3 spring vegan cakes

Coconut and apple vegan cake

Ingredients for a medium-sized cake

> 200 g of 00 flour;

> 100 g of coconut flour;

> 125 ml of sunflower oil;

> 200 ml of coconut milk;

> 3 yellow apples;

> 180 g of cane sugar;

> 1 sachet of vegan baking powder;

> 1 pinch of cinnamon powder.


Peel the apples, cut them into slices and add them to the sugar . Blend everything with a mixer or immersion blender, obtaining a smooth and fluffy mixture.

Then add the coconut milk and the oil, the two flours spooned, mixing everything well. Only at the end finish with the cinnamon and the sachet of yeast. Take a round baking pan, cover it with non-stick paper and bake at 180 ° for about 45 minutes.

Vegan cake with elderflower and lemon


> 250 g of rice flour;

> 50 g of "fioretto" corn flour;

> About 150 ml of almond milk;

> 140 g of cane sugar;

> 1 packet of yeast for vegan sweets;

> 1 handful of elder flowers;

> grated rind of 1 untreated lemon.


Combine the two flours, baking powder, sugar, lemon zest, washed elder flowers in a bowl and mix well . Add the vegetable milk with a whisk, obtaining a soft mixture . Coat a medium-sized pan and bake for about 30-35 minutes in a preheated oven at 180 ° C.

"Raw" Cold Carrot Cake


> 4 large grated carrots;

> 100 g of walnuts;

> 100 g of dates;

> 50 g of coconut flour;

> 1 pinch of powdered cinnamon and one of nutmeg;

> 1 pinch of salt.

Cashew glaze to decorate


> 100 g of cashews, soaked in water overnight;

> 50 g of water approximately;

> 3 tablespoons of agave syrup;

> 1 teaspoon of vanilla powder;

> 1/2 lemon juice;

> 1 pinch of salt;

> About 70 g of coconut oil;

> walnuts and cinnamon to decorate.


Combine the finely grated carrots with the chopped walnuts and dates in a bowl . Add the coconut flour, spices, salt and mix together. Pour the base of the cake into a large baking pan, leave in a cool place.

In the meantime prepare the icing, pouring and rinsing the cashews, adding water, agave juice, vanilla, salt and lemon. Chop everything very well, with the help of an immersion blender or mixer.

Then add the coconut oil and blend again. Pour onto the fresh cake and level the surface. Leave in the freezer for a couple of hours, then extract at least 20-25 minutes before serving, decorating with walnuts and cinnamon.

Read also

> The vegan cake

> The three variations of apple pie

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