How to deal with anxiety and panic crisis with Bach flowers

What are anxiety crises?

Anxiety disorders can arise especially in the adolescent phase if not even before, they can be triggered by various contexts. I state that the anxiety of the parents is transmitted to their children unknowingly, since the first days of conception, therefore all those situations of agitation, stress, bad moods, nervousness are transmitted to the child without us realizing it. And from here the first tips are born if we want trivial but important in my opinion.

"We welcome everything that happens during the day with extreme serenity, we listen to music especially when we realize we are in conflict with something, we talk and caress our child, through the belly, reassure him with our hand and let him feel the pleasure that we are trying to prepare for his arrival. "

Anxiety disorders can be caused by physical ailments, such as hyperthyroidism, use of alcohol or drugs, or simply by stress, fear of not being able to cope, for example, with a university exam, a job interview, or daily problems.

What are the symptoms of an anxiety crisis?

The symptoms can be tachycardia, dizziness, dizziness, profuse sweating, a lump in the throat or stomach, a compulsive need to eat or otherwise, internal and external tremors, hot flushes or vice versa, a flushing sensation on the cheeks, a tingling sensation to the upper and lower limbs, to perform repetitive actions such as controlling the gas, the door, etc.

They are different symptoms, and everyone has their own, generally they scare us but still allow us to face the daily step.

You can learn more

> all the properties and use of Bach flowers

> Social anxiety, what it is and how to overcome it

What is a panic crisis instead?

The panic crisis (DAP), unlike anxiety, creates a state of anxiety and terror that does not allow the person suffering from it to lead a normal life.

The symptoms are generally those already listed for anxiety accentuated by total confusion of the moment, the impossibility to manage the crisis, terror of death, respiratory difficulty, nausea, dissociation and feeling of being out of one's body, chest pains, crisis of crying. Crises come suddenly for no apparent reason.

From the moment we decide to let us help, we will have to look "upstream" for what happened, a trauma, an accident, a loss.

What can we do to help with anxiety and panic attacks?

Certainly a psychological therapy can be useful, together with a support of natural products such as lemon balm, passionflower, linden and chamomile that act on the nervous and muscular system, so there is mainly a feeling of lowering of the anxious state with improvement of sleep and relaxation of the musculature. We find them in ready-made herbal tea or in glycerine macerated compounds.

Ipperico because often an anxious-depressive state is created, this product can also be found in a glyceric preparation or in TM.

Bach Flowers are an excellent support, and it is well awaiting an interview with a flower-therapist, bring with you a bottle of Rescue Remedy to be taken as soon as you have the perception of the oncoming crisis, the drops can be taken sublingually every 10 minutes, or in a ½ glass of water and sip after a few minutes and repeat until you feel more relaxed.

Another temporary solution that can be useful is the deep breathing focusing on the heartbeat, in this way we remove the thoughts that unconsciously have created us agitation and with the breath the first effect is just to make us feel relaxed.

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