Beans: 3 quick vegan recipes
Beans: 3 quick vegan recipes

Beans: 3 quick vegan recipes

Beans are precious foods, especially for those who follow a vegan and vegetarian diet . After all, all the legumes are, in fact, unless you suffer from intestinal disorders, you should never miss even lentils, chickpeas and peas, because they enrich the body with healthy and useful vegetable proteins...

Ketogenic diet: example and 2 recipes

Ketogenic diet: example and 2 recipes

There are many variables with so many fanciful names but the basis is the same: to stimulate our body to find carbohydrates from fat reserves. A magic? No, the ketogenic diet is the starting concept. It is forbidden to eat bread, pasta and cereals of any kind, wide to proteins . Pay attention: the human organism is not made to work like this for a long time...

Between nutrition and naturopathy.  Interview with Dr. Veronica Pacella

Between nutrition and naturopathy. Interview with Dr. Veronica Pacella

When nutrition and naturopathy walk together they trace a path that is worth walking in our turn. You never know, along the way, we could debunk some myths. For this reason we asked some questions to Veronica Pacella , Doctor in "Nutrition Sciences and Human Nutrition" (University of Perugia), qualified as "Expert in Methodology and Applications of Biomedical Research in Nutrition"...

Diets to put mass

Diets to put mass

Diets for putting muscle mass always provide a high proportion of proteins, but proteins are not the only important components of these particular diets and diets. Diet to put mass: not just proteins Carbohydrates and fats are also needed to increase muscle mass. It is also good to know that it is very difficult to lose weight and mass at the same time ; the diets to put mass are, in fact, usually quite caloric ...

3 recipes with chickpeas

3 recipes with chickpeas

Chickpea cake This recipe for chickpea cake, also known as cecina, is typical of the Tuscany region from Livorno to Pisa from Lucca to Cecina. The chickpea cake is very simple in its ingredients but to be externally crunchy and soft in the heart, we need a bit of foresight in the process. Ingredients > 1 liter of cold water; > 400 grams of chickpea flour; > 1 glass of extra virgin olive oil; > qb salt...

Trumpets of the dead, recipes

Trumpets of the dead, recipes

In the period from late August to November, in the central-northern area of ​​Italy , especially at the Apennine level, it is still possible to find a particular fungus in appearance, flavor and culinary use: the trumpets of the dead, scientifically Craterellus cornucopioides . The name with which it is best known around Italy refers to its appearance similar to that of a black trumpet, which moreover bears fruit at its peak around the day of the commemoration of the dead. It...

Cashew nuts against depression

Cashew nuts against depression

Cashew nuts: nutritional properties Cashews are small heart-shaped seeds (hence their name, because "cardio" means "heart" in Greek). The nutritional properties of this dried fruit are very special: > minerals : cashews contain potassium, magnesium , phosphorus, calcium and selenium ...

Curcuma: price and where to buy

Curcuma: price and where to buy

Turmeric , also known as " saffron of India " is one of the spices that best suits the body : a powerful antioxidant and natural anti-inflammatory , taken at the right doses, turmeric as a food also has a purifying and beneficial effect on the liver. But let's see how much it costs and where it can be found, with an indication of how it is best to take it and in what form...

The diet against water retention

The diet against water retention

Water retention affects about 30% of women. The disorder consists of the accumulation of fluids in the body, which are deposited especially in some particular areas, namely abdomen, buttocks and legs, with consequent swelling and the appearance of orange peel skin. Water retention can be the symptom of an underlying pathology , but in most cases it is due to an unhealthy lifestyle, which includes habits such as cigarette smoking , excessive consumption of alcohol and coffee , the habit of wearing too high heels and too tight clothing, a sedentary lifestyle , poor physical activity and - obvious...

Because it is important to vary the supply

Because it is important to vary the supply

Also for you the fixed menu is the custom? Do you always eat the same things? And which? Regardless of the diet made to lose weight , keeping your diet varied should be a basic and essential rule for various reasons, with one common point: having your health at heart . It is not about forcing us to eat cauliflower, as my grandmother did (with the result that I now hate cauliflower), but to try to understand how much nutrition affects our well-being ...

Lavender honey: characteristics, properties and use

Lavender honey: characteristics, properties and use

It is not easy to find lavender honey because large stretches of lavender are needed to obtain this particular honey. While the traditional lavender honey ( Lavandula angustifoglia and broadleaf ) is mainly produced in Spain and France where there are very large lavender fields in bloom from June to September, in Italy there is the production of wild lavender honey ( Lavandula stoechas ) produced only in Sardinia during flowering from March to May; true lavender is present in the areas of the Maritime Alps, on the border between France, Piedmont and Liguria, from which the lavender honey of the...

Almonds, the homemade crunchy

Almonds, the homemade crunchy

Almonds, characteristics and nutritional properties Almonds are the seeds contained within the fruit of the almond tree. They are usually included in the diet to guarantee a good supply of vegetable proteins, mineral salts (mainly calcium, magnesium and iron) and vitamins (especially vitamin E). They are also an excellent source of essential fatty acids such as omega 3, which help regulate the levels of "bad" cholesterol in the blood...

Because it is important to take copper

Because it is important to take copper

From the Latin cuprum , "Cu" is the abbreviation used to identify copper, a chemical element of the group of transition metals. It is very common in nature, both among the minerals and between the various kingdoms of animals, plants and fungi. In nature it is also found in its native state, that is pure, in the form of a rather malleable metal, orange-red (precisely copper-colored)...

Inappetence: the possible causes

Inappetence: the possible causes

Summer has arrived , it's hot and I'm not hungry , I just want to drink something fresh. Is it about lack of appetite ? Yes, in general, inappetence is defined as the lack or decrease of appetite . It is not a disease in itself: it can be a transient phenomenon due to the heat, or the indicator of a malaise of another nature...

Buckwheat seeds: benefits and use

Buckwheat seeds: benefits and use

Probably a native of Persia and a vast triangle around Lake Baikal, buckwheat , also called " black wheat " due to the color of the stem of the plant and seeds, is a pseudo-cereal belonging to the family of the Polygonaceae , like the sorrel and rhubarb, not Gramineae , like the main cereals...

Top vegetable of April, beetroot and its leaves

Top vegetable of April, beetroot and its leaves

Beetroot is very rich in water and contains a good amount of mineral salts, especially potassium; it also provides dietary fiber, vitamins, species of the B group, proteins and sugars. It has refreshing and remineralizing qualities and a mild anti-inflammatory power for the benefit of the digestive system...

Everything you always knew about strawberries

Everything you always knew about strawberries

Let's start by saying that the strawberry is portentous above all for what it contains. Do you not imagine how precious this red casket is. Properties and benefits of strawberries for the body Allied with kidneys, brain, blood and metabolism, the strawberry contains: iron, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sulfur, calcium...

How much sugar do you eat?

How much sugar do you eat?

Maybe let's use it to exfoliate the skin or to shave, because it is now known: too much sugar - especially if white and refined - hurts . But do you really know how much sugar you consume per day? No?! Attention, knowing it is essential for a healthy diet. Too much sugar hurts The message is part of an interesting photographic project , which is very successful, called Dealerdesucre , by a French artist-dietitian, "sugar smuggler"...

Sapodilla, benefits and uses of the fruit of the rubber tree

Sapodilla, benefits and uses of the fruit of the rubber tree

Sapodilla or sapote , also known as the Chewing-gum tree , the chewing gum tree , is an evergreen from the Sapotacae family, native to tropical America, specifically Yucatàn, where it grows wild. It is a plant, but also of its fruit, which is cultivated and grows in many varieties around the world, now also in India - where it is known as chikoo - in Australia, California, Indonesia and Florida....

Mango chia pudding, the recipe

Mango chia pudding, the recipe

Mango and chia: protagonists of well-being Granita with mango, mango ice cream, mango chutney and smoothie to no end ... It seems that this summer to dominate as the king of fruit is tropical orange! Here you are, to make sure you do not miss anything and take you back to the relaxing hot and idle days of the summer that is greeting us, even the recipe for pudding - a kind of pudding - with mango and chia seeds ...

Homemade oat milk

Homemade oat milk

Oat milk is a vegetable drink made from flakes or oat grains. In this article we see what are the properties of oat milk and the recipe to prepare it at home . The recipe for preparing oat milk Homemade oat milk can be made from grains or oat flakes. Ingredients > 100 g of oat flakes or dehulled oats; > one liter of water; > a pinch of salt; Method The preparation of oat milk starting from oat flakes is very simple...

What is macrobiotics

What is macrobiotics

How did macrobiotics come about? The term Makrobios was used for the first time by Hippocrates in the fifth century BC The father of Western medicine used it in his essay to describe a group of young men who were healthy and long-lived. Hippocrates reiterated the importance of healthy living, which is in harmony with the environment, and of a correct diet based on the choice and careful preparation of food...

How to cook the batata

How to cook the batata

What is the batata? Known as red potato - although there are other varieties besides the orange-paste one, namely purple and white - sweet potato or American potato, - the batata is a tuber belonging to the Ipomea batata species. It is grown in tropical regions and is consumed in many areas of the world, from America to Japan, passing through Portugal, prepared in various ways...

5 healthy Christmas recipes from appetizers to desserts

5 healthy Christmas recipes from appetizers to desserts

We offer a Christmas menu that goes from appetizer to dessert. These are all healthy Christmas recipes , inspired by the typical dishes and ingredients of the Mediterranean diet. The quantities indicated are all for 4 people . The Christmas appetizer The Christmas appetizer should be light, given the lunch that will follow...

Milk and coconut water: what differences

Milk and coconut water: what differences

Coconut water: what it is Coconut water is the liquid that naturally forms inside the coconut. Coconut water differs from coconut milk first of all due to the lack of coconut pulp fibers: water is just water, a completely liquid juice. Coconut water is made by drilling a hole in the still green coconut and letting the liquid flow inside, without adding anything else...

Taurine: here are all the side effects

Taurine: here are all the side effects

Taurine is a chemical substance , or rather a particular amino acid, present in many animal tissues, including humans. It is a substance initially isolated from the bile of the bull , a fact to which it owes its name, also present in some bacterial species. But what is taurine really for? Taurine at the physiological level serves to regulate the cell volume, on the one hand, and on the other to form the bile salt ...

Wild cabbage, properties and how it works

Wild cabbage, properties and how it works

Wild cabbage, as its name already says, is the cabbage that grows naturally in nature and man recognizes it from the scientific name Brassica montana . The popular name for wild cabbage is also cabbage of the rocks also known with the botanical name of Brassica oleracea. This wild cabbage belongs to the cruciferous family as obviously all cabbages, broccoli, rocket and turnips so that each of these vegetables is similar in appearance to its flower that has the shape of a cross: from this the botanical family it is known as cruciferous...

Vegetable proteins for athletes: how to supplement them

Vegetable proteins for athletes: how to supplement them

Those who practice sport in a structured way, with constant training and aimed at improving performance, follow a hyperproteic diet to nourish the muscles and keep them toned . Often, however, this kind of food is not well balanced and we see excessive consumption of animal meat and unfortunately also super-energetic "drinks" that are not always controlled and calibrated based on the subject who uses them and the specific needs of his organism...

3 recipes with kohlrabi

3 recipes with kohlrabi

The kohlrabi is shaped like a bulb and similar in size to an apple. It has a flavor reminiscent of cauliflower, but more aromatic. It can be eaten raw or cooked and is a concentrate of vitamins and minerals , compared to a very limited calorie content . It is not easy to find it on the market , but if you see it among the vegetable and vegetable stalls do not miss it: it is a "smart" food , one of those that allow you to bring a healthy meal to the table , with minimal effort ...

Top fruit of September, figs

Top fruit of September, figs

Figs are fruits rich in potassium , iron and calcium. They bring so many vitamins, especially vitamin B6 . Often we talk about figs as a particularly caloric fruit. In reality, however, they are more or less average and are less caloric than other sugary fruits, such as mandarins and grapes. In fact, 100 grams of fresh figs contain about 50 calories , compared to 60 for grapes and around 70 for mandarin...

3 summer soups

3 summer soups

Summer is the richest season of fruit and vegetables, foods that we particularly need to rehydrate ourselves and replenish the vitamins and minerals that we lose through sweating. The heat invites us to consume light and fresh dishes . The 3 following recipes are summer soups, colorful and tasty, to be served cold: > Classic tomato gazpacho ; > Gazpacho with watermelon ; > Cold carrot soup ...

10 energizing foods

10 energizing foods

Feeling fatigued at certain times of the year or following a particular physical or psychological stress is normal; in these cases, the choice of some of them can be helpful to overcome this feeling of exhaustion and regain energy . Let's find out what they are. Lack of energy: knowing it and recognizing it Feeling tired, exhausted , means a lack of strength, a drop in energy that can occur for a short time or last over time...

Recipes with chufa flour

Recipes with chufa flour

Chufa: what is it? Chufa is a tuber that grows in humid and temperate Mediterranean interior areas. Widespread especially in Spain, it is also found in southern Italy . The small tubers are collected and dried, can be found on the market then dried or reduced to flour. The flavor is similar to hazelnuts, while its nutritional properties make it possible to define chufa as a superfood, in fact it is rich in: > vitamin E and vitamin C ; > fibers ; > minerals , such as: phosphorus, potassium, iron, magnesium; > vegetable proteins ; > unsaturated fats ...

Hybrids of the prunacee, forgotten fruits

Hybrids of the prunacee, forgotten fruits

The genus Prunus is undoubtedly one of the most important kinds of fruit plants with regard to human nutrition. Since ancient times plants of this genus have shown themselves to be generous in their productivity, very adaptable to different environments, with very nutritious fruits and with an excellent predisposition to interspecies crossings and genetic improvement...

Mushrooms, how to avoid surprises

Mushrooms, how to avoid surprises

Every year hundreds of cases of mushroom poisoning are recorded and unfortunately the outcome is sometimes fatal. The unpleasant encounter with poisonous mushrooms is however absolutely avoidable and the precautions to be taken to avoid bringing them to the table are few and simple. Then there are further attentions to ward off other surprises that, although not lethal, can be very unpleasant...

Bioenergetic nutrition

Bioenergetic nutrition

Bioenergetics and cooking The bioenergetic kitchen , as the word itself says, considers the energetic value of a substance, in this case of food, without however detaching this value from the nutritional aspect. Just as the relationship between energy and nutrition is holistic, the association between food itself, preparation and the love that puts the person behind the stove is equally holistic in the bio-energy kitchen...

Dried apricots in the diet

Dried apricots in the diet

History of dried apricots There was talk years ago of the secret of the Hunza , one of the most long-lived peoples on earth. Buffaloes and truths aside, there is no doubt that these sprightly old Pakistanis in their diet have always used a lot of cold-pressed fruit and vegetables , seeds and hazelnuts , preferring a type of vegetarian diet ...

A recipe for summer: panzanella

A recipe for summer: panzanella

The recipe for summer: panzanella Why do we offer panzanella as a recipe for summer ? A typical simple and historical dish , therefore, as such, rich in wisdom, tradition and also a harbinger of well - being (in a meal, get your fill of carbohydrates, vitamins and important nutrients to face the rest of the day with energy)...

Energy drinks and snacks for homemade sports

Energy drinks and snacks for homemade sports

How to make healthy energy drinks Energy drinks are those that, consumed halfway between a snack or a meal and training or the race, or about an hour before them, provide the body with the right amount of sugar to support the athlete and the sportsman also on a psychological level, not only from a physical point of view...

All the benefits of quinoa

All the benefits of quinoa

Quinoa: what is it? The varieties of this pseudo cereal with many benefits are numerous, but the most widespread and used is the quinoa Real : it contains a low percentage of saponins and is light in color. Saponins are a substance that covers the beans to prevent aggression by parasites, in the human body they inhibit the absorption of calcium, as well as giving a bitter taste to the food...

June fruits and vegetables

June fruits and vegetables

Among the vegetables of June there are garlic, beets, basil, chard, carrots, cucumbers, onions, spring onions, beans, green beans, broad beans, new potatoes, peppers, peas, tomatoes, radishes, rocket, green celery and courgettes . And yet pumpkin and courgette flowers , salad. Instead, among the fruits of June we find apricots, cherries, strawberries and wild strawberries, raspberries, melon, loquats, pears, peaches and plums ...