Nausea: symptoms, causes, all remedies

Nausea is a malaise that manifests itself with a feeling of disgust and rejection and that can have both physical and psychological causes . Let's find out better.

Symptoms and causes of nausea

Nausea is a condition of generalized malaise that often occurs before vomiting. Its onset can reveal an organic disease of the digestive tract (stenosis of the pylorus or intestine) or of the central nervous system (intracranial hypertension).

It can also manifest itself in non-pathological circumstances: at the beginning of pregnancy, as a consequence of hormonal changes, or during a journey (by plane, by ship, etc.) due to the movement of the liquids present in the inner ear. When the illness lasts over time without vomiting or other organic signs, it could be a symptom of a psychological nature that expresses a feeling of disgust, of rejection.

Feeding in case of nausea

Symptomatic nausea therapy may include small portions of solid food . It is good to drink, to ensure the necessary hydration . It is better to prefer fruit (excellent bananas ) and vegetables, while fried foods should be eliminated , as well as fatty, spicy and spicy foods that exacerbate nausea.

Some types of mint candy are very useful for treating nausea, you have to let them melt in your mouth rather than chew them (make sure they do not contain aspartame or suspected sugars).

Watch out for some vitamin families! Vitamin B6, C and K are useful to reduce the feeling of nausea. Give us in then with sweet peppers, leafy cabbage, turnip tops, broccoli, spinach.

When nausea is due to pregnancy, the intake of umeboshi, dried Japanese plums rich in organic and strongly alkalizing acids may be useful.

Herbal remedies

In case of nausea, ginger is very effective. Peppermint is also used as a mitigating factor in disorders related to the feeling of nausea. An infusion of chamomile may be useful to cushion the feeling of nausea.

Discover also the remedies to overcome the nausea in pregnancy

Bach flowers for nausea

Aspen ( Populus tremula) is the flower of Bach indicated for those who live with a state of constant fear and with a physical sensation of nausea. Compared to Mimulus, which treats fears of known origin, Aspen goes to act on phobias of uncertain or unknown origin and helps a lot in the frequent episodes of vertigo and nausea.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Acupressure of the oriental tradition it provides one of the most known solutions to reduce the sensation of nausea, it requires nothing more than sitting, and rubbing, putting pressure, the point where the nerve that produces the sensation of nausea is concentrated, this point is right between the forefinger and the thumb, applying a light pressure an immediate relief will be tried, it is very relaxing even when there is no nausea.

Acupuncture can be associated with this treatment: Traditional Chinese Medicine recommends certain points to treat the nausea that is interpreted as Qi Ni (counter-current energy) of Stomach.

Acupressure, which is based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, can also be a good remedy for nausea of ​​various kinds.

Essential oils for nausea

It may be useful to carry a bottle of ginger essential oil and in case of nausea such as pregnancy, pour a few drops into a handkerchief and breathe the fragrance.

Homeopathy against nausea

It is possible to treat nausea and vomiting with homeopathy using mainly Nux vomica (from the grated seed, it is a plant rich in alkaloids). In case of nausea and vomiting the homeopath could indicate the intake of 3 granules of Nux Vomica 5CH, to be taken several times a day. It is always good to hear the opinion of the homeopath, to identify the causes of the nausea and act on them.


Place the head up when you are in the supine position; sometimes it happens that the nausea causes acid regurgitations, this position will keep the acids in the stomach.

In moments of acute attack it is good to let go of the muscles that contract during the spasms caused by nausea; techniques such as autogenic training and guided imaging technique can help to adopt these forms of conscious control.

Have you ever thought about the relaxing exercise of seeing the water flowing? Seriously, a hot water bath is very effective to allow a moment of relaxation and a respite from nausea, attention to pressure, which does not fall too much.

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