The Maharishi effect: can meditation change reality?

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is a note and for some controversial figure that occupies a key place in that process, still in progress, which sees yoga and Indian philosophy grow on the western territory. He, as many will know, is the father of Transcendental Meditation as well as, for his detractors, he represents the prototype of the star-sized glam guru.

Whatever the consideration we have of this master, it is certain that he has been a fundamental character as regards the diffusion of thought and tradition of the subcontinent. In this article we will deal with a phenomenon that bears his name and which is truly surprising: the Maharishi effect .

A surprising phenomenon behind which very complex and debated laws operate

First of all, let us remember that transcendental meditation is a mental technique that sees its epicenter in the repetition of a mantra. This type of meditation has been the subject of numerous scientific studies since the 1970s, it has several million followers (some well known), a foundation sponsored by the famous director David Lynch and various schools and universities that have included it in their programs.

Let us now go on to explain the Maharishi effect which requires a small premise: we will limit ourselves to describing the phenomenon in substance, but informing the reader that behind it would act complex laws of quantum physics which, according to his supporters, contribute to corroborate it. Since we are not physical, we cannot give an assessment of merit, also because the debate in the scientific community itself is still open.

Did you know that Meditation is also the best method to drive out anxiety?

So, in simple words, in a certain number of people, quantified as the square root of 1% of the population of the territory examined, which practiced transcendental meditation, sociological changes were found within the same community, that is: less crime (theft, homicide), less traffic accidents and less deaths in general compared to other cities or similar territories but without meditators.

If the number of people meditating increases, the benefits are no longer only local, but global: less conflict between states at war, rising stock markets, etc ...

The connection between improving the quality of life and a fairly large community of meditators that determines it is the basis of the so - called Maharishi effect .

Maharishi effect: a hope awaiting confirmation

Put like this, the Maharishi effect looks like magic. In reality, physicists, psychologists and sociologists have given (or tried to give) explanations but, as always, there is no lack of those who believe it is a huge bluff and that scientific research on the subject is partial, incomplete or insufficient.

Our approach is always to not have emotional reactions to these phenomena at least apparently extraordinary. Honestly it would be really wonderful if it was unquestionably and unanimously true: a community accustomed to meditating (or even the square root of 1% of a community) undoubtedly represents a set of people that aims at a different and hopefully deeper one conception of existence, which is undoubtedly good.

Unfortunately, to date, there is no irrefutable proof of its validity and we are forced, against our will, to maintain reservations in the hope of having some official confirmation as soon as possible.

Meditation can also give excellent results in children

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