The various types of lumbago and therapies to treat them

Back pain in the lumbar region can have various origins and causes. Let's see the types of low back pain and the most effective therapies.

The various types of low back pain

First of all we must distinguish between acute and chronic low back pain : in the first case, we are faced with phenomena such as what is commonly called "the witch's blow", one suddenly stops and suddenly stops; in the second we are facing a situation of persistent and no longer episodic pain. We are therefore in acute low back pain when the pain lasts less than a month, in the chronic one if it persists for a longer period.

Acute low back pain can occur when, for example, one is used to sleeping in a non-physiological position, with too many supports for the cervical or none. The quality of the mattress also affects a lot. Muscle contractions lead to jerky and unnatural movements, full of pain that drag into the daily posture .

Lumbar pain in many cases is a symptom resulting from disorders related to the abdominal, pelvic or thoracic organs. Diseases of the kidneys, disorders of the ovaries, bladder infections , inflammatory states of the intestine can be expressed in the form of pain in the lumbar area.

A case in itself is that of low back pain during the period of pregnancy . In this case we are faced with multiple factors: weight gain, hormonal variations (progesterone increases the flexibility of the ligaments in the pelvic area and the joints become less stable), possibility of retroverted uterus.

If back pain is particularly strong in early pregnancy, it is obviously linked to moving the center of gravity forward.

Let's discover the Neurac rehabilitation method

Therapies for various types of low back pain

The first therapy for back pain is not to stop completely: if you feel pain and decide, even unconsciously, that immobility is the only solution, you incur significant deterioration. In fact, the prolonged sitting position is harmful to sciatic nerve disorders.

Similarly, undertaking any discipline in a fierce manner does not help, excessive training makes things worse. It therefore takes the right balance between activity and rest and this means giving oneself the opportunity to listen to oneself .

A good course of postural gymnastics will allow to understand the functioning of the main kinetic chains and will give strength to the muscles from the inside.

For the listening factor, the best way is the bioenergetic one , the therapy developed by Alexander Lowen and based on the direct connection between psyche and body. In fact, even an emotional release achieved through movement therapy often improves the situation in the lumbar area.

In many cases it is resorted to tecarterapia and manipulations by physiotherapist, osteopath and chiropractor: in the case of tecarterapia the lumbar area is treated with an electric current to mobilize the electrolytes present in the body; it is a modality through which natural reparative and anti-inflammatory processes are stimulated. Usually a complete cycle involves 10 sessions of approximately 30 minutes and, if it is associated with manual massage, therapy can really be beneficial.

The manual technique most used by physiotherapists in the case of low back pain is traction : it is usually performed on special tables, divided into two spaced apart parts, on which the patient lies down. After the maneuver occurs muscle release, removal of the vertebral bodies. This maneuver is very effective in case of compression of the nerve roots and in the conservative treatment of the herniated disc.

In the case of low back pain associated with arthrosis diagnosis, therapies such as iontophoresis and ultrasound are also useful .

Lumbar massage therapy for the treatment of low back pain

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