Fruttarianism: how the body and agriculture change

The vegetarian diet originally distinguished itself from the omnivorous one because it cared more for health than for taste, thus favoring well-being rather than gluttony.

Yet another development took place thanks to the vegan diet, which in addition to health reasons began to adduce ethical reasons .

Fruitarianism from a certain point of view seems to continue this line of development going beyond the simply health and ethical motivations and winking at a certain holistic and evolutionary philosophy concerning the man of tomorrow.

And since all philosophies arise from simple questions, here we are reflecting along with many modern food researchers, on some simple questions about this diet.

What does fruitarianism entail for the human body and for agriculture, for society in general in which it moves and lives?

What changes in the body

It always takes time to make serious judgments about a diet It is no coincidence that one of the research books, considered among the most authoritative on the subject, such as The China Study, is based on a series of research lasted about 20 years.

Changing diet brings about changes in the body, or better, creates conditions such that certain characteristics (largely genetic) can express themselves at best or at worst: a diet can stimulate some genes linked to diseases or disorders, while another can make them latent, as a way of eating can make 100% of the genetic characters express while other eating patterns can make them remain potential life, but this takes time and often we have to go through depths and stages of detoxification before we see the true benefits of a diet like fruitarianism.

Eating large amounts of fruit at the beginning is not easy: think of the maldipancia caused by eating a watermelon or burning due to eating too many cherries or, perhaps worse, the discomforts to which can go out to eat a kilo of plums.

All these adaptations take time but for sure you can get to eat kilos of fruit without contraindications One of the first discoveries is how much the body is addicted to salt, oil and sugar, and that without these condiments all this which we liked very much now looks dull.

The thirst and the need for salt vanish because the water in the fruit is, unlike normal water, absorbed 100% together with various mineral salts, while the water of the tap is absorbed only to a lesser extent and that of too "Slavic" via many mineral reserves.

We will begin to find in the fruit all we need even if ...

The fruitarians: who are they really?

What changes in agriculture

... some problems remain: we will have direct experience of how the current commercial fruit is not at all of good quality, it is often more appearance than substance, chemically stimulated, watered more than necessary, genetically poor .

We will find in the wild fruit and forgotten fruits very vast resources : we will discover that the fruits of small size are often richer than those inflated with water and that what is considered a form of genetic instability and a low guarantee of reproducibility of certain characteristics are actually the sign of a precious genetic richness, a sign in turn of a living energy that is not sedentary.

We will discover the difference in quality between the fruits of a tree tamed with pruning and those of a free tree, which bears fruit when it is at the height of its energy cycles and not spurred on by the threat of the saw and the scissors from pota.

We will see in the fruits a reflection of the conditions of the world, because they are nothing but a product packaged through light, water, air and soil: if the soil is poor or sick, so will our fruits, and it is no mystery that our agriculture impoverishes the soil .

Many recent studies have shown that plants have special perceptive apparatuses on a chemical basis thanks to which they communicate with the outside world.

Thanks to the contact with our plants, especially to the chemical contact, therefore with our skin, with our sweat, our urine, our saliva, we can make a check-up, understanding what is missing in the organism, extracting it from the soil and placing it in the fruit: this is because it is all interconnected and the plants could not live without animal vectors, therefore our well-being is of interest to them.

But if we do not come into contact with plants, letting them touch our machines, if we do not "know" them personally as members of the community but treat them as resources and limit ourselves to eating their fruits, it goes without saying that we will take only a very small percentage of well-being from our food supply, fruitarianism is in this sense a step towards a real change in the food and cultural paradigm.

Plant intelligence: what does it consist of?

To know more:

> All about the fruit diet

> All the fruit and its properties

Bibliographical references:

> Interrelationship Beteween Insects and Plants by Pierre Jolivet

> The Roots of Plant Intelligence by Stefano Mancuso

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