Angelica: properties, use, contraindications

The angelica ( Angelica archangelica ) is a plant of the Umbelliferae family. Besides having an antispasmodic, calming and anti-inflammatory action, it also helps in digestion thanks to its carminative properties. Let's find out better.

Properties of angelica

The angelica has an antispasmodic, calming, carminative, digestive, tonic, expectorant and anti-inflammatory action. Due to these properties, its extracts are used to calm menstrual pain and headaches.

The relaxing effect on the intestine is combined with the carminative effect which facilitates digestion, avoiding the formation of intestinal gases. When taken before meals, it stimulates the appetite. Taken against cold affections it dissolves and facilitates the emission of phlegm due to its invigorating property, ie capable of heating the body .

All natural remedies for difficult digestion

Method of use

INFUSION : 1 tablespoon of angelica root, 1 cup of water

Pour the angelica root into boiling water, boil a few minutes and turn off the heat. Cover and leave to infuse for 10 min.

Filter the infusion and drink it after meals to take advantage of its digestive action or when needed in case of intestinal spasms, menstrual periods, headaches or flu symptoms.

OIL FOR MASSAGES : 10 drops of Angelica essential oil, 250 ml of sweet almond oil

Dilute the drops of angelica essential oil in almond oil. Shake vigorously and rub the mixture into the aching parts of the body from neuralgia, rheumatism or muscle pain.


Angelica is always contraindicated in case of pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is also not recommended to take it when exposed to sunlight because it contains furanocumarine, a phototoxic substance.

In case of hypersensitivity to angelica, bleeding, a laxative effect and fever may also occur.

Description of the plant

Large Umbrella tree (can reach a height of 1.5 m) with a thick, sturdy, branched stem and reddish streaks. The leaves are ovate, broad toothed, green and lighter on the lower side. The flowers are white or yellowish-greenish arranged in umbrellas sparse at the top of the plant.

Angelic Habitat

Widespread in north-eastern Europe, in Italy it is quite rare. It grows in mountain valleys up to very high altitudes, along streams and in damp places.


Already Dioscorides (I century BC) recommended the angelica to free the lungs from lumps of phlegm. There were legends about her inspired by its therapeutic efficacy. One of these legends is linked to his name and attribute and wants the Archangel Raphael to bring it to Earth, in order for humans to appreciate its miraculous virtues. Raffaele, in the Hebrew language means "medicine of God" and therefore the Angelica become Archangelic, can rightly be called "divine medicine".

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