The minestrone diet with autumn vegetables

The minestrone diet is a diet based on seasonal vegetables. Like all restrictive diets, it should not be read and we do not recommend DIY at all.

The present article is purely for informational purposes and is not intended to replace the opinion of a nutritionist or a doctor, who must always be consulted to obtain personalized indications on the most appropriate diet for their specific case.

Having said that, which seems to us to be a duty when we touch on such a delicate subject, let's talk about the minestrone diet.

What is the minestrone diet

The minestrone diet is a strongly detoxifying and slimming diet, which can allow you to lose several pounds in no time; the actual weight loss depends on the person, but with this diet you can drop 5-7 kilos in a week.

It is a drastic detox diet, structured on 7 days and not sustainable in the long run, so much so that it should not be extended beyond two weeks.

It was developed in America by a doctor from the Sacred Memorial hospital in Saint Louis to allow rapid weight loss in cases where it is necessary to quickly eliminate excess fat, especially the abdominal fat, and restore acceptable cholesterol levels, triglycerides, blood glucose and blood pressure, in order to safeguard the patient's health.

The minestrone diet can have serious side effects; it is never advisable to take this path without being followed by a specialist.

The minestrone diet requires that only the ingredients and variants used for a particular season are used and that the meal does not contain legumes or cereals; sometimes the use of brown rice or bran is allowed. The diet of minestrone, like all diets aimed at weight loss, must, in fact, be personalized.

In the minestrone diet the use of coffee and tea is allowed, even daily.

On a diet for autumn without too many sacrifices

How to make a minestrone with autumn vegetables

If the minestrone diet is a diet that is too restrictive and therefore not recommended, a good seasonal minestrone, inserted in a healthy and balanced diet, is really an excellent dish and, consumed with a certain frequency, can help you lose weight or keep the body weight, as appropriate.

It is low in calories, rich in minerals, and very low in fat. So let's see how to prepare a minestrone with autumn vegetables.

Ingredients for one person

  • 300 grams of mixed autumn vegetables (pumpkin, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, fennel, chicory, chard ...).
  • A teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil
  • A pinch of salt


Dice all the vegetables, put them in the pot, cover them with water and let them cook over a low heat, after putting the lid on. When the minestrone is almost cooked, that is usually after about half an hour, adjust the salt, without exaggerating with the quantity.

For a more tasty minestrone you can add aromatic herbs and spices; do not use prepared nuts . Cook and dress with a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil.

The minestrone with autumn vegetables can be prepared with vegetables washed and cut in advance and frozen, so that they are ready when needed.

Cleaning and cutting all the vegetables is a long job and it is not always possible to do it; when you have time it is therefore advisable to prepare more portions for a few weeks in the freezer.

One of the factors that makes you fat the most is the haste with which many times you throw yourself on ready meals, often too high in calories and rich in fat ; if we prepare healthy dishes at home, in a healthy way, getting back into shape or maintaining a healthy weight is easier.

Some advice for a natural diet in autumn

3 autumn recipes

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