Stones and crystals

A selection of stones and crystals through which one can intervene on the human body and precisely on the aura that surrounds it, composed of seven subtle bodies, different for the frequency with which they vibrate and for the functions, considered analogous to those of the corresponding chakras. Let's find out better.




The world of stones and crystals

Crystals and stones play various roles and have different benefits and properties on body and psyche, given that they are considered energy catalysts, but their main characteristic is to operate in accordance with a particular form of energy, represented by the flow of thoughts of the person who uses them consciously.

The crystal, in practice, evolves along with whoever owns it, because it has the ability to resonate with the intentions of those who use them. The therapeutic action of stones and crystals is part of a sector that exploits the expressions and manifestations of universal energy.

Properties and benefits of stones and crystals

Did you know that crystallotherapy on insomnia can have wonderful effects? Crystallotherapy is a practice of alternative medicine that aims to eliminate dysfunctions or ailments by placing crystals, stones, gems and metals at certain points on the body.

Minerals exist from many cultures and have long been considered precious for magical and therapeutic powers, which were used to drive away demons and diseases and to infuse strength and energy.

Let's take a stone at random, for example, the Rocca crystal : since the Middle Ages, it was believed that it had hypnotic and divinatory properties and was used to predict the future. Along with these beliefs, observations of effects on the body were associated and the stone in question, for example, revitalizes the insensitive, cold and rigid areas.

It balances the functions of the brain, strengthens the nerves and stimulates the glands and blood circulation. It infuses energy and reduces fever, headache and nausea. Soothes pain, especially in the teeth. Helps eliminate stress and tensions, promotes the elimination of toxins.

Many examples could be given of the properties of stones and properties of crystals on this genus, starting from aquamarine ending with zircon.

Our guides on the properties and benefits of stones and crystals

The properties of stones and crystals and their effectiveness were discovered thousands of years ago we would like to bring you this ancient sapeinza with detailed tabs. In many of the most ancient civilizations, Egyptian and Maya above all, these crystals were used during ceremonies, to divinate the future, as a lucky charm and for the treatment of specific ailments.

The basic concept of crystallotherapy is that according to which man is able to absorb and transform energies through the chakras, p orte of access of the vital energy flow of our body.

Despite having no scientific evidence, the therapeutic principles of crystallotherapy, also shared by Yoga, Acupuncture and Ayurveda, are not in contradiction with current scientific research.

Find a detailed indication of the element associated with the stone and crystal, the chakra on which it acts, the effect on the body, the benefits, properties and method of use .

Find out what is it and what are the benefits of crystal therapy

Purify the crystals

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