Green according to chromotherapy

Green and chromotherapy

Green in chromotherapy plays a fundamental role, as green is harmony . It is the color of nature and the balance between the forces on the field. It is the color of the drive towards well-being, towards the green fields, towards calm and refreshment. This is also given by the fact that green represents a neutral color with respect to the fulcrum of the solar spectrum, so it is the color suitable for equilibrium. Green is therefore the color with which to paint calm and serenity.

This is perhaps the reason why Indian culture uses this color for the earth, associating it with the positive vibrations of our thoughts and our senses . Yes, because green does not heat or cool, it is neither acid nor alkaline.

Treat yourself with green

In color therapy, green is recommended to hyperactive people, to those who are constantly under pressure and to those who need to shed light inside themselves, especially if we talk about 'feelings'. Better still works with anxiety. This is why the convivial part of the house is painted green, a place where social relations with our fellows meet.

But you can eat green . To regain lost calmness, it is good to eat green foods, obviously avoiding excess sugars in carbonated beverages, as they are exciting.

At the epidermal level, green is used against warts.

Other chromotherapeutic benefits of green can be found in case of breathing difficulties, heart problems, gastritis, intoxication, hypertension, hyperthyroidism, after-effects of surgery, eye fatigue, stress, bulimia, hyper-excitability, paranoia, nervousness.

The green does not seem to present particular contraindications, except in cases of depression, when a color is preferable, say, 'more lively'.

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