Lomi lomi massage, soul massage

We know the lomi lomi massage

The lomi lomi massage is a holistic massage, which involves the person in an overall way, soul, mind and body. Lomi lomi in Hawaiian means massaging, precisely forming waves. Its origin is very ancient, inspired by the ka huna massage, a rhythmic style of massage typical of Hawaii that allows you to massage the entire body with a single movement.

Hawaiian massage is not just a form of aesthetic or physical well-being. The value of the ka huna, as it was once called the massage, was very important in the past, so much so that it coincided with a ritual that marked the passage to a new phase of life, bringing man to true self-awareness, to physical maturity and spiritual.

The massage techniques were handed down from family to family, studied and modified by the kahunas, the masters, and were considered real panaceae for every kind of disorder, real massage techniques for personal care. Today the lomi lomi massage has maintained the same profound meaning of the ancient term, namely that of establishing a union between internal and external body, a reunion of being with the sensitivity of one's body, in order to give fluidity and balance energies.

How to perform lomi lomi massage

Only recently have the kahuna decided to spread these natural wellness techniques. The massage is performed with harmonious and gentle movements, both rhythmic and deep, with the hands and forearms. The lomi lomi massage, also known as a soul massage, is performed with oils, sunflower oil, almond oil and natural extracts, precise gestures and movements, which tend to recreate harmony , just like the waves of the Pacific that lap the coasts of those distant lands .

A massage in harmony with the whole, with the breath of the universe, which starts from the principle that a tense body is not a serene body, in which energies flow. The blocked energy of the body is then freed from the massage, strengthened breathing, thus eliminating back and shoulder pain. Usually it is a single person who performs the technique, but can also be two. Once the masseurs used to accompany their sessions with Hawaiian songs and music. These movements start from the back, then descend towards the limbs, arms, hands, legs and feet, and then resume on the front of the body.

The areas that benefit from this natural cure are the lymphatic system, the circulatory system and the muscular system; the lomi lomi massage is therefore invigorating, relaxing and a natural remedy for circulation. It also balances breathing and mood. The lomi lomi massage brings harmony, relaxation and love and is in full harmony with nature, just like the other Hawaiian techniques: the martial art Lua and the Hula, the traditional dance.

Whoever practices it is important that he has, in relation to the person to whom it is transmitted, a positive feeling, of love, a well-being to be given in every cell of the recipient. Only in this way, as the ancient Huna Hawaiian philosophy itself says, is the massage completely effective: everything is in search of harmony and love, so it is important that this transmission, a harmonious flow of energies, is maintained.

10 and more essential massage oils

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