Peruvian Maca: the adaptogen tonic

Peruvian Maca: what it is

Peruvian Maca is a plant found above all in the Andean highlands, from whose dried roots a food supplement with tonic and adaptogenic properties is obtained.

The main characteristic of Maca is to supply energy to the body: in conditions of stress and physical overwork, the maca interacts with the production of some hormones that are able to " adapt " the physical response to external conditions.

This is why it is one of the most adaptive food supplements par excellence.

Maca is commercially available in the form of powder and capsules .

Also read Maca as a supplement, benefits, uses and contraindications >>

Peruvian maca as an adaptogen tonic

Any substance capable of adapting the body to the different external conditions in which it is found is called " adaptogenic ". The body responds to external stresses by triggering certain hormonal mechanisms, producing certain substances capable of maintaining internal homeostasis and producing adequate responses to the stimuli to which it is subjected.

Stress is not triggered in every body in the same way: the threshold of triggering a state of stress is personal and different from individual to individual.

Maca adapts its action to each person's personal constitution, and the body's personal response to the specific situation, making the body able to respond to the stimulus in the most useful and efficient way.

The hormonal system is largely responsible for the physical and mental resistance to stress: the main hormone resulting from what is perceived, on a personal level, as a sensory and physical overload is cortisol, produced by the adrenal glands.

Maca does not contain hormones, but it allows to balance the production of cortisol and other hormones that produce well-being and a prompt response to stressful stimuli.

The characteristics of Maca are the following:

> It acts on hormonal balance, with benefits both physically and mentally;

> is a hormonal adaptogenic tonic, especially in the case of stress, it modulates cortisol production and consequent adrenal overload;

> is a natural aphrodisiac ;

> it is useful for women's health, acting on hormones both in fertile periods, with positive results on premenstrual syndromes, and during the menopause, reducing symptoms;

> increases physical performance and recovery after periods of overwork, both due to its nutrient content and adaptogenic function;

> increases immune defenses and physical resistance in general;

> regulates metabolism ;

> is a tonic, useful in case of depression and fatigue;

> is a natural antioxidant able to counteract physical and mental aging and to help the disposal of cellular oxidation products ;

> improves sports performance, and accelerates the recovery of normal physiological conditions after excessive effort;

> contains discrete quantities of minerals such as zinc and magnesium and all essential amino acids, as well as vegetable proteins;

> increases memory and concentration .

The quantity of minerals, flavonoids and amino acids contained in Maca makes it an adaptogenic tonic beneficial from every point of view: physical and mental.

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