For the eye area, do-it-yourself exercises and natural creams

Here we are. Hours to write and read in front of the PC and we feel heavy and sore eyes. We often neglect them and then it happens that suddenly ... Where do all those wrinkles and fine lines come from?

Time speaks to our face, we try to listen to it and respect it naturally. Here are some tips of natural beauty to lift and tone the eye contour.

First of all, to make sure you respect your skin, watch your day: do you have a correct lifestyle? If the answer is no, get back on the line, observing a balanced and healthy diet, adopting a regular sleep, always removing your eyes gently, dedicating a few minutes of exercise to them and applying natural products daily, letting them penetrate with a light massage.

Absolutely to be avoided are cigarettes and too much alcohol and too much direct sun.

Find out what the Brazilian plant against wrinkles is

Exercises for the eyes

Yoga has some simple exercises to keep the eye area toned and relaxed, to prevent swollen bags and crow's feet from suddenly leaving you speechless in front of the mirror.

Each exercise shown below must be repeated at least five times per workout, maintaining the position for five seconds. Better if you have a mirror in front.

  • The first exercise : look alternately with the eyes up, down, right, left, then make them rotate slowly, without rotating the head. Use your fingers (middle and forefinger) to exert a slight pressure under the eyes and on the sides alternately.
  • The second exercise : Gently grasp the skin above and below the eyebrows with the fingertips and gently massage for a couple of minutes. This will help to loosen the tension that causes the appearance of micro-wrinkles .
  • The third exercise : place the fingertips on the sides of the eyebrows and gently pull towards the temples area. To release. Then perform small circular movements, starting from the corner of the eye, going down the orbit and returning to the corner.
  • The fourth exercise : that the area behind the ears has important links with the eyes. By massaging this area you will help to remove the lymphatic congestion that may have accumulated and that causes annoying bags. Place the fingertips on the area behind the ears and slowly massage in circular motions.
  • The fifth exercise : to tone the eyelid muscles and avoid the aging of drooping eyelids, close the eyes and place the index fingers on the eyelids. With slight resistance with your fingers, try to open your eyes.
  • The sixth exercise : Raise eyebrows as high as possible. Open your eyes as much as you can, opening them up. Slowly lower your eyebrows and relax.
  • Final relaxation: rub your hands to warm the palms, close your eyes and lean on your hands, lightly touching the parts around the eyes, but without touching the eyelids. Stay for about a minute.

    DIY natural creams for the eye area

    An excellent and rich natural recipe for a delicate natural anti-wrinkle cream for the eye contour is composed of shea butter, musk rose oil, homeopathic calendula ointment. Mix the ointment and shea butter in equal parts, adding a couple of drops of oil. As an alternative to musk rose, you can also use extra virgin olive oil or carrot oil.

    Equally effective are wheat germ oil, sweet almond oil and avocado oil. Just a few drops are enough, gently massaging the eye area after cleansing the face and before going to sleep, to wake up the next morning with deeply nourished and relaxed skin.

    If you also want to tone the eye area, just lie down and relax for ten minutes closing your eyes and putting a couple of slices of cucumber or potato on top.

    Try also essential oils for the eye area

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