How to apply acupressure

Beyond the word "Needle" which initially can be frightening, acupressure has nothing to do with needles, but with "needle points", that is the points of the meridians of traditional Chinese medicine, which are treated by the therapist with just using your fingers and even over the clothes of the person you are receiving. It is therefore a respectful and precise pressure on certain points that traditional Chinese medicine had already codified thousands of years ago and that new studies have revalued to help regain harmony and well-being that for any reason at a given moment of our life we ​​have lost. Acupressure, to facilitate individual growth, applies:




Light of consciousness

Through the release and balancing of the points (of the meridians of the associated organs) a greater balance, vitality, strength and well-being of the body, mind and spirit are facilitated. There is never suppression, but as Homeopathy teaches us, the subject's vis Vitalis awakens, so there is no contraindication to using acupressure while taking a homeopathic remedy.


Touching a human being is a sacred act, because we not only act on the physical body, but also on the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies and our hands can be miraculous healing tools in helping the recipient's energy to flow again harmoniously . Our therapist touch communicates "empathy". Our compassionate touch says, "You are important and I take care of you." Our sensitive touch means: "I respect your feelings".


We can use our breath - and also invite the person we are dealing with to do the same - to bring more Qi, more energy to a point or area where we feel we need it. If there is a tense, particularly painful point, we can ask to bring the awareness of the breath there, as if it could "breathe" through the point.

Love - Purity of Heart

There is a deep connection between us and the one we are about to treat, at the level of the heart chakra. It is as if through the flow of the energy channels of Cuore and Pericardio, which descend along the arms to the hands, our awareness reaches the other. This is where true compassion is born.

Light of consciousness - Clarity of mind

We can use our Third Eye, the brow chakra, to illuminate the consciousness even more, paying attention to everything that emerges from the receiver's process (symptoms, emotions, images), we can add power, supporting his "process".

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