something plasticized to show in the presence of others...
Urinary retention is a bladder problem that affects regular urination. In summary, control over how much urine you release and at what time it fails. The enlarged prostate represents the most common risk of urinary retention in humans. Let's find out how to cure it. > > > Difference between normal prostate and enlarged prostate Symptoms of urinary retention The most frequent symptom, in addition to an irregularity in urination and a weak urine flow, is to always live with the feeling of not having emptied the bladder completely...
Common daily gestures, such as drinking water, eating fruit, using gel and moisturizing skin serums, reminding us to spread after-sun bathing, whether real or artificial, are simple indications to hydrate us , so simple that they are often not taken into account. Water, Water, Water for the skin and more The help we can give to our body and consequently to our skin is water ...
Vitamins are essential for the body's functions and for a healthy appearance of skin and hair. Let's see how folic acid could affect hair loss and white hair. Folic acid, white hair and hair loss Vitamins are essential molecules for the health of the body because they are involved in numerous metabolic processes in our body...
Citronella essential oil is derived from Cymbopogon nardus , a plant of the Poaceae family . Known for its many properties, it performs a repellent action against mosquitoes and insects, and helps with stress and headaches. Let's find out better. > > Properties and benefits of citronella essential oil Stimulant: the essential oil of citronella expresses its stimulating activities on the nervous system: it generates a state of calm, relaxation and optimism, it removes the gloomy thoughts that the mind disposes to depression and sadness...
Ginseng ( Panax ginseng ) is a plant belonging to the Araliaceae family. The term Panax comes from the Greek, from the composition of the word pan "tutto" and akèia "cura", the term ginseng , instead, comes from the Chinese rènshēn, meaning "plant of Man", because the shape of its root recalls the body of a man. G...
Curated by Maria Rita Insolera, Naturopath Tansy is an officinal plant with a digestive, emmenagogue, refreshing and astringent action, useful against toothache, bruises, parasitosis and menstrual pain. Let's find out better. Property of the Tanaceto The tansy has digestive , emmenagogue, refreshing, insecticidal, astringent, febrifuge, tonic and vermifuge properties...
Only the mood does not change rapidly during pregnancy. Also the body, the hair, the breast, the facial features. Already the surprise of having received the news that you are waiting for a child can mean for you a continuous change of feelings. Bach flowers can quickly rebalance emotions and fears. Flower therapy offers many remedies to help women during pregnancy and childbirth...