Bacchus and Venus unite and is immediately vinotherapy

To say that wine is the poetry of the earth was Mario Soldati. Ernest Hemingway numbered him among the greatest signs of civilization in the world. Vinotherapy, or wine therapy, honors these nuggets of literary wisdom and recovers the properties of wine in an aesthetic and therapeutic sense.

Vinotherapy and the power of grape seeds

Grape seeds, together with pulp and peel, are part of the grape berry seed and are usually thrown after the harvest. These are astonishingly rich vegetable properties due to the presence of polyphenols. Polyphenols, divided by chemical composition into three groups (tannins, flavonoids, simple phenols), are naturally beneficial substances for humans, just think that they are often referred to as "vitamin P" .

The polyphenols, once stabilized, release their antioxidant potential into the body. Adjective inflazionatissimo, let's see the meaning: it is called "antioxidant" a substance that defends the body from free radicals . The latter are "ladre" molecules, or rather, unstable, which, having lost an electron and tend to capture an atom of hydrogen from other molecules; in other words, free radicals end up damaging the structure of cells, accelerating that process which is cellular aging.

The antioxidant properties of wine are therefore undisputed and it is scientifically proven that the active ingredients of grapes and wine, taken both topically and orally, stimulate cellular processes.

A basic vinotherapy treatment

Detoxifying, tonic, aesthetic bioactivator, the wine lends itself to being delineated in many ways and from this ductility many different types of treatments originate.

Basically, a vinotherapy treatment involves both taking a natural supplement particularly rich in polyphenols and two cosmetic treatments to be done in the morning and evening of wine-based cosmetics and with the active principles of grapes. The objectives of a vinotherapy treatment can be various: weight loss, anti-stress action, purification.

Peeling, creams, bandages, treatments with essential oils and extracts of marc are part of the offer of many tourist facilities, especially in Italy, France and Spain . Austria is also a country that makes great use of means for natural beauty treatments (medicinal herbs and plants, essences, distilled waters, etc.).

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