Tonsillitis: causes and remedies

It is not only children who "have tonsils" even though in the common imagination, " tonsillitis " is a typically childish problem: inflammation of the glands called palatine tonsils, lymphatic organs located in the oral cavity, at the " end of mouth ”, technically at the level of the isthmus of the jaws, at the sides of the uvula.

The palatine tonsils, along with the lingual tonsil placed at the level of the tongue base constitute the Waldayer lymphatic ring : an organ of our immune system, useful in early childhood in the protection of low-airway.

The palatine tonsils and the entire Waldayer ring are developed above all in infancy, with the role of protecting the respiratory tract .

Normally they undergo a progressive atrophy, both functional and dimensional. This is why it is especially children who suffer from tonsillitis .

What are the causes of tonsillitis? And what are the natural remedies?

Also read Sore throat in children, causes and remedies >>

Tonsillitis: the causes

Tonsils are defense organs: they guard the throat to prevent the entry of micro-organisms from the mouth or nose.

They defend us from external aggressions, they are the very precious "armed" vanguards of the immune system.

They become inflamed when there is an ongoing infection by viruses and / or bacteria to prevent them from expanding within the oropharyngeal tract.

Therefore the primary cause of tonsillitis is infection by pathogenic microorganisms, especially viruses (Adenovirus and Rhinovirus, cold viruses), tonsillitis can rarely be caused by Epstein Barr virus (mononucleosis) or bacteria or it can be secondary debilitating the immune system or associated with immunodeficiency (presence of HIV ).

Among the bacterial causes of tonsillitis, Streptococcus is the most common cause of tonsillitis: in particular group A hemolytic streptococcus β, which is a possible agent responsible for distant complications, affecting the heart, kidneys and joint rheumatism.

Adequate treatment removes these complications from danger, but we must not neglect this possibility and recognize it promptly.

Tonsillitis: natural remedies

It must be borne in mind that the danger of distant complications such as joint rheumatism, gromerulonephritis or endocarditis are always lurking, therefore in the case of tonsillitis which has persisted for more than 72 hours with high fever that shows no signs of descending it is necessary to feel the doctor's opinion, which will define the appropriate therapeutic path.

In case of frequent superinfections you can get to the surgery of tonsillectomy, or the surgical removal of the tonsils.

Depending on the cause that caused the tonsillitis the most suitable remedies will be chosen.

If the tonsillitis is of bacterial origin, antibiotics (even natural ones but always under medical supervision) should be used, while if the cause is viral in nature one can try to alleviate the symptoms with generic remedies for sore throat.

Preventing tonsillitis, natural remedies

> Follow the primary hygiene rules, washing hands frequently, covering the mouth and nose in case of intense cold.

> Drink enough.

> Consume foods rich in zinc and vitamin C, honey and lemon.

Treating tonsillitis, natural remedies

> Echinacea: plant with antibiotic power and stimulation of the immune system. It is taken in drops

> Infusion of honey, lemon and ginger

> Propolis, with anesthetic and antibiotic effect

> Mallow, in herbal tea, for its soothing effect on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity

> Water and baking soda or water and salt, to gargle with: dilute a teaspoon or two of baking soda or salt in a glass of water; after gargling spit the used water.

Remedies and foods to be preferred in case of tonsillitis, especially for children, with great difficulty in swallowing:

> Water or other liquids at room temperature such as herbal teas;

> vegetable soups or vegetable broths ;

> fresh or room temperature creams and velvets ;

> homemade sorbets ;

> probiotic foods that help intestines and immune systems: yogurt, kefir.

In the case of tonsillitis, especially spicy and spicy foods, alcohol and coffee are to be avoided especially for "young adults" .

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