Pear sorbet, the recipe

Pears, mineral-rich delicacies

Pears ripen on trees practically every month of the year and, in addition to eating them fresh as they are and to enjoy them in plendid summer salads, they can also be used to prepare excellent jam for the winter and fantastic risottos.

With those matured to perfection, fresh sorbets can be prepared to brighten the hot August afternoons .

Pears are important foodstuffs for the organism : rich in minerals, in particular calcium and boron, they are allies of prevention and the fight against osteoporosis, and, thanks to boron, help to tone the brain, improving reflex readiness.

Here are some ideas to prepare a delicious and simple pear sorbet .

Basic recipe of pear sorbet

Ingredients for 4 people

> 4 mature Williams pears;

> 150 ml of water;

> a tablespoon of lemon juice;

> 8 tablespoons of icing sugar.


Clean, peel and cut the pears into small pieces and put them in a saucepan; pour the water and add the sugar, stir and cook for about 10 minutes, simmering slowly.

Allow to cool, then whisk well. Move the mixture into an airtight bowl and place in the freezer for half an hour .

Remove and mix. Continue this for another 4 times, before serving after at least 2 hours.

To appreciate this delicate sorbet even for children, you can put the mixture to freeze in the ice-cream molds .

While for an even faster version of the pear sorbet you can also put to freeze the pieces of pear the day before sprinkled with lemon juice, and then blend them with the immersion blender at the time and when needed!

Aromatic notes for pear sorbet

This basic recipe can also be varied, slightly flavoring with cinnamon, ginger, vanilla, cardamom or even rosemary during cooking.

Some people don't mind alcohol in combination with pear: think that in Normandy this sorbet is known as " trou normand ", in fact in the middle they dig a hole where they put the local brandy.

And it was indeed a Sicilian, by chance, who brought the fashion of sorbet and "frozen water" to Paris towards the end of the 1600s .

Curiosity: the "Historical Notebooks" of the Italian Academy of Gastronomy and Gastrosophy tell us that, according to some scholars, the term "sorbet" comes from the Arabic word " sherbeth " (fresh drink), while, according to others, from the Turkish word " sharber "(to sip).

There is still the Latin verb " sorbeo-es-sorbui " ( sorb or suck). In any case it would seem that the name sorbet was adopted in the Middle Ages as an onomatopoeic sound made to suck on fresh fruit drinks.

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