Grow hemp

Until recently, an article with a similar title would have been censored in a short time and would have faced legal problems . But the situation in Italy and in Europe has not always been the case.

In past times, without having to go back to the Middle Ages, hemp cultivation was also legal in Italy, mostly for the production of textile fiber.

We are talking about Cannabis sativa and not Cannabis indica, or the cultivation that does not produce large quantities of tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, the famous substance responsible for the psychoactive effects linked to the hemp plant.

Precisely because of this substance, between the 30s and the 40s of the last century an era of prohibition began towards the cultivation, use and consumption of hemp, which targeted both Cannabis sativa and Cannabis indicates .

Some legal aspects of the cultivation of hemp

Today times have changed and are still changing. The laws are adapting to changes, to the fair exchange of information no longer biased by bringing out properties and benefits, thus opening the possibility of cultivating some varieties of hemp for textile use, for the production of biomass and biofuel, for green building and for medical uses due to the legalization of cannabidiol or CBD, a metabolite of cannabis with powerful analgesic, relaxing, anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory effects.

It is good to make sure that the cultivation activity of the hemp that we want to undertake is totally legal, in fact there is still a sort of limbo in the Italian rules that risks being ground for interpretations of part of the laws in force.

But beyond the legal aspects, to be known perfectly especially for those interested in a production for commercial purposes, it is also important to know the cultivation techniques, in order to optimize the yield and guarantee the health of the plant.

When and how to plant

We said that before prohibition, hemp was already cultivated in Italy, this tells us indirectly that, except in extremely arid areas and in the cold areas of high mountains, hemp has no difficulty in growing in our territory .

What it needs is a temperate climate, preferably warm (therefore protected in winter), in a well-drained soil rich in organic material . Under these conditions, this annual plant will be able to perform at its best.

Generally the seeds are planted directly in the ground, in the field, after the last winter frost, but sometimes the work is anticipated working in seedbed, in order to plant the young plants in an already quite advanced state in due time .

This first phase is crucial: although the young hemp plants need a well-drained soil, for the first six weeks they need continuous watering .

Find hemp seeds and grow organic

Finding seeds from a good hemp plant that can grow well but does not produce too much THC can be difficult. It is good to inquire a lot about it, expand our network of contacts with experts and rely only on resellers or trusted suppliers.

The minor risk in case of bad seeds is that the plants don't grow, but in the cases they grow with too much THC, the risks increase: from the destruction of the crop to the legal troubles of other nature.

It is good to know that hemp is an ideal plant for organic farming . In fact it is of a very resistant nature to various diseases and, once grown in a suitable terrain, does not require much care. With hemp, labor costs and the use of energy are really minimized compared to other plantations.

Contact the subject experts

If you are a beginner, it is important to rely on experienced people and make their experience their own . There are excellent books in Italian and English on the subject, books that touch on the botanical aspects of the plant, all the regulatory processes to be dealt with in order to be in order with our production, the part referring to the precautions for cultivation and harvesting, or inflorescence processing and, for those who were finally interested, also aspects related to marketing.

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