How to lower cholesterol, natural tips

High cholesterol is a very common evil ; the main causes are to be found in lifestyle, diet and genetics.

Some people, in fact, have a predisposition to produce it in excess; in all cases, however, to lower cholesterol it is important to follow a correct diet and an active lifestyle .

When correcting nutrition and doing sports is not enough, other remedies can be used.

We go down in the specific, premising but that the high cholesterol is a serious problem and must be faced with the help of an expert.

How to lower cholesterol with the diet

The fight against high cholesterol cannot do without proper nutrition . Here are some useful tips:

  • Drink plenty of water, at least a liter and a half a day.
  • Limit alcohol consumption . A glass of red wine with meals is sometimes allowed, but it would be advisable to abolish spirits.
  • Eliminate soft drinks and all sugary drinks . In general, don't overdo sugar consumption. Avoid eating industrial sweets and prefer homemade ones.
  • Minimize fatty seasonings ; the only advisable fat dressing is extra virgin olive oil . There are other vegetable oils that, due to their composition, can be used in a diet to lower cholesterol, for example wheat germ oil, but you need to know them well so as not to use them incorrectly. In fact, many vegetable oils with good anti-cholesterol characteristics can be consumed only raw and are not suitable for use in the kitchen.
  • Avoid ready meals, often too rich in fat, and very much mimic the consumption of sausages. Those who love to eat meat should choose lean meats and do not overdo the quantities. Fish is preferable to meat, especially blue; instead it is advisable to avoid fatty fish products, such as eel, salmon, shellfish and seafood.
  • Dairy products are not completely forbidden, as is often thought. The important thing is to bring only the lean ones to the table: cow's milk ricotta, yogurt and skimmed milk are the most advisable.
  • Limit egg consumption . You should not exceed two eggs a week.
  • Consume at least two servings of vegetables per day, cooked and seasoned in a simple manner.
  • Eat two or three servings of fruit a day, choosing the less caloric one . The discourse on calories is important when you want to lower cholesterol because being overweight favors the increase of cholesterolemia .
  • Increase legume consumption .
  • Attention to cooking methods . Avoid frying and cook foods preferably steamed, boiled and baked, flavoring with aromas rather than fats.

Foods for high cholesterol

How to lower cholesterol with sport

If you want to lower your cholesterol there is another thing you should do: move. The fight against high cholesterol is more effective when practicing an aerobic type activity, at least two or three times a week.

The nature and duration of training depends on individual characteristics, for example age, general health conditions and level of training.

It is also important to follow an active lifestyle. To move more sometimes it is enough to change some habits, for example walking a lot, instead of always taking the car, and walking up the stairs.

How to lower cholesterol with other natural remedies

There are natural supplements that help lower cholesterol and achieve greater results than the cholesterol diet alone, which must always be respected.

  • Fermented red rice . Fermented red rice contains monacolin K, a substance with a structure very similar to that of lovastatin, a statin (statins are the most widely used drugs in the treatment of high cholesterol). The supplements based on red fermented rice are not all the same and not all, therefore, have the same efficacy in lowering cholesterol. Much depends on the amount of monacolin K contained in them, which varies from product to product.
  • Soy lecithin . Soy lecithin is an emulsifying substance derived from the direct processing of soy beans. One of its main qualities is to lower cholesterol. It can be found on the market in tablets, granules and powder. That in granules can be used both as a supplement and as an ingredient in the kitchen and is perfect especially for making homemade creams and desserts.
  • Vitamin C, vitamin E, group B vitamins and all other antioxidant substances are usually mentioned among the remedies for lowering cholesterol.

And green tea ? We often hear about it when we talk about fighting high cholesterol. In fact, thanks above all to catechins, substances with a high antioxidant power, it can be useful for lowering cholesterol in the context of an adequate diet and a sufficiently active lifestyle.

High cholesterol, 3 remedies to the rescue

To know more:

> Anti-cholesterol foods, what they are and which to avoid

> Herbal remedies to fight high cholesterol

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