Barefooting or, more simply, walking barefoot

Tradition has it that St. Francis went barefoot and it is also evident from the biography of the Anonymous Perugino. Would some postero now define him as one who practices barefooting ?

In the meantime, we bipeds have done it and some return to this practice that reconnects with the earth, allows us to recover the sensitivity of the foot and makes the walk a sort of meditation .

Walking barefoot: the benefits

Walking barefoot can mean becoming more vulnerable while being more careful. If at every step proper attention is to be paid, the place where you are going assumes a particular relevance.

There is also no need to underestimate the contact with the earth, on which all the theory known as Earthing is also based . In summary, the charge comes directly from the Earth and this charge mitigates the inflammation to which our body can be subjected due to incorrect eating habits and lifestyles.

The Earthing takes its inspiration from Clinton Ober's personal study, which is accompanied by the passion and expertise of Stephen T. Sinatra, a cardiologist of rare sensitivity and the pen of the traditional medicine writer Martin Zucker.

In addition to the physical benefits for circulation, muscles and joints, the so-called barefooting gives each step a different sensory experience . The foot is strengthened, strengthened but at the same time becomes soft.

Earthing: the charge from our mother Earth

How to approach barefooting via the net

Since the nineties, the phenomenon has taken on a broader scope and a growing number of people are approaching this practice. On the internet you can find reference sites like or , for those who love not only walking but also running barefoot.

To find yourself with those who like to move around the world in bare feet and in the greener green that there is, we advise you to peek at Giorgio Curreli's project "Vivere Scalzo" (do not miss the video interview conducted by Massimo Leopardi, where the creator himself explains well the genesis of the project and its motivations). Another reference site that we highlight is Nati-scalzi , a site that provides information in a systematic way on the various aspects of "barefooting" or "gimnopodismo", wanting to use an Italian term coined by an Italian barefooter.

Shoes-non-shoes for those who don't want shoes

It has all the air of a misguided pun, it is true, but it is equally true that the market is adapting to growing demand. A series of shoes produced and designed with a single purpose thus appear on the market: to be as invisible as possible.

The foot must breathe, the cushioning is minimal, the naturalness must be maximum. Among the producers there is Livingbarefoot, whose site presents, in addition to the models, many reference sites and various possibilities to deepen the theme.

If you are a type for whom there is not much difference between asphalt and beach, take a look at the so-called Huaraches that you find on Invisibleshoes .

Present at the Rimini Wellness Festival, in vogue for some time now, we cannot fail to mention the Vibram Five Fingers.

We will dedicate a specific article to minimalist footwear, because we have tried them for you (both in taiji and running or fast walking) and we continue to do so, with the help of opinions from experienced physiotherapy friends and more. Stay in touch, therefore, with the land and beyond.

Discover breathwalking, walk while breathing

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