Become a Ayurveda doctor: balance professionals

Ayurvedic medicine: healing or healing an imbalance

Ayurvedic medicine is a complex medical system that includes prevention and treatment aspects aimed at lengthening and improving the life of the human being in harmony with nature . "Knowing life" ( ayurveda ) means understanding that man, consisting of body and mind, senses and soul, being an integral part of nature like all living forms, is subjected to its laws also as regards health, disease, healing and death. For ayurvedic medicine, therefore, balance between man and environment means health, while imbalance is due to illness . The vital energy, for Ayurveda, is called prana . Each physical entity is characterized by a habitus, consisting of three elements / forces called doshas : vata (air and space), pitta (fire) and kapha (earth and water). In each individual, these forces are present in always different combinations. Based on this, the ayurveda doctor suggests ayurvedic remedies . Therefore, becoming an Ayurvedic doctor means knowing about pharmaceutical preparations of animal and vegetable origin, ayurveda dietary measures, deontological behavior categories, meditation, yoga and Ayurvedic massage.

Traces of Ayurvedic medicine and its mythological origins, are found in Indian texts of more than five thousand years ago, but the testimonies become more consistent around 1500 BC Currently, a large percentage of Indians makes use of, or also uses, this medical current which has gained not a few followers even in other parts of Asia, in Europe and in the United States. In India, there is no large city that does not have its Ayurvedic hospital. In our paradigm one of the many modern versions of traditional Indian medicine has penetrated, namely the Maharishi Ayurveda, a modern reinterpretation of the oldest known healing system.

Ayurvedic medical profession

Becoming an ayurveda doctor means having four main purposes : to prevent illness, to take care of one's health, to maintain one's health and to promote an individual's longevity. The ayurveda doctor is able to assess, through palpation of the wrist, the imbalance in the initial stages of a subject, even before the symptoms or the appearance of a disorder. Thus it is possible to take preventive action by providing specific indications on the best habits of life and food, and on the remedies to re-establish the psychophysical balance necessary to maintain the state of health. Becoming a medical ayurveda allows you to give benefits related to relaxation, improving the quality of life, breathing, nutrition and inner peace.

The remedies of the ayurveda doctor can be used easily both by sick people and by those interested in preventing and maintaining their health. Ayurvedic medicine is effective in combating and resolving common ailments such as asthma, headache, anxiety, insomnia, irritability, skin diseases such as psoriasis, gastrointestinal disorders such as colitis and irritable bowel. The Ayurvedic massage also relaxes and helps the body regain energy balance, dissolving blocks and giving vigor. There are also Ayurvedic therapies aimed at fighting more serious problems, such as tumors.

Become an ayurveda doctor

Ayurvedic medicine is widely used in India . In the rest of the world, there is a growing interest in the aspect of body care through Ayurvedic principles. Currently, Ayurvedic medicine is considered by the European Union and most member states as a valid non-conventional medicine, allowing the practice of it to qualified doctors.

In Italy, there is no formalization . To approach the theory and practice of this medical corpus, there are numerous Ayurvedic medicine training courses held by the various schools in the area. For now, in Italy there are no certified ayurveda centers, but information can be collected on the website. There is still no formalization of ayurveda by state bodies, except for some regional attempts, for example in Piedmont.

Better to study abroad, however. To become an ayurveda doctor you can study abroad with better results. To become an ayurveda doctor you first need a degree in conventional medicine and then a diploma in Ayurvedic medicine that can be obtained in England or India after 4 years of study. In India, registration is also provided for the Ayurvedic Council .

There are also qualified centers in Europe including that of Bournemouth in the South of England, the Medical Center of London, and others in the Netherlands, Germany and Spain. The largest European ayurvedic center is located in the Netherlands, where there is the Maharishi Vedic University which organizes courses to become ayurveda doctors.

However, it is not easy to become ayurveda doctors. The preparation is complex and complex. In addition to the normal courses necessary for obtaining a degree in medicine, it is also necessary to study topics in veterinary medicine, botany, cosmology, climatology, parapsychology and religion. Do you say veterinary? Well, in ancient India there were specific applications such as ashva-ayurveda (horse care), gajaayurveda (for elephants), go-ayurveda (for cows) and vriksha-ayurveda (for the treatment of plant diseases).

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