Valerian in pregnancy: how and when to use it

Valerian is a medicinal plant that belongs to the botanical family of Valerianaceae .

This plant grows in many parts of the world like Europe, Asia and America, being used since ancient times as a natural remedy for insomnia, nervousness, states of anxiety and agitation.

The use of valerian based remedies is usual in traditional medicine and even during pregnancy it was recommended in cases of restlessness, insomnia and anxiety .

We can say in general that valerian is a safe plant if it is not abused in the dosages and in the time of intake of natural supplements and herbal products.

Uses of valerian in pregnancy

Valerian is used as a light sedative with soothing and relaxing activity for the whole body; therefore it helps in those cases in which we cannot fall asleep or sleep is too agitated during the night.

It is also recommended in cases of restlessness, anxiety and small panic attacks . It has no side effects and the warnings are related to the possible interaction with barbiturates and sedatives, antihistamines because it amplifies the effect.

You have our days, however, many herbal products and many natural supplements based on valerian report on the indications not to take during pregnancy, lactation and not indicated for children under the age of 6 years. This precaution has been put above all for a lack of data on the possible negative effects and therefore to have the maximum protection it is indicated to not to assume it in these phases of the life.

During pregnancy, if you decide to take a natural valerian based remedy, ask your doctor and your gynecologist for advice . This is precisely because valerian-based products pass through the placenta to the child's fetus or breast milk. This is not a problem in normal conditions even if prudence remains essential in these particular moments of gestation and breastfeeding.

The effect of valerian is however much safer than any use of anxiolytic and sedative drugs in pregnancy. These synthetic pharmaceutical products are more dangerous and have greater side effects than the possible use of natural remedies based on valerian.

If the difficulties of insomnia and anxiety and nervousness are difficult to manage for the expectant mother it will therefore be better to help with natural remedies respecting the dosages and with extreme caution in the use .

Valerian among the 10 herbs for sleep

When to use it during pregnancy

As we have seen, the use of valerian is linked to sleep disorders and states of anxiety . In fact, many pregnant women have problems related to sleep and above all nocturnal awakenings or moments of extreme tiredness during the day. They can also present many forms of nervousness and restlessness related to the new psychophysical state they are experiencing that triggers their fears, anxieties and concerns.

For all these problems, valerian is a valid aid: in fact the composition of its active ingredients is well balanced and above all it does not carry the side effects such as daytime drowsiness and sleepiness that the real sleeping pills have instead.

Valerian is also indicated in the problems of the gastrointestinal system because it has an antispastic action that is useful precisely in cases of abdominal cramps and intestinal ailments . These symptoms can also occur during pregnancy and therefore the use of valerian based remedies may also alleviate the situation.

In conclusion we can say that valerian is a sure remedy even if at the particular moment of pregnancy it is always advisable to seek the advice of your doctor and your gynecologist for the intake.

How to use valerian

The rhizomes (underground stems) of the valerian plant are used for the preparation of natural remedies; in fact from these are usually extracted the active ingredients responsible for the health effects and the best resulting products are those titrated with a minimum of 0.42% of poisonous acids. This percentage of product standardization is a guarantee of its effectiveness as a healthy remedy.

In case we want to use valerian for anxiety and restlessness it will be good to take the dry extract twice a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, so that the effect is distributed throughout the day.

When we want to take it to help sleep we can do it about 30 minutes before going to bed . The use of dry valerian extract sees a total dosage of up to 500 mg per day and the intake can be extended up to a month.

Valerian can also be taken in the form of a herbal tea to drink and this can be another much sweeter remedy that can be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

The only drawback is the taste of valerian: for most people it has an unpleasant and too bitter taste ; in this case it is good to have a mixture of relaxing herbs prepared in a herbalist's shop specialized in medicinal herbs: valerian, passion flower and lemon balm. To prepare the herbal tea at home just boil 200 ml of water and then infuse a generous tablespoon of the relaxing herbal mix for 10 minutes .

A good tip is to keep the infusion covered so as not to disperse the volatile active ingredients and thus maintain all the properties of the plants. Once the infusion is ready, we can filter and sweeten to taste. One or two cups a day will be the recommended dosage to keep sickness away.

Valerian among the ingredients for herbal teas for sleeping

To know more:

> The side effects of valerian

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