Three summer fruit popsicles

The icicle, an indispensable summer pleasure. Doing it at home is very simple. Three popsicle recipes with seasonal fruit, an excellent and healthier alternative to commercial ice lollies, for children and adults.

> Peach popsicles with pieces of fruit;

> Layered popsicles, with watermelon, kiwi and yogurt;

> Melon popsicles.

Peach popsicles with pieces of fruit

Ingredients for 8 popsicles

> 300 g of ripe yellow peach pulp;

> 20 g of lemon juice;

> 250 g of water;

> 50 grams of granulated sugar;

> A peach nut soda.


Melt the sugar in the water, bringing to a boil, and let it boil for three or four minutes. Allow to cool well. Cut a peach nut into thin wedges, without removing the peel .

Blend the peach pulp with the lemon juice and add it to the water with the sugar. Mix the mixture and pour it into the molds, adding one or two thin slices of nectarines. Put in the freezer for at least 8 hours.

Some children do not like to find fruit in the ice lolly. In this case, the walnut peach slices can of course be omitted .

Layered popsicles, with watermelon, kiwi and yogurt

Ingredients for 6 popsicles

> 200 grams of ripe watermelon pulp without seeds;

> a kiwi;

> a jar of vanilla yogurt;

> 4 tablespoons of water;

> a lemon;

> a spoonful of dark chocolate chips.


Clean the watermelon and cut it into pieces, pour the juice of half a lemon and three tablespoons of water and blend. Add a few drops of dark chocolate. Fill the ice lolly molds for about three quarters and place in the freezer.

After 15/20 minutes, remove the molds from the freezer and add a tablespoon of vanilla yogurt to each mold . Return to the freezer for 5/7 minutes. The mixture must firm up, to allow you to create three distinct states, but it must not freeze completely, otherwise you will not be able to insert the toothpicks.

Take a large and ripe kiwi, clean it, cut it into pieces, pour the juice of half a lemon, a tablespoon of water and blend. The kiwi is a bit harsh, especially if you add lemon juice, so, if you wish, at this stage, you can add 15 grams of sugar to the mixture, making it previously dissolve in water and lemon.

Remove the popsicles from the freezer, form the last layer with the kiwi, place the toothpicks and keep in the freezer for at least 8 hours.

The kiwi is not in season, in summer. If you want to use only summer fruit, you can make an orange layer, rather than green, using, for example, peach or melon. Or, if you want to keep the green, you can use a homemade mint syrup .

Melon popsicles

Ingredients for 8 popsicles

> 400 g of melon pulp;

> 100 g of water;

> 50 g of granulated sugar;

> an organic lemon.


Prepare a syrup by melting the sugar in the water over the heat, adding a nice piece of lemon peel to the pan, being careful to remove the white part, which is bitter.

Bring to a boil and boil for three or four minutes. When the liquid is completely cold pour the lemon juice . Blend the melon, previously cleaned and cut into cubes, add the liquid and mix the mixture well.

Pour into popsicle molds and leave in the freezer for at least 8 hours .

Some notes

> The number of icicles specified in the recipes is indicative because there is a variable due to the size of the molds.

> The weight of the fruit refers to the net of the pulp, after excluding peel, hazelnut and any other waste.

> Whoever does not have the molds for ice lollies can use small glasses of paper, with a wooden stick inside or, alternatively, a teaspoon.

> To remove the popsicle from the mold, immerse it in boiling water for a few seconds .

> Attention to the cleaning of the molds between one use and another. Always wash them very well, for example with a solution of water and bicarbonate and / or lemon juice.

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