The courses for learning to use Bach flowers

Flowers that take care of you: you have heard of them but you have never deepened, until the moment, perhaps, you came across someone who had attended Bach flower courses to learn how to use them.

Also in Italy the number of people approaching flower therapy is growing, in pharmacies the availability of flower therapy products is expanding and in the educational programs of naturopathic schools valid courses have now been inserted aimed at preparing the flower therapists of tomorrow, or professional figures able to employ the flower remedies discovered in the 1930s by Dr. Edward Bach.

How to choose Bach flower courses

You have decided to register, but do not know where to start in the search for institutes, associations or schools to which you can turn to obtain valid training .

A hypothesis may be to directly attend the Bach flower course recognized by the Edward Bach Foundation, the original study nucleus based in England. The international program is articulated on three levels and includes a dense calendar full of seminars, conferences; at the end of each level the participant receives a d iploma certified by Dr. Edward Bach Foundation.

In addition to the Edward Bach Foundation, there are other schools that have courses lasting three years, include attendance, exams and final thesis and the possibility of taking an exam in order to be enrolled in the Italian Register of Water Flower Therapists ( RIF ). Many of these courses are included in accredited naturopathic school programs.

Whatever training organization you decide to contact, we advise you to check that these are not impromptu mini-courses, with a ridiculous duration, held by professors of dubious professionalism.

What you learn in Bach flower courses

But what do you really learn in Bach flower courses? First of all, you become familiar with the 12 "healers" and the 7 "helpers": you can better understand what the Bach flowers are and what they are used for, what are the moods they act on, and then include the other 19 flowers. We learn fundamental notions about the life of Edward Bach and how this great scholar has come to develop flower remedies.

We then move on to the knowledge of the signature and of the botanical aspects and, since, as in many cases, the practice is master, we move towards the path of preparation of Bach flowers and Rescue Remedy. In a course that respects itself, the spiritual and practical purposes of flower therapy must not be neglected.

Finally, some schools integrate this program with lessons on relaxation and meditation techniques.

Bach flowers just a click away

Some useful links for those who are about to attend Bach flower courses or want to learn more about the benefits of flower remedies:

  • Italian flower therapy company
  • List of disorders and respective natural remedies, including Bach flowers
  • Courses of the Bach Center of Mount Vernon, Oxfordshire (England)
  • Bach Flower Research Program, a British program of permanent research on Bach remedies

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