Types of diets

An anthology of diets with their pros and cons, examples of menus and advice dictated by a perspective of pure common sense. To give proper weight to weight and enhance human diversity which, in the case of diets, is also metabolic.

Diet, diets, listening to yourself

Strictly speaking, diet is the diet that each of us decides to adopt every day. Today the word is synonymous with sacrifice and stubborn struggle against fats. But we would like to remind you that an effective diet must first of all reduce the caloric intake without altering the balance between the different foods and, secondly, be accompanied by regular physical activity.

Notice of unbalanced junk diets and the alleged innovative methods that regularly arrive from overseas and which, together with calories, cut important nutrients. Health passes through the table and diets cannot be improvised.

In some cases it may be necessary to rely on a nutritionist, dietician or dietician, but it is always up to us to return, to listen to what the body wants and in what quantity.

Of course, when habits have been distorted and spoiled for some time it is more difficult to re-establish a natural balance, but also the return to a listening condition can be a nice path to understand what foods we need and in what quantity.

The real meaning of the diet

A diet is not a mere calorie calculation. What we choose to bring to the table must be commensurate with our metabolism, at the speed with which the body is able to burn calories . For this reason it is important to eat also according to the activity that is carried out, of whatever type it is: the body must be able to cope well with the effort, more or less intense, more or less prolonged, to which we subject it.

When we talk about calculating caloric needs, we bring up precisely this delicate relationship between what we consume and what we introduce into our body, without prejudice to factors such as age, the general health situation, hereditary characteristics.

Our guides on diets

From the Atkinson to the zone diet, passing through the infallible Mediterranean diet up to that of the blood group. The range of diets we offer is absolutely multifaceted and reasoned.

We advise you to read them and evaluate their essence, the basic dietary principles, but then make an argument that starts from your personal condition, before following them with your eyes closed and your stomach open.

DIY diets can be dangerous to your health because they are unbalanced, excessively protein-rich or lacking in some nutrients. Many of these diets are monotonous and do not allow to change the way foods and dishes should be during both the week and the day.

Every nutritional-nutritional intervention must be strictly customized, taking into account the person's history, physical activity, the relationship with food, food preferences, culinary skills, the family and social context, the presence or otherwise of motivation to change.

Articles written by our professionals on health food and diets

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