The many benefits of aquagym
natural life
The many benefits of aquagym

The many benefits of aquagym

Aquagym is born with goals related to motor rehabilitation, especially post traumatic. Since the 1980s, this discipline has become a full-fledged gymnastic practice . As often happens in many motor disciplines, aquagym also comes from America and, once "migrated", has become a mass phenomenon...

Using beer in an alternative way: here's how!

Using beer in an alternative way: here's how!

If you are an avid drinker, a fan of Oktober Fest or experienced beer sommelier, this post is not for you, because the question " what uses does the beer have ?" You would answer without hesitation: "Berla!". But we want to offer you others, because we would never want to waste what could be advanced and give it a second chance...

Clean inside and beautiful outside ... with yoga!

Clean inside and beautiful outside ... with yoga!

That the Christmas period is a moment of extravagance is known: not for nothing, in January, gyms very often register a surge in enrollment. But not everyone feels the vocation for physical exercise or not everyone has the time: what to do then to get back in shape and, above all, to clean oneself from the toxins that the dinners and afternoons at home have left behind...

Trip by camper with children: 3 days in Tuscany

Trip by camper with children: 3 days in Tuscany

In camper in Tuscany: sea and culture Traveling by camper means enjoying the most beautiful things a place has to offer, respecting the will and rhythms of the whole family. One of the destinations that makes it possible to please both adults and children is Tuscany . Here is a proposal for three days dedicated both to the sea and to culture, a nature and a land that gives the best of itself with the beginning or end of summer , when one remains willingly by the sea or strolls among villages and hills, enjoying the breeze or the rays of a warm sun or sipping a coffee and eating an ice cream in ...

Bach flowers for animals

Bach flowers for animals

The principle behind the use of Bach Flowers for animals is based on the fact that these are living beings capable of emotions, just like us. Anyone who has had an animal or possesses one, learns to know the character and personality from its behavior : a happy wagtail, or a retreat to a safe corner, can indicate how they feel or how certain stimuli feel...

How to spend a natural Valentine's Day

How to spend a natural Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day yes, but natural! If Valentine's Day should be ... that it is a natural Valentine's Day: to take care of yourself, spend time with the couple, spend precious moments together with the person you love; at the same time it means sharing a common love for the environment , for animals and a great respect for life in general...

Marathon preparation

Marathon preparation

Preparation for the marathon: training Participating in a marathon and, why not, ending it is considered a huge effort . At least from ordinary mortals. But this is not the opinion of coaches and athletic trainers, who are united in claiming that anyone can successfully participate in a marathon, as long as it is in a physical and mental condition to undergo marathon preparation...

Kung Fu, the least known schools

Kung Fu, the least known schools

History In Occiente the term kung fu is used to refer to a specific limited number of Chinese martial arts, but in reality in China the term kung fu means a different kind of different, all disciplines that tend to acquire a specific skill . The Chinese term for martial arts in the strict sense is wushu , or art of war...

Ecological gift packages

Ecological gift packages

Here is the right gift for that dear friend. After so much effort, the packaging? Let's see how to package gifts in an original, ecological and sustainable way for the well-being of the Planet, and economic, therefore respecting the times that pass, but at the same time doing something fun and effective...

Pythagoras and onomantic numerology.  Interview with Angela Rech

Pythagoras and onomantic numerology. Interview with Angela Rech

The image that shows the sequence of numbers and forms a square we chose at the end of the call on the proposal of Angela Rech herself , who will be in Assisi on 12 January for a seminar on onomantic numerology , followed by individual sessions on the 13th January . If you observe it well you will notice that if 2 and 3 have multiples as underlying numbers, while below 1 there is a 5...

Rhythm and sound: harmony between body and soul

Rhythm and sound: harmony between body and soul

The concept of music as a therapy has been handed down from ancient times to the present thanks to the monks and doctors. This is why we talk about music therapy as a therapy for body and soul Since the womb the fetus does not know a moment of silence, it starts from the hour to learn through the sound , auditory, kinesthetic, emotional and proprioceptive experiences...

The 12 principles of permaculture

The 12 principles of permaculture

Permaculture is a model of planning and organization of agricultural activities and not that wants to develop a permanent ecological system , with maximum efficiency (without waste) for man, living beings and the environment. The concept of permaculture was born first as a permanent agriculture and then as a permanent culture in an environment...

We know integral yoga

We know integral yoga

Many of the so-called "modern" yogas have been systematized by rampant American trainers (juvamukhti yoga, water yoga, etc) or, also, they consist of more or less questionable variations on the theme elaborated by characters who are not always very clear, sometimes more like entrepreneurs than masters (we refer in particular to the father of anusara yoga, John Fried, and to the father of bikram yoga, Bikram Choudhury)...

Yoga and body awareness

Yoga and body awareness

The body is our temple, yet sometimes it seems we forget about its existence. For heaven's sake, the cultural system of which we are imbued constantly bombards messages about its external pleasantness, but having a deep and intimate contact with it is a completely different matter. On the contrary, creating a constant and fruitful dialogue between one's mind and one's body is of fundamental importance to build a dimension of psycho-physical comfort that is also useful for deepening one's self-knowledge...

What is hygienism

What is hygienism

The hygienic revolution Hygienism means a rather revolutionary conception of health. The discipline, born from the mind of Hippocrates , knows a first success thanks to the work of some American doctors a little outside the box. In the 20th century, dr. Herbert Shelton is one of the main proponents of this approach...

Christmas decorations with recycled material

Christmas decorations with recycled material

Christmas decorations are not just those that are bought in stationery or at the supermarket. As the Christmas spirit teaches, in these days we should all be together, with loved ones, to whom we love. So why not spend a few hours creating fun and funny decorations with what you find at home? Easy and nice anti-crisis, time-saving ideas that bring people together...

Homemade deodorant

Homemade deodorant

Deodorant is an important product for daily hygiene. Used every day, it helps prevent the formation of bad smells, moisturizes and nourishes the skin. But are we really sure that the various deodorants that exist on the market are 100% natural and healthy cosmetics? To be really sure of what you put on your skin, here are some recipes and totally green tips ...

The shamanic drum: meanings and use

The shamanic drum: meanings and use

Being we materialized vibration , the rhythm cures us, modulates our energy, our mood. The rhythm is in fact what also marks our actions and the movements of the internal organs. The rhythm is in the breath and in the step . Life, in its manifestations, is rhythm, singing is. Medicina is not an attempt to bring back to the previous rhythm but to modulate the current one and bring it on a spontaneous harmonic path, the one that is required at that given moment, according to the individual's experience...

Palitana, a completely vegetarian city

Palitana, a completely vegetarian city

Gujarat is a state in northwestern India, an economic and cultural hub of the Indian subcontent, which incorporates elements dating back to the period of ancient Indo-Saraswatic culture, Arab and Persian elements, Mughal elements (Turkish-Mongolian ), Gandhi was born here and is also home to the ancient city of Dwarka where Krishna is said to have been born...

The news for chronic patients in Lombardy

The news for chronic patients in Lombardy

Chronic patients, news in Lombardy The continuous increase in chronic cases - as indicated by the Lombardy Region website - is about 3.5 million people suffering from chronic pathologies that commit the social and health system with different care needs - changing demographic conditions, the need to lighten the health system and the development and widespread use of new technologies, have led the Lombardy Region to establish a new assistance process for so-called chronic patients...

Peanuts, plant cultivation

Peanuts, plant cultivation

Peanut is a plant native to Brazil but which then spread throughout the world, particularly in Asia and Africa. Even in Italy peanuts are successfully grown and the most productive areas of our country are Veneto and Campania. Peanuts are also known as American peanuts or ground pistachios while their scientific name is Arachis hypogaea: they belong to the legume family (or fabaceae) such as peas, beans and chickpeas of which it also shares the botanical structure, in fact the peanut plant is very similar to that of chickpeas ...

Zui Baxianquan: the style of the drunk

Zui Baxianquan: the style of the drunk

History The history of the style of the drunk is very complex and ancient, in fact we find in it roots that join the Taoist alchemy, Buddhism and tantrism , the latter two mixed in turn with shamanism to form the Tibetan Lamaism. There is not just one style of drunk but many sub-styles, generally called zi quan , or drunken fist ...

The nature that explodes in the heart of Paris

The nature that explodes in the heart of Paris

Nature is important to us. Some photographers of beats know it. If you are about to take a trip to Paris, you can't miss the Rue de Médicis and see a fantastic explosion of pure "methanation". 80 large portraits of the planet in which we live will breathe around the Jardin du Luxembourg until 15 January 2012, on the occasion of the Cœurs de nature project. ...

Yoga exercises for the eyes

Yoga exercises for the eyes

Extending one's gaze to the horizon is a pleasure which, however trivial, for many it is very rare to try: buildings and constructions continually interrupt the visual spectrum, often reducing it to a handful of meters. Still, having your eyes constantly glued on mobile phones, tablets and PCs further limits our visual capacity so much that their abuse can go to invalidate their efficiency even at a young age...

"Vento Maestrale": the project by Luca Basto

"Vento Maestrale": the project by Luca Basto

Luca Basto, naturopathy and travels in unison Luca Basto calls himself a naturopath and a documentary maker, lover of nature and intimately linked to that of his native land, Sardinia ; This very special island has given him in fact from the point of view of the knowledge of natural remedies, self-healing, self-support and physical purification...

The benefits of the Aloe gel massage

The benefits of the Aloe gel massage

Aloe gel is a preparation that comes from the processing of the leaves of the Aloe plant. There are more than 4 00 varieties of Aloe plants , but usually Aloe Vera or Aloe arborescens are used , which have roughly the same qualities. Many products are obtained from the aloe plant; the main ones are the juice , derived from the only liquid extracted, the gel , obtained from the leaf, therefore from juice and pulp, and the total extract of aloe , deriving from the extraction of both parts, liquid and fiber...

3D printers and architecture

3D printers and architecture

Chaos and order chase each other, frolic and sometimes come to terms according to strange rules, which in our eyes sometimes appear as evolution. Evolution as gradual development of all elements that are useful and successful. One of these elements is a true archetype in nature and precedes the coming of the human being on the planet: the house ...

Powerful laurel moth

Powerful laurel moth

The moths are small insects that infest cabinets and drawers, ruining the linen: let's see how to prevent the moths with laurel and other natural remedies. Laurel against moths The laurel ( Laurus nobilis ) is a tree characterized by dark green ovate leaves, leathery and shiny, which, when broken, give off an intense fragrance due to the presence of essential oils...

EcoTree, invest in planting trees

EcoTree, invest in planting trees

EcoTree is a French startup that proposes to invest its savings by buying trees . It is a simple and intelligent idea, which combines the well-being of the planet with the economy, a perfect example of a green economy. What does the EcoTree project involve ? EcoTree was launched in 2016 and tries to respond to 2 of the most pressing needs of the contemporary world : the need for sustainable development on a global level and the search for interesting economic returns on the part of those who have something to invest...

ECOmune, when ecology explodes inside the heart

ECOmune, when ecology explodes inside the heart

... If you say Parco delle Valli to a Roman citizen the possible reactions are divided into two: incredulity or eyes that light up. In the first case, because in Rome the Conca D'Oro metro is still a question mark for some, the second because there are many people who did not expect anything else, that is, that life and movement would arrive in this very populated area, a bit disrupted at the level of social cohesion, full of shops, but also of children, many children...

Fruits and vegetables for dogs and cats

Fruits and vegetables for dogs and cats

Give fruits and vegetables to animals It is not wrong in some cases to ensure a supply of fruit and vegetables to dogs and cats , especially as these foods help to hydrate and reinvigorate the body of these animals. As veterinarians and nutritionists state, fruit and vegetables must not replace a meal , but can be given as alternative and healthy snacks, to vary a little compared to the commercialized industrial products, or they can be introduced occasionally and in small quantities into the baby food ...

The importance of fighting in the martial arts

The importance of fighting in the martial arts

It has been said many times and by more authoritative sources that the true effectiveness of martial arts derives from a precise inner balance between body and mind . Many classical martial arts involve exercises of mind control , meditation, discovery of inner energies, passage from one state of consciousness to the other, and finally specific exercises to somehow find stability in a condition where the eruptions of emotions and the milling of the thinking mind is absent, an area where one lives in the moment of performance without thinking about results and outcomes...

Why practice pranayama breathing

Why practice pranayama breathing

Pranayama is, rightly, always connected to breathing and, not for nothing, translated as " breath control ". Yet, despite what all the yoga mat masters say , the major authorities on the subject, or guru at Vivekananda, tell us that it is not a question of controlling the breath but the prana, or the energy behind it the breath itself and the movement of the lungs...

Purana, discovering Vedic fairy tales

Purana, discovering Vedic fairy tales

What in the Indian tradition is called Sanatana Dharma , or eternal law , is reinterpreted in every human age according to the state of consciousness of humanity, in a sort of continuous and uninterrupted creative manifestation of the same same basic truth. There are no sacred books and infallible formulas , there is a truth from time to time re-expressed from different perspectives and for different contexts...

Characteristics of the sign of Libra

Characteristics of the sign of Libra

The sign of Libra concerns those born between September 23 and October 22 . Libra is an air sign like Aquarius and Gemini and its main characteristic is that of being "etheric" in the sense of flexible but also fickle as the flow of air currents. On the other hand we can also say that it is almost impossible to grasp Libra for its real way of being...

Mother's Day, the Moon and much more

Mother's Day, the Moon and much more

The Moon, the feminine and the biological calendar The Moon and the many implications related to it guide us in this special celebration that involves mothers, sons and daughters. Those who deal with the earth know how important it is to be connected to the biological rhythm of nature that creates and protects...

Ventilated clay for massages

Ventilated clay for massages

Ventilated clay is a very fine and mineral-rich clay that has always been used as a natural and cosmetic remedy for the skin. In addition to wraps and poultices, clay is also used for massages : let's see how and when to use ventilated clay for massages . Ventilated clay for massages Ventilated clay is obtained by separation with compressed air which allows for a particularly thin powder...

Mixed martial arts: origins and benefits

Mixed martial arts: origins and benefits

Those that today we call mixed martial arts or MMA are a combat port with very specific rules and characteristics , in which two contenders face each other, generally inside an octagonal cage , in a fight that includes all the phases of a fight: long distance kicks, fists, elbows and knees from a short distance; projections and knockdowns from short distance; and finally submissions and blows also on the ground...

Will this article be your first lesson in a Yoga class?

Will this article be your first lesson in a Yoga class?

That's right, you got it right: if an article can ever look like a preliminary lesson in a Yoga course or if at least it can bring readers closer to this millenary discipline. We ask ourselves and try to make sure that the answer is positive. Step by step, we investigate a Yoga course. Enroll in a Yoga course They say that Yoga is the antidote against a life of tension and fatigue...

Bring relaxation into everyday life

Bring relaxation into everyday life

Holidays don't last long ; the rest of the year we are inundated with work, commitments, various tasks ... We should learn to carve out a few moments of relaxation even in everyday life , getting used to bringing at least a little bit of vacation into everyday life. Move the point of view, the order of priorities; learn to love and pamper yourself ...

Tips for those who love to run in the morning

Tips for those who love to run in the morning

"Born to run"? Born to run? If every dawn is a new rebirth , it would seem that the moment when the sun rises is the perfect one for running. But, there is always a but. More than an adversary, for those who want to run in the morning. Muscles are cold, the body must be hydrated, the stomach must not be completely empty and Morpheus, the night before, must have been shown early enough...