Does naturopathy help our nervous system?

The nervous system is a complex organ that at all times knows and guides all the processes that take place in our body.

Care must be taken, more and better than any other part of the body.

Naturopathy for the nervous system has in store for wellness goodies.

The nervous system

The nervous system is a tissue of our organism specialized in the processing of electrical signals ; consists of two large units: one part located in the skull ( the brain ) and one (called nevrasse ) that branches out, with numerous offshoots and gradually smaller ( the nerves), starting from the spine up to all the districts of body.

The nervous system is composed of three fundamental elements:

  1. the nerve cell or neuron, made of a cellular body and its extensions (axon or neuritis and dendrites);
  2. the glia, or the covering (made of fatty substances) of the neurasse and the nerves;
  3. connective tissue, which supports the nerves. The nervous system's task is to coordinate the different functions of our organs. In fact, nerve cells can receive, recognize and transmit all the physical and chemical stimuli coming from outside and inside our body. Nerve tissue carries information and instructions from one region of the body to another.

Nervous system functions include:

  • acquisition of information on the internal and external environment of the body
  • integration of information from the senses
  • coordination of all body activities, voluntary and involuntary
  • regulation and control of all organs

No computer, not even the most sophisticated, can reproduce the functions of the human nervous system.

Naturopathy for the nervous system: nutrition

Naturopathy offers a vision of the organism in its totality, and recognizes the extraordinary abilities of the brain and the nervous system in general. For the health of the nervous system, naturopathy recommends that the diet be regulated first.

As we have seen, fats are part of the lining of the nervous system. Good quality fats will therefore be great allies of the nervous system: we do not miss on our table the Omega three (present in flax seeds, blue fish, salmon, walnuts).

But naturopathy recommends other allies for our nervous system:

- Vitamin C, a powerful natural antioxidant that improves circulation; it is present in the cabbage and broccoli family, in tomatoes, in citrus fruits, in kiwis, in red fruits;

- antioxidants such as lycopene (in tomatoes), green tea;

- choline, necessary for cell membranes and the transmission of nerve impulses. Choline is also essential for the brain development of the fetus and baby; found in eggs;

- water.

Naturopathy for the nervous system: two natural remedies: Bach flowers and Bioenergetics

Naturopathy has a powerful support for the most subtle level of our nervous system, the emotional one: Bach Flowers. Bach flowers intervene to dissolve those emotional "knots" which, for example, prevent us from evolving on our path, which make us unhappy or dissatisfied. They are also very effective on an energetic level, for examples in cases of nervous and physical overwork, in which Olive is indicated.

Bioenergetics, on the other hand, is a therapy whose primary purpose is the elimination of muscular, nervous and emotional tensions . We start from the concept that repressed emotions are transformed, in the course of life, into permanent postures and tensions that in the long run cause physical and psychosomatic disorders . Bioenergetics, through specific exercises, releases tension and often also releases the emotions connected to them, restoring the balance to our muscular and nervous system .

5 tips to give wellness to the nervous system

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