Applications of cinnamon essential oil
natural remedies
Applications of cinnamon essential oil

Applications of cinnamon essential oil

Cinnamon essential oil: properties Cinnamon essential oil is a very warm, typically winter essence. Its properties are: > Heating; > slightly tonic ; > aphrodisiac ; > insect repellent ....

How to lose weight with garcinia

How to lose weight with garcinia

In herbal medicine Garcinia Cambogia is used to make people lose weight and lower their blood cholesterol level. As its name indicates, Garcinia Cambogia is a plant native to south-east Asia , spontaneous in the tropical climate areas of southern India, Indochina, Cambodia and the Philippines which is used in slimming products for presence in the rind of the fruit of hydroxycitric acid ...

How to deal with anxiety and panic crisis with Bach flowers

How to deal with anxiety and panic crisis with Bach flowers

What are anxiety crises? Anxiety disorders can arise especially in the adolescent phase if not even before, they can be triggered by various contexts. I state that the anxiety of the parents is transmitted to their children unknowingly, since the first days of conception, therefore all those situations of agitation, stress, bad moods, nervousness are transmitted to the child without us realizing it...

Erigero, properties and benefits

Erigero, properties and benefits

What is the uretero Erigeron Canadensis is its botanical name and belongs to the Composite or Asteraceae family; it is a weed with a "hairy" stem that can reach up to a meter and a half or two in height. As the name indicates, the plant is native to North America and was subsequently imported into Europe, including Italy, where it is seen growing up to 1000 meters in height ...

Stop allergies with Ribes Nigrum

Stop allergies with Ribes Nigrum

Gemmotherapy uses Ribes nigrum's bud derivative for allergy in all its manifestations. Obtained from fresh blackcurrant buds, this natural remedy performs an essentially antihistamine and anti-inflammatory action similar to that exerted by synthetic cortisone drugs , but without obviously causing side effects, neither overdose nor long term...

Melissa: uses and effects on cognitive functions

Melissa: uses and effects on cognitive functions

Lemon balm has a very long medical history (its use has been documented since 80 BC) and a well deserved reputation in the field. Even Paracelsus advised her for her ability to revive mood, to support memory, and for a series of secondary cognitive benefits. We discover its uses and effects on cognitive functions...

Cotton oil, all uses and properties

Cotton oil, all uses and properties

Cotton , a plant known since ancient times, belongs to the genus Gossypium , of the Malvacee family; originally from Africa and some parts of Asia and North America, the cotton plant was already cultivated by the Greeks and Romans. Only later and thanks to the Arabs, various species of cotton were also introduced in Europe, in southern Italy, in Sicily, and used to obtain both fiber and oil...

Treating panic attacks with Bach flowers

Treating panic attacks with Bach flowers

Bach flower therapy for panic attacks is becoming increasingly popular, due to the profound action that flower remedies are able to perform, up to the real cause of the disorder. In fact, the manifestation of panic attacks is the signal that our mind develops to make us aware of a psychological and emotional problem, which unconsciously afflicts us...

Examination anxiety?  A help from Bach flowers

Examination anxiety? A help from Bach flowers

Exams, anxiety and more The emotional components behind the preparation of an exam are many: mental fatigue, lack of concentration, difficulty in memorizing, fear of not being able to understand the topic, desire to let go, fear of teachers, difficult management of one's own emotion, low self-esteem, in short, a crazy anxiety...

Joint pains: cure them with Bach flowers

Joint pains: cure them with Bach flowers

Bach flowers , remedies used for emotional rebalancing, also have a strong effect on the physical body, correcting or preventing somatized physical discomfort, through the "energetic vibration of the various flowers. The mechanism recreates" harmony "in the body by activating a self-healing process and of psycho-physical well-being...

Ginger and lemon, daily intake

Ginger and lemon, daily intake

Let us first of all make a proper premise: there are no magic products, not even natural ones, that work miracles in a few days. However, there are substances that can, in the long run, have beneficial effects on the health and well - being of our body. Ginger root is an excellent remedy for nausea and a good help for the respiratory tract...

Aromatherapy for the home

Aromatherapy for the home

Aromatherapy and home The house is our space : whether it is a building in which we will live for a long time or a place of passage, the smell of the environment in which we live affects our mood. Our own perception of the place, the way we feel physically and emotionally, the idea that others will mature about us by entering our house: all these aspects are deeply and instinctively conditioned by the scent of the environment ...

Astragalus and echinacea for your immune system

Astragalus and echinacea for your immune system

We have within us a real army prepared and well armed to defend ourselves against external invasions of viruses and bacteria: it is the immune system . Before resorting to drugs, we can do something to help this army be "fit" and ready to defend us. As always, nature comes to our aid with a large number of effective remedies ...

Bach flowers for emotional dependence

Bach flowers for emotional dependence

What are addictions? Dependency means an alteration of behavior that from a simple or common habit becomes an exaggerated and pathological search for pleasure through means or substances or behaviors that lead to the pathological condition. (taken from wikipedia). There may be a dependence on licit and non-licit substances, objects, people...

Arnica oil: the natural remedy for trauma

Arnica oil: the natural remedy for trauma

Arnica oil is an oil obtained from the maceration of Arnica montana flowers in a vegetable oil. The ancients completely ignored this plant, since it only grows in the high mountains. As reported by the Dictionary of herbal medicine and medicinal plants of Enrica Campanini, the first to mention it for the treatment of bruises and ecchymoses is Ildegarda di Bingen (1098-1179) ...

Herbalist and erection: when the plants "pull up"

Herbalist and erection: when the plants "pull up"

Herbalist and erection: if women used to go there for many reasons, today many men approach plants and medicinal herbs to intervene on male sexual dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction , known in popular language as impotence , is the inability to obtain, or maintain, an erection long enough to have a complete relationship with one's partner...

The courses for learning to use Bach flowers

The courses for learning to use Bach flowers

Flowers that take care of you: you have heard of them but you have never deepened, until the moment, perhaps, you came across someone who had attended Bach flower courses to learn how to use them. Also in Italy the number of people approaching flower therapy is growing, in pharmacies the availability of flower therapy products is expanding and in the educational programs of naturopathic schools valid courses have now been inserted aimed at preparing the flower therapists of tomorrow, or professional figures able to employ the flower remedies discovered in the 1930s by Dr...

Purify the house with a mixture of essential oils

Purify the house with a mixture of essential oils

"Home" is that place where we build, our nest, the place where we rest and recharge after days spent outside, in crowded, anonymous or non-belonging places; or it is that place where we spend most of our time, working and living our relationships and our time. In any case, the house is the place that should help us find our balance and our center , that safe place to come back to and start from...

Classification of Bach Flowers and Moods

Classification of Bach Flowers and Moods

This classification, which gives us a quick indication of how Dr Bach classified the remedies based on moods, can help us to have a first idea about this healing method , as Dr. Bach himself defined it, especially for those who have never had the chance to use them. It is clear that you will have to turn to a specialist to get precise information both on the type to use and on the way of hiring, avoiding DIY...

Anti-cellulite herbal teas

Anti-cellulite herbal teas

It seems impossible that the water cooked with some grass inside could have miraculous effects on the inevitable cellulite formation yet the herbal teas are among the most effective natural remedies for cellulite. If chosen correctly and consumed consistently , anti-cellulite herbal teas can become more than a simple and healthy habit, but rather a valid ally ready to take action whenever subcutaneous fats try to settle against us...

Purifying liver teas

Purifying liver teas

Let us trust our friendly herbs and the trusted herbalist to purify the liver and prepare ourselves for the new season. A couple of cups a day, morning and evening, of herbal tea with artichoke or dandelion are ideal to give it a hand, but they are also excellent licorice and mint and milk thistle . Here are some simple recipes to start treating the liver...

Hemp, the plant of which nothing is thrown away

Hemp, the plant of which nothing is thrown away

Hemp , since ancient times, has been used not only for its medical properties, but also for food, cosmetics and paper production. However, in recent years, its use is returning to the fore thanks to its ability to grow quickly and with few resources. Let's find out all the uses. Anti-prohibitionists rightly Hemp yes or hemp no...

Start school?  We solve the initial discomforts with Bach flowers

Start school? We solve the initial discomforts with Bach flowers

The return to school after a long vacation period is always a delicate moment for children, accustomed to long days outdoors, the absence of schedules and duties and lots of free time to devote to games and sports. Adapting again to routine, rules, getting up early in the morning, homework and small daily responsibilities can mean for many an initial rebellion made up of whims, listlessness, refusal to study or excessive exuberance and agitation...

Marigold essential oil, properties and benefits

Marigold essential oil, properties and benefits

Marigold essential oil: properties and benefits The marigold (Tagetes minuta) is a plant that probably originated in Africa but is now widespread in South America, Australia and even Europe. Of particular value and use in parks and gardens, it has a large number of botanical and aesthetic properties: the stem can reach two meters, and the late flowers liven up, with their warm yellow and orange color, the season in which normally everyone the other shrubs slowly peel off and lose their flowers, that is autumn ...

Impatiens, the Bach flower to restore calm

Impatiens, the Bach flower to restore calm

Flower Therapy uses Impatiens for those who cannot match their times with those of others or the reality of things. So the times are always ahead , they quickly jump to conclusions, they don't like to waste time on what they call trifles. They are always in a hurry , always hyperactive, suffering from joint inflammation, muscle spasms, tachycardia, headache, gastritis, skin irritability, back pain...

Anxiety problems?  Try the hawthorn

Anxiety problems? Try the hawthorn

Anxiety problems ? Let's see how to deal with it with the help of hawthorn , a medicinal plant that protects the heart and the nervous system. Hawthorn, anxiety, heart The cardioprotective action of the hawthorn is due to its content in proantocianidoli , which act on the one hand on the strengthening of the contractile force of the heart; and on the other hand on alterations in cardiac function...

Walnut, the Bach flower of change

Walnut, the Bach flower of change

Flower therapy uses the Walnut flower for people who are always very hesitant in the face of changes that life requires even if they intend to evolve: changing jobs, changing homes, getting married are difficult changes for those who need Walnut. This remedy is indicated for those who are incapable of making radical decisions , because they have a thousand hesitations, they are always doubtful and get stuck between doing and not doing...

Herbs not by chance

Herbs not by chance

Their fresh and relaxing green, the delicate and sometimes vivid colors radiated by the reflections that the sun radiates with its light making them even more beautiful, the multiform of the leaves .. The herbs are a divine miracle with countless beneficial and medical properties , for millennia man has been cured thanks to their properties without resorting to anything else...

If a primrose is spring

If a primrose is spring

The Primula Veris or officinalis whose name means spring flower , is seen peeping out with beautiful yellow flowers in the woods, near streams, on calcareous soils, at the end of winter immediately after the disappearance of the snow, when in green grass begins to appear. The primula is fixed to the ground by means of a rhizome that forms many rootlets, whose leaves are oval and elongated...

Mosquito repellent plants, what they are and how to use them

Mosquito repellent plants, what they are and how to use them

The mosquito repellent plants have scents and odors which are unpleasant to mosquitoes and insects and have this characteristic plants and aromatic herbs. In fact these plants are rich in highly perfumed essential oils that for some insects are irresistible and approach the plant usually for pollination while for other insects such as mosquitoes these aromas are repellent and are kept away...

Coconut oil for the skin

Coconut oil for the skin

Coconut oil is an emollient and perfumed vegetable oil useful for softening the skin and making it smoother, more elastic and hydrated: perfect for summer, coconut oil restores softness to sun-dried skin. Coconut oil, properties and benefits for the skin Coconut oil is a natural vegetable oil that is obtained from the pressure of coconut flesh ...

We treat depression with the floral essence Mustard

We treat depression with the floral essence Mustard

Psychological type The mustard type tends to be introverted, suddenly it is invaded by melancholy and sadness, it loses interest in everything that surrounds it, suddenly it lacks something, it feels like an orphan, it is separated from the Self. This separation creates to the type mustard much pain, a sense of emptiness, the things that I generally convey to him joy and interest appear as empty, nothing gives him relief...

Yerba Mate, a weight loss aid?

Yerba Mate, a weight loss aid?

Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay are the chosen lands of Yerba Mate or Erva Mate and for native populations it is a traditional drink, to be consumed daily. They also call it "green gold", and they are green and toasted leaves and petioles to be prepared in infusion just like a tea. The original recipe was handed down by the Guarani Indians who prepared a drink to taste both hot and cold, strictly using very pure Mate leaves left to soak in hot water for about 30 minutes or alternatively in cold water and pressed...

Black currant: plant with an action similar to cortisone

Black currant: plant with an action similar to cortisone

From nature a plant from the silmile action to cortisone to counteract spring allergies. Let's find out more about the black currant. Ribes nigrum May is the month of allergies: sneezing, coughing, watery eyes. eczema, asthma are the most common symptoms. A valid help can come from nature thanks to the glyceric macerate ribes nigrum , the antiallergic par excellence...

Ribes Nigrum and other remedies against allergies

Ribes Nigrum and other remedies against allergies

Allergies are felt at the dawn of spring but it is good to never lower your guard, even in summer, because allergens have their seasons. In nature we have a valid help from the buds of a small shrub, the blackcurrant, which are used for the realization of the glycerine macerated, the Ribes Nigrum , which has an antiallergic and anti-inflammatory and tonic-energetic action ...

How to distil lavender

How to distil lavender

Essential oils are the mixture that captures and preserves the beneficial properties of the plants and is certainly at a higher concentration than other officinal formulas. Contrary to what one might imagine, however, these essences are rather difficult to make at home . To obtain the oily juice of a plant, in fact, it is necessary to fully understand the operation of the distiller , an almost unique instrument for extracting the essence...

Australian Bush Flower Essences: Veronica Pacella explains Ian White

Australian Bush Flower Essences: Veronica Pacella explains Ian White

Veronica Pacella , our co-operative nutritionist and naturopath, explains something about the seminar dedicated to the Australian Bush Flower Essences held by Ian White , a naturopath, homeopath and kinesiologist with twenty years experience, held from 1 to 4 June at Costermano del Garda, in the province of Verona...

Natural remedies for seborrheic dermatitis

Natural remedies for seborrheic dermatitis

Natural remedies for seborrheic dermatitis act both for external use, with ointments and ointments to calm and regenerate damaged skin , and internally, with the use of natural supplements with anti-inflammatory action on irritated and damaged skin. Seborrheic dermatitis is the consequence of an atrophy of the blood capillaries, which, by not bringing nourishment and oxygen to the tissues, cause a continuous cell death , called apoptosis ...

Centaury: the flower for those who can't say no

Centaury: the flower for those who can't say no

Flower therapy uses among Bach Centaury flowers, to cure the tiredness and the physical exhaustion that derive from the desire to help and support the needs of others, abusing their own strengths and energies. They are very selfless and generous people who wish to serve and support others, to the point of becoming more " servants " than helpers...

Camellia seed oil, benefits and use

Camellia seed oil, benefits and use

Camellia seed oil is a natural vegetable oil, produced from the seeds of the Camellia oleifera flower, an oriental plant belonging to the Theaceae family. The plant, with flowers ranging from white or mottled white to deep pink and red, extends from southern Japan to Korea and southern China. From around 1700 Europe knows this shrub, which has also spread to America, Australia and South Africa...

Tamanu oil, benefits and use

Tamanu oil, benefits and use

In Polynesia (but not only, even in Madagascar and other tropical countries) this large evergreen tree grows spontaneously, it is called tamanu or tamanĂ¹ and its seeds produce a very precious oil . Calophyllum Inophillum , so called by its botanical name, and its fruit have long been considered sacred by the Polynesian tribes ....