Brittle nails: 5 TOP remedies

Brittle, weak, thin nails that break easily? Let's discover together the five most effective natural remedies to strengthen nails .

1. Handle for fragile nails

Olive oil is perhaps the most used traditional natural remedy to strengthen nails and, in fact, is part of the formulation of innumerable cosmetic creams dedicated to hands and nails.

To get the most benefit from olive oil for brittle nails, dip your fingertips in a small bowl filled with olive oil every day and let it soak for about ten minutes.

2. Remineralizing horsetail compress

To re-mineralise brittle and flaking nails, use this natural remedy based on clay and horsetail extract, ingredients you find in herbal medicine.

Mix the equisetum fluid extract with a spoon of ventilated green clay, just enough to form a homogeneous and dense paste. Apply the compress on the nails and leave on until it has dried, then rinse with warm water.

3. Lemon wrap for fragile nails

Another top ingredient for brittle nail care appears to be lemon juice. You can use it by adding it to a teaspoon of clay as an alternative to the horsetail extract we've already seen.

Then apply the compress on the nails and leave for about ten minutes before rinsing. Repeat the treatment every other day.

4. Strengthening nail lotion

To strengthen the nails we can prepare a lotion to be applied with a massage over the entire length of the nails one or more times a day.


> 10 ml of grapeseed oil

> 5 ml of jojoba oil

> 8 drops of essential lemon oil

> 3 drops of essential carrot oil

> 2 drops of rosemary essential oil


Add the jojoba oil to the grapeseed oil ; for measurements use a graduated syrup measuring cup.

Pour the oil mixture into a small dark glass bottle and add the essential oils.

Shake the bottle lightly and let the lotion rest for 24 hours before using it on the nails.

Remember to label the lotion indicating the ingredients and the date of preparation and keep it away from light and heat for a maximum of one month.

5. Feed for brittle nails

Brittle nails can depend on several factors including nutrition : vitamin or mineral deficiencies can weaken the nails or cause changes in the color and shape of the nail.

Weak, brittle nails that break easily seem to be linked to a lack of vitamin A and calcium and following a balanced and varied diet is certainly helpful for having strong, beautiful and healthy-looking nails.

Vitamin A found in various foods of animal origin, including eggs, while in various vegetables we find beta carotene, a precursor of vitamin A.

Food sources of calcium are milk and its derivatives but also water, sesame seeds and almonds, as well as fortified foods for breakfast, such as vegetable milk and added calcium cereals.

Include in your diet at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day, varying every day to ensure all the essential vitamins and minerals for the body.

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