Get rid of candida with quantum medicine

What is candida ? Given the cause of many diseases, what are the enemies of this epidemic? It has always been considered a vaginal infection, but is it really so? Does intestinal dysbiosis have something to do with it? Food intolerances how much do they affect? Are there effective holistic solutions? In this article you will find answers to these and many other questions.

Candida: what it is

Candida Albican s is a harmless yeast, a fungus that lives naturally in every human organism. In a healthy organism, it lives in a symbiotic manner in a balanced environment within the gastrointestinal tract, in the mucous membranes and on the skin. Unfortunately, this harmless yeast can develop in excess and become an opportunistic pathogen, being a commensal organism that takes advantage of another organism without damaging it or benefiting it, present practically in all human beings from birth, it is in the ideal position for take immediate advantage of any weakness or debilitation of the guest; moreover, few are the same in terms of the variety and severity of the infections for which he is responsible. In its proliferation, candida and mycotoxins are able to attack any organ or body system. Until it is treated, the attack is relentless and uninterrupted. If it is not blocked, a single-celled organism changes its shape and becomes a pathogenic fungus with filaments that cause a myriad of symptoms. This fungus has its roots in the intestinal wall generating permeability (porous openings in the wall itself), which allows the fungus and its by-products to penetrate into the bloodstream. Candida Albicans is the most common systemic pathogen in humans and causes infections both in mucous membranes and in the system, especially in individuals with weak immune systems. The prevention of candida growth requires a healthy intestine with adequate levels of intestinal microflora which, due to a competitive exclusion mechanism, prevents the development of pathogenic forms in the digestive tract. A good probiotic (encapsulated milk enzymes resistant to gastric juices) and a healthy and regular diet is the right weapon to hinder its development.

Typical symptoms

  • thick, whitish vaginal secretions, sometimes associated with itching and discomfort during urination;
  • white-yellowish patches on the oral mucosa;
  • gastro-intestinal: mouth lesions, bloating, meteorism, cramps, anal itching and altered intestinal functions;
  • general: chronic fatigue, loss of energy, general malaise, lack of libido;
  • genito-urinary: vaginal lesions and frequent bladder infections;
  • hormonal: cycle disorders and menstrual pain;
  • nervous system: depression, irritability and difficulty concentrating;
  • immune system: allergies, frequent influences and colds;
  • in children: inflammatory diaper rash.

The factors that feed the candida epidemic

The main causes of candida proliferation are: antibiotics, steroids (cortisone, prednisone), birth control pills, hormone replacement therapy, poor nutrition, radiation, heavy metals, alcohol abuse, drugs and stress. Heavy metals in silver amalgam, lead and cadmium in polluted air also contribute to this development. All these factors directly or indirectly destroy the good bacteria of the gastrointestinal tract, allowing the yeast to get the upper hand. The proliferation of yeast is favored by a diet too rich in sugars and refined carbohydrates, dairy products, alcohol, industrial foods and hormones secreted as a result of a high level of stress. Acute and chronic stress increases cortisol, a hormone produced by the adrenals (small glands located above each kidney). In turn, excess cortisol increases blood sugar levels. For the fungus it is indifferent that the highest levels of sugar in the body are due to a snack or an episode of very strong stress; use that sugar as a fuel to reproduce. It is easy to understand why the incidence of candidiasis is increasing more and more and that the epidemic of this century is considered today. It can be understood how yeast causes this myriad of conditions, but the truth is that the toxins of the fungus (the by-products of yeast) alter cellular communication. Once this happens, inflammation and infection occur where we are genetically weak.

What are the guidelines to counter candida infections

Foods to avoid

  • sugar, sucrose, fructose, fruit juices, honey, artificial sweeteners;
  • yeast and derivatives;
  • refined cereals: rice, pasta, not wholemeal flour;
  • fermented and smoked foods: soy sauce, vinegar, ketchup, pickles, alcoholic beverages, beer, cheeses with molds (like gorgonzola);
  • cow's milk and all the products containing it, cheese, butter, cream, etc.
  • Fruit: not too ripe;
  • mushrooms and truffles;
  • tea and coffee even if decaffeinated;
  • carbonated beverages: all drinks containing sugar, sweeteners or caffeine;
  • hot spices and curry: they are harmful to the intestinal microflora.

Despite the long list of foods to avoid, there are many others that can be consumed safely and with pleasure. The following list will give you some suggestions. Foods allowed and recommended

  • for breakfast: sugar-free muesli with seeds, soy milk or other milk alternatives, puffed rice, rice cakes, spelled or oats;
  • main meals: if you are not a vegetarian you can choose from a wide variety of organic meats. The fish, especially of cold water (salmon, mackerel, sardines and harangue) is very rich in unsaturated fatty acids. Beans, lentils and legumes excellent source of protein if paired with a portion of cereal. Abound with potatoes, buckwheat, pasta (and related wheat-free alternatives), tofu, vegetables;
  • snack / snacks: rice cakes, rye bread, rice or millet bread, wholemeal bread (without yeast);
  • salads and fresh vegetables;
  • drinks: herbal teas, natural or sparkling mineral water, tomato juices, fresh juices;
  • single seed cold pressed oils: sunflower, flax, sesame, olive,
  • non-spicy spices: cinnamon, carafono nails, nutmeg, etc .;
  • alternatives to cow's milk: soy milk, rice milk, oat milk, goat's or sheep's milk, dairy products: organic yogurt without added flavorings and milk flakes;
  • fruit: citrus fruits, apples, pears in small quantities, avocado. Lemon juice is allowed to dress salads or to add to mineral water.

Candida's favorite goals

Candida Albicans mainly targets nerves and muscles, however it can attack any tissue or organ depending on the genetic predisposition of the body. Among the mild symptoms of his excessive development are: fatigue, intestinal gas, bloating, stomach acid, weight gain, constipation, arthritic pain, sinusitis, glycemic fluctuations, allergies, etc. Finally, more serious conditions can develop, including autoimmune diseases and tumors.

Identify the causes and predisposing factors of primary importance. We see the most frequent cause: dysbiosis, imbalance of intestinal bacterial flora. In the human body, the number of intestinal bacteria far exceeds that of the cells that make it up; more than 400 different species live together in it. Without these tiny creatures, the survival of the human organism would be very limited. The bacteria in fact perform a protective action against numerous diseases (including tumors), control the levels of acid in the intestine, reduce cholesterol and help the body assimilate vitamins so that it can create the necessary enzymes. The most important beneficial bacteria are Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifido bacteriun bifidum . Fermented foods with lactobacilli (eg yogurt and cheese) are extremely important; the diet can also be with supplemental doses of acidophilus (probiotic bacteria). This strategy also helps prevent and treat conditions such as antibiotic-induced diarrhea, yeast proliferation and urinary tract infections. It may happen that the number of harmful bacteria exceeds that of beneficial bacteria, a condition of dysbiosis . Dysbiosis can have different characteristics and can lead to numerous and serious consequences. Let's talk about dysbiosis because in almost all cases of Candida Albicas treated, the problem encountered is mainly gastrointestinal, this finding is possible with the Check Up of quantum Bioresonance or Quantum Medicine thanks to the Scio instrumentation. In the opinion of the doctor Leo Galland, one of the leading experts on dysbiosis, << .. (.) .. excessive bacterial growth occurs in four related phases: putrefaction, deficiency, excess fermentation and sensitization ... (.) .. >>.

Rot. It is widespread among people who follow a diet rich in fat and low in fiber, which favors the proliferation of bacteroides- type bacteria. Their presence stimulates the activity of certain enzymes that break down bile, causing an increase in the yeasts of estrogens and cancerous particles. In turn, elevated hormone levels can stimulate the growth of colon and breast neoplasms; a diet low in fat and rich in fiber allows the problem to be reversed. It is also useful to take probiotics.

Shortage. Occurs when the number of beneficial bacteria (bifidobacteria, lactobacilli and Escherichia coli) It decreases. This phase is widespread among subjects who have food allergies or irritable bowel syndrome . Often the phases of deficiency and putrefaction occur in the same patient.

Excess of fermentation. It occurs when normally beneficial bacteria increase out of proportion, causing excessive gas production, abdominal distention, fluteness, diarrhea or constipation and a sense of general malaise. This condition is generally observed in people who consume high amounts of carbohydrates. Less consumption of carbohydrates and fiber can definitely help.

Awareness raising . This term indicates that the body is allergic to harmful bacteria. Their presence triggers a response from the immune system and the release of substances designed to counteract the infection. The greater the number of these bacteria and their permanence in the intestine, the greater are the attempts to eliminate them by the body. As a result, intestinal inflammations, connective tissue diseases or dermatological disorders may arise. An effective remedy can be the intake of probiotics and a greater consumption of dietary fiber.

Excessive growth of yeasts . In addition to dysbiosis, an overgrowth of Candida albicans in the large intestine results in the complex medical syndrome known as chronic candidiasis. The excessive proliferation of candida, a generally benign yeast, can give rise to numerous symptoms not only in the gastrointestinal tract, but also in different apparatuses and systems, including the urogenital system, the endocrine system, the nervous system and the immune system . Like all yeasts (which are mycetes), Candida Albicans normally lives in the folds and interstices of the intestinal tract and vaginal tract in women. Excessive proliferation, associated with a weakening of the mechanisms of the immune system, or to damaged intestinal tract walls, causes the body to absorb yeast cells, particles and various toxins produced by them, which in turn is responsible for the alteration of numerous organic processes. Candidiasis is characterized by a sense of general malaise, similar to a mild but annoying flu. Fatigue, allergies, weakened immune systems and digestive disorders are just some of the symptoms that characterize this disorder. Candidiasis affects women eight times more than men, because the balance of yeasts can be altered by the effects of estrogen and birth control pills. Food intolerances as they affect Food intolerances generally concern those foods that are consumed more frequently or even daily, so excluding the food to which you are intolerant is necessary, but you must act on the causes because otherwise you will continue to develop as many intolerances towards others foods among those most employed . It is therefore in the intestine, and in particular in the integrity of the selective and absorbent mucous barrier of the small intestine, where nutrient absorption takes place, which is the food intolerance lot . The food substances introduced into our bodies need adaptation to be absorbed and become part of us. Everything that comes from the outside world is analyzed and evaluated by our immune system that eventually sets up defenses and / or tries to adapt to external substances. The cells of the immune system are responsible for recognizing the food and possibly defending it if it is harmful. The intestinal mucosa, particularly rich in cells of the immune system, allows the absorption of nutrients and the elimination of pathogenic microorganisms and toxic substances introduced with food. Continuous exposure to certain foods can therefore cause a stimulus that irritates the intestines. With the diet it is possible to promote the response of the intestinal immune system and generally encourage adaptation. Intolerance, while not leading to a pathology such as allergy, leads to persistent inflammation of the organism, a sort of slow poisoning, to which the immune system responds by weakening.

The most effective holistic solutions

The most innovative solution is without a doubt the Check Up of quantum bioresonance or Quantum Medicine that detects all pathogens, both fungi, parasites, bacteria and viruses and imbalances in the immune system and beyond. Quantum Medicine interprets the person as a whole of body, mind and spirit; the specialist in Quantum Medicine, through a correct interpretation of the data collected using sophisticated quantum-quantum detection tools, is able to outline a "holistic analysis" of the health status of the person examined. With this general framework it can ascertain the true origins of illnesses and states of illness and plan a specific intervention strategy based on the use of methods, "sweet" practices using natural substances such as homeopathic products, acupuncture, nutripuntura, flowers for flower therapy or some of the plants most suitable for the person. Among other things it detects: allergies, food intolerances, fungi, bacteria; geopatie; the level of minerals and vitamins; various types of poisoning; the state of health of the organs and nervous, lymphatic and other systems. Desensitization with the SCIO / GIOIABERTHA device Once the organ is present the squ ilibrio and what the cause is, it is possible to set the most adequate balance for the person affected by the disorder, in this case for example Candida. The energy evaluation is thus modulated and customized in a program that takes into account both the problem and the patient's constitutional typology. What can you do for tea

  • detect the presence of fungi, bacteria, viruses;
  • food intolerances and allergies;
  • vitamin and mineral deficiencies;
  • candidiasis and cystitis
  • hormonal disorders
  • emotional disorders: stress, anxiety, panic attacks, depression etc.

A valuable ally we use is Nutripuntura (needle-free acupuncture). Nutripuntura is a relatively recent and unique technique that can be associated with other methods in the prevention and treatment of many functional alterations of both metabolic, neurotransmitter, hormonal and immune type, and their repercussions on the individual's psychophysical balance during his journey evolutionary. Nutripuntura is not a therapy but a technique to reinforce the soil on which functional, biological or actual lesions can emerge. In fact, the disease appears when the lowering of the vital potential of a given system prepares the ground that will induce its malfunction. There are two types of terrain: one innate (constitutional) and the other acquired (individual), the result of experience and the personal way of managing one's own behavior: by restoring the circulation of vital currents, nutripuntura is a very important instrument effective for restoring different soils (our body) and promoting a return to a natural balance. The associative Nutripuntura is a well-defined sequence of 5 nutrient tablets and is composed of: Liprophase + Nutri A + Nutri B + Nutri C… + Nutri Z; letters correspond to a number that depends on many factors that we will see. An association always starts with a Liprophase, followed by three other nutrients. The Liprophase stimulates the action of the nutrients with which it is associated. The latter are identified according to the needs of the person and the quality of the environment in which they live, and not only, and which thanks to the Quantum Bioenergetics Test are determined. A nutrient association allows the self-regulation of each organ at different levels: structural, humoral, cognitive and psychological. Nutripuntura is distinguished by its originality because it uses, replacing the needles of acupuncture, endocellular nutrients where electromagnetic information regulates the imbalance present in the person. The information reported here is only for the purpose of making information, it is not referable to prescriptions or medical advice.

Bibliography and sources: Ann Boroch, " The true cause of many diseases ", Ed. The meeting point, a. 2010 Riccarda Serri and Fabrizio Duranti, " Cambio pelle ", Ed. Sperling & Kupfer, a. 2012 Michael T. Murray, "The whole body in full health ", Ed. Red, a. 2002 Prof. Ivo Bianchi, " Integrative medicine. Practical manual. Natural therapeutic proposals for the most common problems ", Volume 1 - Ed. Mos Maiorum 2 °, a. 2011 Cristina Cuomo, Fabio Burigana, Antonio Dell'Aglio, " Meridiani and Nutripuntura ", Ed. Tecniche Nuove, a. 2011


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