Excess of Fluorine: symptoms, causes, diet

The excess of fluoride, generally found by stained teeth, may depend on the abuse of supplements, poor kidney function or water. It is rarely caused by the power supply. Let's find out how to cure it.

Teeth stained among the symptoms of excess fluoride

Symptoms of excess fluoride

An overdose of fluoride, or that exceeds 1mg per day in the adult and that is still higher than 0.1 mg per kilogram of body weight, can cause various disorders such as:

  • stains on the teeth and permanent changes in their color (dental fluorosis) ;
  • it can also disturb bone formation during growth and kidney function;
  • may cause nausea or vomiting ;
  • alterations in behavior;
  • reduction of IQ;
  • to determine a greater incidence in bone fractures for elderly people;
  • immunodeficiency and even lead to death.

The causes of excess fluoride

The causes of excess fluoride can be connected to the presence of hyperfluorinated waters, as happened in Africa, to the intake of too many supplements, or over-dosage, based on fluorine.

They are hardly connected to a bad diet or an unbalanced diet. Since the elimination of excess fluoride occurs through the urine, even poor functioning or kidney distortions can cause an excess of fluorine in the body.

Excess fluorine and nutrition

The dose of fluoride that is taken daily should never exceed 0.1mg per individual body weight .

As mentioned and as it happens due to the lack of fluoride, the excess of fluorine is hardly attributable to food. Fluoride is found concentrated in various foods, especially fish (salmon, seafood), black tea, vegetables (even potato peel contains fluorine), cereals.

In mineral waters the concentrations are very variable, tendentially close to zero in trace minerals, higher in fluorinated ones, where the content of the element can be even higher than 1 mg / l.

Fluorine for teeth: intake and contraindications

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