The possibilities of feminine energies

It is not that woman can do something that man cannot. Certainly, there is a biological difference that is that of giving life, giving birth. But, in fact, "generating" is a verb that makes sense on several levels and in many ways.

Men also continually create: at work, in the gym, walking, playing, searching. There are activities that are more appropriate to man as physically demanding.

But even this frontier is daily torn down by machinists, fitness teachers, policewomen, restaurateurs, journalists who travel incessantly and so on.

With this article we want to give not so much an exploration of the differences as a perspective of mutual strengthening, between the energies of the masculine and the feminine ones.

The support that comes from the feminine

It is the prerogative and great task of women today to leave this space for listening . This outstretched hand that is not the hand that controls and points the index. Rather, the hand of those who "see first", foresee, intuit, perceive .

This very subtle action must be done above all towards those who are men endowed with a particular sensibility in virtue of which so far they have been derided, left behind, humiliated perhaps by people of their own biological sex. Or towards women who have had to harden, who have stiffened for various reasons.

Kindness, hospitality, Amma

Kindness is needed .

Use sweetness, use sweetness. It does not surprise me that wonderful events happen to those who approach spiritual forces from the energy of pure welcome like that of the spiritual teacher Amma .

Amma is the perfect synthesis of a support that arrives immediately, without the compromise of words or the rumination of the mind.

During his Amma tours he offers seamless hugs, baptizes children, blesses couples who want to unite and want to celebrate. Amma in these times represents exactly what is missing, it goes to fill that void that knows how to be filled by saying less and simply doing.

When this door opens to availability, acceptance, an open heart, everything becomes possible.

And this opening goes beyond the genres. The boundaries are increasingly blurred and when we talk about men and women we can take into account a wide range of people who felt they wanted to change the relative gender role of their biological sex (transgenderism).

The transition is driven by the desire to live in harmony with what is called the gender identity of choice. They are new forms that must be understood, listened to, including.

What are sisterhood circles and why do they help women rediscover their feminine energy?

Osho and the feminine mystery

Osho presents the woman as a mystery . He speaks to us about the possibility of developing the feminine in each of us. It is a transformation that takes place at both material and spiritual levels.

The feminine is in this perspective the possibility of opening up to one's soul. Osho understands the new feminine revolution as a change that is first of all interior and that goes towards the realization of a woman able to enjoy her feminine energy which is pure receptivity, kindness, patience, love, respect and devotion.

The woman is capacity, possibility to accept and therefore to radically change a world that is all based on the fast and unconscious action-reaction. The feminine breaks mechanicalness, relies on intuition. In the texts of this great spiritual master it is clear that the deep center of being goes beyond the feminine and masculine. It is about moving with one's essence, with what has to do with the core personal.

Osho has treated love in many texts, the ways to enter into a relationship, motherhood, creativity linked to the feminine, integrity sought through meditation and the right orientation of thought.

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Fun possibilities to use feminine energy

Beyond what other spiritual masters have already said about the feminine, each one can have his own possibility to create and experiment with letting oneself go by default. Women would say: look for and know your fellows. Do not repudiate contact with any of your companions. Have faith, towards men, towards yourself.

He is shooting a funny video on the net - turned around by a polymicist friend and photographer - about the various possibilities of collaboration, challenge, recovery, mutual help with a purely productive aim at an artistic level. Go back to playing in this sense, you will come to deliberately ignore borders that can now be challenged, as we ourselves have put them.

See what these musicians do in the video below . Good vision, good research, excellent attempts at change.

Publication by Elena Terebus.

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