Tsa-rLung therapy

Tsa-rLung therapy

Tsa-rLung therapy (long name Tsa-rLung-'khrul'khor-gyi-bcos-thabs ) is a very ancient traditional yogic practice. It dates back more than 2, 500 years ago, when it was practiced by both Tibetan masters and Indian masters. These healers are able to improve the health and well-being of the subjects by providing them with love, compassion and spiritual energy through the power of tantra and the recitation of ancient mantras. It is a practice that is carried out simply by touching the subject, transferring positive energy through the hands into it, in order to restore the body / mind balance.

The concept behind this mode of healing is that the energy flow in the body channels is responsible for the state of health and longevity. The correct flow of energy contributes to combating the accumulation of toxins, the cause of functional blocks of channels related to the heart and the body / mind relationship.

The term Tsa stands for channels, or the passages through which the mind, sensory consciousness, blood, nutrients and the energy of the mood flow. The latter carries blood and conscience during the day and night, up to the last day of a man's life. Mental functions are carried by the so-called ' Thin Wind '. The Buddhist philosophical conception therefore holds that the wind is the "vehicle of the mind" and that the channels, Tsa, are the "root of life" (the metaphor and symbolism of the tree is omnipresent in the traditional Tibetan medical conception).

How Tsa-rLung therapy works

In Tsa-rLung therapy, the channels are combined into three energy groups . These are the Tsa-Uma "wind channel", the Tsa-Rome, "fire channel" and finally the Tsa-Kyangma, "water channel". Wind, fire and water are the three energies that form existence, microcosmic and macrocosmic. The number of energy channels is very high, around 72, 000.

The blockage in the channels related to the psyche is not always caused by psychological problems, but often other factors can intervene such as a wrong diet or unhealthy habits. Psychic, energetic and physical disorders are caused by the mind, by the Wind mood and by the system of microorganisms. These factors are able to constrain or even block the energy circulation within the channels. The blockage manifests itself with the obvious appearance of physical symptoms.

This is where action is taken . The therapy focuses on restoring the energy flow of the Thin Wind in the channels, as well as restoring the normal functioning of the other channels. Before proceeding to the traditional therapeutic intervention, a diagnosis of the person is performed, based on the constitution, temperament and energy disorders that the patient carries within himself.

The Tsa-rlung diagnosis is very simple. The subject is invited to lie down or sit comfortably. There are three main diagnostic medotologies that are the diagnosis through the intuition of the mind, the diagnosis with open eyes and the diagnosis carried out through the observation 'flash'.

Tsa-rLung therapy takes place in three different sessions, based on energy conditions. There is a first preliminary session, followed by a basic therapy that ends with the implementation of energy therapies, both external and internal.

Following the Buddhist spiritual conception, the monk / healer must previously train and prepare before being able to proceed with the transfer of healing energy to the sick person.

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