Difficult digestion? Try the essential mint oil

Peppermint is an aromatic herb of easy cultivation, whose leaves give off an intense fresh scent. It is used in the kitchen to accompany some dishes and some drinks.

Mint essential oil is obtained by distillation in a stream of steam from the leaves and flowering tops and the extracted active ingredients, menthol and menton, thus concentrated are very powerful and effective.

As with all essential oils, extreme care must be taken with regard to use, both in terms of modality and quantity. Mint essential oil can be irritating if it is abused and comes into contact with the mucous membranes .

The stomachic action of the essential oil of mint

Mint essential oil has many properties that are expressed at a gastrointestinal level: it has a stomachic, carminative, cholagogue, antispasmodic, antiematic action .

It therefore favors the digestive function, anti-fermentation, stimulates the production of bile, calms painful episodes and is effective in case of nausea and vomiting.

In conditions of digestive difficulties, weight on the stomach, feeling of blockage, very few drops of essential mint oil, not more than three, diluted in a teaspoon of honey, or on a sugar cube also as an antacid, to be taken after meals, facilitates digestion immediately.

Even through aromatherapy the essential oil of mint sends messages to the stomach and to its functionality, useful in case of dyspepsia .

Warnings and contraindications

The essential oil of mint, as already mentioned, can be irritating to the mucous membranes . It is therefore not recommended for internal use in the case of an ulcer as it could facilitate episodes of heartburn .

It is important that the essential oils for internal use are very pure, the advice is therefore not to settle for essences at low prices, but to look for a qualitatively certified and titrated product in order to avoid unpleasant unwanted effects: essential oils are very powerful remedies .

Other natural tips for difficult digestion

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