A good return from the holidays: wellness tips

Holidays ended almost for everyone, back to everyday life, to 'normality'. For adults, difficulties can arise with going back to work or simply with the 'usual' daily trend. For boys and children the first post-holiday thought is usually the return to school, but we will talk about it in a future article.

How can the benefit of holidays be kept longer?

How to make everyday 'normality' become 'special' every day ? It can be done? Yes, it is always a question of choice, action and priorities, as well as well-being; we can choose at any time what is good for us and what is not, and transform thoughts, words, actions and feelings into an instant.

It's a matter of practice, or of training, as I often say to the people I meet in my work, training in creating new habits, in flexibility, in dynamic balance. Yes, because there is no static equilibrium (and therefore a static well-being): what is static, fixed, rigid, creates stasis and stagnation and therefore is not healthy, at any level. Everything is a continuous change and movement .

So what can we do for a good return?

For example, a gradual return to activities (work, school, household chores, etc.), maintaining and cultivating good holiday memories and holiday friendships, organizing photos and videos to watch from time to time, keeping a diary of memories, creating a blog or a page dedicated to holidays and friendships, transcribe contacts and keep them through phone calls, meetings, messages.

Finding, indeed , creating time for oneself every day : just as we eat, sleep and wash, dedicating space and time is essential to recover energy and regenerate from stress, as well as being a good prevention: a corner all for itself, time to meditate, to relax for a short while listening to music or reading a book or for a relaxing bath, a walk, a bike ride until the weather is still beautiful, practicing or rediscovering a hobby or discovering new ones, learning wellness techniques to practice also on your own, enjoy a massage or a chat with experts. No excuses or references: priority, organization, choices and action to contribute to one's well-being, even for preventive purposes.

You can find many tips and practices on the web, but try to choose what inspires you, what makes you feel good, and experiment. You can always ask for help and advice from experts, but it is you then to put into practice and act for yourself.

Some idea? Learning to meditate (which is not the thing you sit for, stand cross-legged; there are so many techniques and ways to adapt to us in the West), keep the Diary of Gratitude : every day you write at least one thing to be grateful for ( but also more than one!) helps bring attention to what is beautiful and good every day for everyone, even in the darkest moments, and helps cultivate the sense of Abundance rather than 'lack' .

Try to experience non-judgment, towards yourself, others and life, and to practice a 'positive' or 'proactive' technique such as affirmations, positive thoughts, creative writing, meditative art, relaxation techniques.

There are no magic wands, there is daily practice, respect and love for oneself and for the rest of the world, there are easy moments and less easy ones, there is a commitment to oneself and one's star well, with the help we can meet from time to time and choose to practice.

Among the wellness techniques you can learn relaxation and breathing exercises, or easy self-treatments of the hands and face, or help you with natural remedies such as flower remedies ( Bach Flowers, Australian Flowers and other repertoires).

Some examples could be Walnut, from the walnut tree, among the Bach Flowers, called the great adapter, for all situations and moments of change and adaptation; emergency remedies such as Rescue remedy (or Resource) or Emergency in the Australian repertoire, compounds ready for use as Stress Stop or Energy among Australians. It should be remembered that the choice of flower remedies and all natural remedies must be customized according to the needs of the individual.

So good return and good welfare.

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