Tea tree oil: when to use it

Tea tree oil: property

The essential oil of tea tree (tea tree oil) is extracted by steam from the leaves of Malaleuca alternifolia. It has a strong, spicy and fresh aroma. It is a very persistent fragrance, which remains for whole days and, if associated with other oils, it rises to smell last and last leaves.

Its main properties are:

> antiseptic ;

> bactericidal ;

> antiviral ;

> healing ;

> purifying ;

> refreshing .

Tea tree oil: when to use it

Due to its characteristics, tea tree oil is one of the essential oils that it is always useful to have available. It is suitable for the following issues :

> in case of herpes, infections, fungi, mycosis, warts : tea tree oil reduces the extent of the lesions and the infection.

On herpes it is necessary to use it diluted and never in contact with the open sores that could possibly occur if it is in an advanced and very extended stage . In these cases, the perimeter of the lesion is buffered. If, on the other hand, herpes is smaller, you can act directly on the part.

For warts, tea tree oil is used directly on the part: a drop of pure oil is sufficient;

> for women's health, in the case of candida and leucorrhea: external (or even internal) vaginal lavages are performed by diluting 3 drops of tea tree oil and a tablespoon of organic apple vinegar in half a liter of distilled water. In the warm water, a tampon is immersed, or it is used to bathe the genitals;

> against athlete's foot : two drops of tea tree oil and one of essential oil of lemon are diluted in a tablespoon of base oils. Then mix everything and grease the toes and nails affected by the infection;

> canker sores, halitosis, gingivitis, stomatitis, abscess : tea tree oil makes it possible to stop the bacterial proliferation responsible for infections of the mouth and gums. Rinses are performed with a small glass of brandy in which a drop of tea tree and one of thyme has been melted;

> boils and pimples : a mixture of tea tree oil and boiling water is used directly, to be placed on the area using a clean gauze, without rinsing;

> intestinal infections : washes and sitz baths can also be useful for intestinal infections. To perform them follow the instructions to treat candida and leucorrhoea.

Tea tree essential oil for the home

Tea tree essential oil is an excellent ally also to make the house cleaner and more welcoming:

> against insects and pests : sprayed on the doorstep, tea tree oil avoids the entry of ants and cockroaches, while at the edges of the pots it lifts lice away from plants.

For animals you can use a drop of tea tree oil diluted in half a liter of water to spray on the hair, on the kennel and on cushions and blankets;

> as a disinfectant and refreshing detergent : the essential oil of tea tree smells and cleanses.

It can be added to detergents used for floors, to disinfect the kitchen top or bathroom fixtures. The proportion is 7 drops of oil in half a liter of diluent, possibly water and vinegar.

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