Start school? We solve the initial discomforts with Bach flowers

The return to school after a long vacation period is always a delicate moment for children, accustomed to long days outdoors, the absence of schedules and duties and lots of free time to devote to games and sports. Adapting again to routine, rules, getting up early in the morning, homework and small daily responsibilities can mean for many an initial rebellion made up of whims, listlessness, refusal to study or excessive exuberance and agitation. Without forgetting the scarecrow of the questions, the shyness and fear of the judgment of the teachers or, for many, the anxiety of the first day. So how can we help our children to peacefully face "after holidays" and school resumption? The sweetest and most natural way is offered by Bach Flowers, which allow children to quickly recover their emotional balance, restoring their confidence and optimism. WALNUT: is the flower of the walnut, to be used at the beginning of the school, but also to facilitate insertion in kindergarten or nursery school. This flower helps children overcome the discomfort generated by any change of habits, which is also useful for dealing safely with the first day of school. CHESTNUT BUD: improves memory skills and speeds up learning. It is useful for those children who appear listless and distracted, always ready to play, but they prove terribly lazy and distracting when it comes to being on books. Essence improves concentration and learning ability. HORNBEAM: it is very useful for the "sleepyhead" children, from the slow and difficult awakening, which every morning they make the mother despair when she gets up. The remedy gives them energy and enthusiasm for the new day that begins. VERVEIN: calms restless children who "never stay in class". The essence is useful for those children who are so lively that it is very difficult for them to remain seated on the bench: they move constantly, interrupt the lessons with insistent questions, try to drag the companions into their activities and end up disturbing the whole class . The remedy allows them to relax and channel their energy into a more balanced behavior. RESCUE REMEDY: if the child is particularly agitated and fearful. Dilute 10 drops of the remedy in a bottle of water to be drunk by the child in small sips during the day.

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