October 16, 2013: World Food Day

Orthorexia, foodmania, nutritional parameters, food trends, diets or fashions, chronic malnutrition, health and food, food prices on the market, GMOs, getting closer to vegetable gardens. They are all hot topics. On this day we discuss these and other topics, with particular attention to the concept of food waste.

The day is announced by the FAO and we hope the celebration does not include a huge banquet, it would be a bell'ossimoro.

Fao data on food availability and malnutrition

Sustainable food, nutrition: these will be the hot cores of the event. According to the data, at present there is still a high number of inhabitants of this planet suffering from chronic malnutrition (the estimated figure is 870 million people). At the same time, food prices are falling faster and faster on the global market.

Falling prices are recorded by the FAO index, and it is a trend that has lasted for months. But this is not accompanied by a greater availability of food . Indeed, this is still lacking in the areas where it should really arrive. The food is now on television, chef competitions, ratings, stars that are part of a global business. Chef, blog, food designer, food photographer, boutiques and very refined restaurants, but also the kitchens of our own homes ... for a total of 1.3 million tons of unused products.

Internalize the possibility of recovering, reusing, reusing. The key proposed by the FAO for this edition focuses on system-related security. What system are we talking about? A possible system is analyzed that guarantees the distribution of food where there is scarcity. People's health depends strictly on the food system, this is the basic concept of the event. The event poster is a work by the Austrian artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser (1928-2000). Here the official video of the World Food Day.

In the site you will also find a complete list of resolutions, an archive of member sites and a clear statement of the aims that this initiative would like to achieve, including the dialogue between those who work the land and those who provide technological tools aimed at supporting human work In fields. The events of the World Food Day have a truly international scope and include the collaboration of universities from all over the world, not only Florence and Genoa, but also Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese research centers.

Amazon Fresh, the faculties of agriculture and nutrition

The FAO has announced the advent of the promising e-commerce segment, with planetary giants experimenting with new channels ( Amazon Fresh, for example, is an online food store that serves Seattle and Los Angeles for now).

Another important fact: those enrolled in the faculties of agriculture are growing and the same is true for the faculties related to nutrition and food sciences. The numbers are important: the increase would be 45% according to the average data collected by Datagiovani. These data are even more useful if we consider the general decline of those enrolled in the faculties.


  • Save the planet starting from the garden and the garden
  • The food that cures: the vegan fork revolution
  • Let's get ready for a world with less natural resources

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