Herbalist and erection: when the plants "pull up"

Herbalist and erection: if women used to go there for many reasons, today many men approach plants and medicinal herbs to intervene on male sexual dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction, known in popular language as impotence, is the inability to obtain, or maintain, an erection long enough to have a complete relationship with one's partner.

In the adult male the erectile dysfunction, impotence, can be due to physical, mental causes, illnesses, undesired effects due to drugs, alcohol or drugs. Impotence increases with age, but may also be present at an early age, in this case the cause could be due to the abuse of drugs or if it comes into contact with toxic substances or radiation.

When it is not a physiological or irreversible problem, in many cases the use of herbal products specific for erection, based on plant extracts can help to regain lost vigor.

Herbalist and erection: the aphrodisiac plants for him

  • Maca of the Andes: a normal erection occurs when all the blood vessels in the penis are full. This happens in response to an external sexual stimulus. Some substances in the brain send a signal so that the blood vessels in the penis fill up. In this way the penis starts to increase in volume and to become stiff. Most erection pills have the function of simulating this process by allowing the patient to achieve an artificial erection. Maca instead works on a natural level, strengthens the body and restores the balance and functionality of the hormonal system. We can therefore rightly state that Maca improves erection naturally . To be included as a main ingredient in aphrodisiac diets is known, in fact, as Peruvian viagra, also because it promotes an increase in seminal volume, increases the quantity of sperm by ejaculation, and improves sperm motility.
  • Damiana: the active ingredients contained in the plant have an action similar to that of testosterone and are able to stimulate the genital organs, in particular the erection center, located at the level of the pelvic sacral parasympathetic nervous system, favoring the influx of blood and nervous sensitivity of the penis. By improving the blood circulation of the genital area the damiana ensures a consistent and lasting erection.
  • Serenoa: the pre-Columbian natives used berries to treat various urological dysfunctions, prostate inflammation, erectile dysfunction and testicular atrophy. The serenoa may present some side effects such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

Already at the end of the last century, the extract was included in the official overseas pharmacopoeia.

However, efficacy in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia has been confirmed only recently by a review of controlled clinical studies in approximately 3, 000 patients. The mechanism of action is little known: perhaps it depends on the combination of an antagonistic effect on sex hormones, an anti-inflammatory action and an alteration of cholesterol metabolism.

Sexual dysfunctions: dealing with natural remedies

Herbalist and erection: essential oils for him

The herbal medicine to promote an erection provides the aid of aromatherapy: even essential oils are very effective especially when erectile dysfunction depends on psychological or nervous factors.

  • Pine essential oil : it is linked to the masculine universe, it helps those who have difficulty getting in touch with their virility and expressing it. It has a stimulating action, useful in the cure of impotence, of frigidity, in case of decreased libido.
  • Essential oil of ginger: it has a rubefacient action (ie it determines the recall of blood in the most superficial layers of the skin, heating the area and lightening the inflammation of the underlying layers thanks to the removal of blood). The essential oil of ginger gives warmth to the body and helps to wake up and warm the dormant senses.
  • Sandalwood essential oil : it acts by balancing sexuality with the spirit, promoting the integration of the sacred with the profane: for this reason it is used in tantra yoga schools to transform sexual energies into spiritual energies. It is therefore not a direct aphrodisiac, as its action is predominantly meditative and directed towards interiority: it is aimed rather at subjects who live the sexual argument superficially. It transforms sexual energy by elevating it on the spiritual level. Reduces aggression and violent instincts, eases exasperation, and releases blocked sexual energy.

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