Stress: symptoms, causes, all remedies

Stress is the most common ailment of our time that can bring with it numerous other ailments such as insomnia and stomach ulcer. Let's find out how to cure it.

The body adapts to changes. When these changes hurt us, we are going to break through the possibility of damaging the balance that we should always keep in our chest, in our organs, in our lucid and peaceful mind. Instead let's get into what is commonly referred to as one of the most abused words of our era: stress.

The body reacts to stress by increasing the secretion of certain hormones and inhibiting others; the production of messenger substances such as serotonin, noradrenaline and dopamine is compromised.


The symptoms of stress, on the other hand, are obvious: frequent feeling of general tiredness, acceleration of the heartbeat, sleep disturbances, muscle pain, stomach ulcer, diarrhea, stomach cramps , colitis, thyroid malfunction, difficulty in expressing also concepts that one possesses, a feeling of boredom with respect to every situation, frequent need to urinate, change of voice, hyperactivity, mental confusion, irritability, lowering of the immune defenses.


The causes of stress can be multiple and vary from person to person. In fact, stressful events that can determine physical and psychological consequences are received differently according to personal sensitivity .

However, there are some factors that inevitably cause common stress such as:

  • intense rhythms of life and work
  • child trauma
  • deaths of loved ones
  • separations and divorces
  • pregnancy and childbirth
  • danger situations
  • financial problems
  • personal or neighboring health problems


Power supply in case of stress

Stress is manifested by lack of energy, excessive and continuous tiredness, poor ability to concentrate, apathy and difficulty in regaining strength.

In stress, as in fatigue, packaged foods, those rich in sugar and sweeteners and sugary drinks should be excluded.

The diet must be natural and alkalizing, rich in whole grains, legumes, small fish, oilseeds, extra virgin olive oil, vegetables and seasonal fruit of organic production, in order to provide the body with all the nutrients, the vitamins and minerals that are needed to recover energy.

Magnesium and group B vitamins are important , which are introduced by varying as much as possible the foods and the various types of whole grains .

In particular conditions, in addition to vitamins and minerals, natural tonic and adaptogenic substances such as spirulina algae, ginseng, eleuterococcus, royal jelly, pollen, rhodiola, and so on may be useful.

Blood sugar is also important, that is, the level of sugar in the blood, which remains constant, avoiding simple sugars with rapid release and products based on refined white flours.

During stress, incurring dehydration more easily, therefore the consumption of water away from meals, but also of organic herbal teas should be increased.

Reduce if not eliminate the use of coffee and tea that could worsen the symptoms.

Vitamin B deficiency is linked to stress: discover the causes and natural remedies

Herbal remedies for stress

Plants used against stress are able to produce a general improvement in psychophysical conditions; they perform a balancing action on the immune, endocrine, nervous and cardio-circulatory systems, favoring the body's ability to withstand stress and recovery.

  • Passiflora : ( Passiflora incarnata ) the leaves are particularly indicated by virtue of the calming and antispasmodic effects, in case of anxiety, nervous tension, irritability and in all disorders of the nervous sphere related to stress.
  • Rhodiola : ( Rhodiola rosea ), the briar is extremely effective for fighting fatigue, and fatigue, improves the quality of sleep, and has a cardioprotective effect, useful in states of stress, with tachycardia, palpitations, anxiety and nervousness;
  • Maca of the Andes : ( Lepidium meyenii ), its root is a valid aid, to combat stress-related disorders, such as decreased libido and sexual asthenia in both sexes. These revitalizing and aphrodisiac properties are due to the presence of components with a stimulating action on the endocrine glands, especially the adrenal glands, the ovaries and the testicles;
  • Griffonia : ( Griffonia simplicifolia ) the seeds have antidepressant properties, as it raises the levels of serotonin and regularizes the sleep-wake cycle (circadian rhythm) improving the quality of sleep. The use of the plant has also proved useful for controlling nervous hunger, linked to states of anxiety and stress;
  • Hypericum : ( Hypericum perforatum ) acts as a balancing of mood, limiting the reabsorption of two hormones (norepinephrine and dopamine) which intervene to support the body during periods of greater stress or nervous exhaustion;

The bud-derived of Birch Seeds ( Betula verrucosa ) acts on the central nervous system, rebalancing it during periods of work stress and emotional stress; asthenia and collateral symptoms, headache, cardiocirculatory arrhythmia, gastrointestinal spasms.

Among the herbal remedies there are also some useful medicinal mushrooms for fatigue, such as Reishi and Cordyceps. These help the body and the psyche to regain the well-being, improving the quality of sleep, energy and mood .

You can learn more about all the herbal remedies for stress

Bach flowers for stress

Bach flowers are a truly effective remedy to support the body in coping with psychological and physical stress; exert a revitalizing action on mind and body.

  • Elm : it is used in the states of stress arising from the anxiety of not being able to face too many responsibilities and it is thought to be unable to complete its task. In an excessive daily effort, the individual who needs Elm finds himself going through a moment of tiredness and psycho-physical exhaustion. The first of the benefits that this Bach flower brings is a rapid energy improvement, with greater concentration and work capacity.
  • Hornbeam : represents the "Monday morning syndrome", with difficulty to start the day, mental fatigue due to demotivation, to the routine, these people have doubts about not being able to face the day, fulfill their duties and tasks, have difficulty facing the problems and fulfill their obligations, which is usually not a problem. Sleep does not give them proper rest, in the presence of an illness they doubt they have enough strength to heal, they have a clear loss of will, combined with asthenia and fatigue.
  • Olives : those who find themselves having to resort to this flower remedy have worked so hard, or suffered intense and prolonged stress, to the point of no longer having the energy to face the minimum tasks. The individual may have suffered very physically and emotionally, feels weak, like after an exam, a job, a relationship, the struggle for an ideal. This depletion of physical and mental energy causes depression, a desire to escape life, or commitments in general. This flower is a true energy supplement, it is indicated for those who feel exhausted by heavy tasks and who want to regenerate completely.

In addition to Bach flowers, Bush's Australian flowers are also useful against stress, combined in a compound, Stress Stop, which promotes calm and relaxation.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

In traditional Chinese medicine, each organ of the body has a psychic content, which means that we also store mental energies within the body.

Stress, like anxiety, arises from energy imbalances, intoxications and poorly functioning organs that damage mental energy: for example, an intoxicated liver diminishes the strength of decisions. In addition to the Liver meridians, it is useful to treat those of the Heart and Spleen.

Acupuncture mobilizes the qi, the energy of the Liver, and reassures the shen, through work on these points:

  • SHEN MEN (on the crook of the wrist), which tones and regulates cardial qi ;
  • XING JIANG (between the big toe and the second toe), which tones and regulates the Liver, and cools the Blood;
  • FENG LONG (between the lower edge of the kneecap and the vertex of the external malleolus), which dissolves moisture, mobilizes the qi of the Spleen and Stomach, calms the shen and promotes the descent of the Yang .

Aromatherapy for stress

The essential oils indicated to deal with periods of stress or nervous exhaustion have a balancing action on the hormonal system, favor the correct functionality of the endocrine glands in the production of regulatory hormones of our biological clock, such as the sleep / wake cycle, hunger / satiety.

These essences, inhaled by environmental diffusion (1 drop per square meter in the place where they are staying), or poured into the bathtub (10 drops), or simply massaged on the body, intervene on the stability of the mood, calm the states of tension and anxiety, infusing the body with a new charge.

  • Grapefruit essential oil : with adaptogenic properties, it is indicated in periods of nervous exhaustion, anxiety or severe stress due to unbalanced rhythms of life in seasonal changes or climatic changes, to overcome jet lag.
  • Essential oil of petit grain : it has a tonic and re-balancing action on the nervous system. For these properties it is recommended in periods of high stress to counteract irritability and nervousness, depression, and insomnia.
  • Bergamot essential oil : it has a calming effect on the nervous system, counteracting anxiety states. It is used to improve sleep quality in case of insomnia; to combat stress and to reduce states of agitation, confusion, depression and fear. It induces a joyful and dynamic mood, eliminating psychological blocks.
  • Mint essential oil: has a refreshing and regenerating effect on the psyche. It is effectively used to promote concentration during study for exams, or to improve office performance. This essence also performs a tonic action, useful in case of psycho-physical fatigue and neurovegetative problems, due to stressful conditions, such as anxiety, insomnia, depression.
  • Essential oil of vetiver: it is a tic tonic in case of mental exhaustion because it calms and infuses strength and security. Restores in case of stress and hyperactivity, and supports concentration.
  • Palmarosa essential oil: thanks to its stimulating action on the nervous system, it is a valid remedy also for the treatment of mental fatigue, nervousness and stress.


Homeopathic remedies that treat stress are divided into two categories: somatic medicines and deep-acting medicines.

The symptomatic treatment involves taking Argentum nitricum 15 CH (5 granules, 1-3 times a day), which mitigates the states of agitation, and Gelsenium 9 CH (5 granules, 1-3 times a day), also recommended for eve of an important test, an intervention or an examination.

In basic treatments, Arsenicum album 15 CH is used (5 granules, 1-3 times a day), which treats constant anxiety states, and in Lachesis 15 CH (5 granules, once a day), specific for sadness, disorders of sleep, melancholy and anxiety in menopause.


In fact, what we identify as stress is nothing more than a poor ability to manage turning situations, exposures to new sensations and manifestations around us.

This definition must certainly be enriched with the path that the word itself has made: W. Cannon was the first to state the concept of alarm to H. Selye stressed mainly on the biological-somatic aspects, R. Lazarus worked on the problem of psychological stress, J. Mason touched on the psychobiological aspects of stress and P. Pancheri tried to combine the biological-behavioral aspects.

To understand when you are facing stress before it becomes chronic, you should observe your body, listen to it again .

In case of anxiety it is very helpful to massage some points of your body indicated in traditional Chinese medicine.

Here are two techniques that can help : massage the center of the palm of your left hand with the thumb of your right hand for about two minutes. Repeat the massage on the right. Another technique is to press with the forefinger, for five minutes, the point between the two eyebrows: exert a little force in the pressure, the benefit will be immediate.

If, on the other hand, you want to deal with the disorder in a more systematic way, we recommend oriental practices such as integral yoga or Chinese gentle gymnastics : those suffering from anxiety find it quite difficult to get into the perspective of quiet and meditation of these disciplines, which however over the long term they are of exceptional help in resuming contact with interiority, through the exploration and overcoming of body blocks.

In fact, there are many types of stress other than the optimal one, such as acute and / or chronic stress in conditions of action blockage, chronic overproduced stress, acute stress in a situation with chronic inhibition of stress .

Autogenic training can be useful, because it includes certain physiological-rational exercises that spontaneously create changes in muscle tone, vascular function, cardiac and pulmonary activity, neurovegetative balance and the state of consciousness.

Many symptoms can be stress and can compromise some functionalities of the internal organs. According to psychosomatic medicine it is a choice of the unconscious, which identifies as the target organ, the one depicting the problem (tachycardia-emotional problem, dermatitis-interpersonal relationships, dyspepsia-difficulty to `digest` some situations with consequent meteorism and / or nausea).

Yes to relaxation techniques, meditation, qi gong.

When stress becomes the normal condition we speak of chronic stress which has repercussions both at cardiac and pulmonary and gastrointestinal levels. Stress also causes damage to the endocrinol, uro-genital and epidermal levels.

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