If a primrose is spring

The Primula Veris or officinalis whose name means spring flower, is seen peeping out with beautiful yellow flowers in the woods, near streams, on calcareous soils, at the end of winter immediately after the disappearance of the snow, when in green grass begins to appear.

The primula is fixed to the ground by means of a rhizome that forms many rootlets, whose leaves are oval and elongated. Intense yellow flowers forming umbel inflorescences, the fruit is a capsule enclosed in the glass.

The primula in history

Hildegard of Bingen (Abbess Hildegard von Bingen, who became a saint and lived in Germany from 1098 to 1179, a medical scholar) advised her as a remedy against melancholy: if she was carried on her heart in contact with her skin, she would have received the vigor of the sun of twelve o'clock. It seems that the United Kingdom has a very special consideration of this flower: in the English region of the Sommerset it is called bunch of keys which means "bunch of keys", a name linked to an ancient legend that tells of when St. Peter threw the keys from the sky of Paradise and these in the place where they fell, gave birth to the first primroses.

Even the great Shakespeare immortalized them in "Winter's Tale" calling them "pale primroses who die unmarried" referring to the fact that, since they flower almost in winter, insects are still very few to pollinate them. In 1884, Lord Randolph Churchill, a member of the English House of Commons, adopted this plant as a symbol of the Conservative Party, which was called Primrose league and this symbol remains today. Even Queen Victoria, when she received the crown of the Indies finally conquered by the Prime Minister Disraeli, gave him a bouquet of primroses as a sign of good luck in return.

You can explore all the properties and uses of primrose

The properties of the primula

As often happens with herbal remedies taking the primrose we will have different activities depending on the part (drug) used. The primula contains numerous elements such as essential oils, flavonoid pigments, glucosides, enzymes, vitamin C, saponins, mineral salts. The plant also contains two phenolic heterosides derived from salicylic acid, the primrose and primrose, which are transformed by hydrolysis into derivatives of salicylic acid, whose analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antirheumatic properties are well known: in fact it is the same virtues that characterize aspirin.

The roots in the form of decoction are used in the treatment of coughs, colds, bronchitis and bronchial asthma, they calm rheumatic pains, relieve back pain, extremity and regulate bruising.

The infusion of leaves and flowers are effective remedies in the treatment of insomnia, headaches.

Recipe: primrose syrup

4 tablespoons primrose root, 1l water, 300 g of sugar

Put the root in cold water and bring everything to a boil. Boil for 5 minutes, after this period, turn off the heat and leave 10 minutes to infuse, then filter. Take the water, just filtered, add the sugar and bring to the boil again until the liquid has thickened, then let it cool and bottle. Syrup cures cough, cold and bronchial asthma.

Backache and bronchitis: which link?

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