Fish oil

Fish oil is the most generous direct food source of omega-3, in particular of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), good fat that our body needs; in reality, these fatty acids can also be synthesized in the body starting from an omega-3 precursor, alpha linolenic acid, particularly abundant in flax seeds and in many oily seeds such as walnuts, in canola oil, soybean oil and hemp.

Where does fish oil come from?

Fish oil is nothing but the good fat contained in fish . Fats are accumulated and come from microalgae or animals that fish feed on, they are fats that contain high doses of omega-three.

Why does fish oil do well?

First of all fish oil, thanks to the presence of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, lowers the levels of triglycerides, therefore of cholesterol, also bringing benefits to blood pressure, so it is excellent for those suffering from hypertension, the fluidity of blood and all cardio-circulatory apparatus in general, and helps to reduce inflammatory phenomena, such as rheumatoid arthritis, atopic dermatitis and pain caused by strong inflammation; however, it would not have obvious effects on the brain and cognitive functions of older people, as researchers at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine showed.

While yes, omega-3s affect mood: some experiments carried out at the University of Pittsburgh (USA), would have noticed, following the intake of omega-3, an increase in the volume of those areas of the brain connected to the management of emotions, which in depressed or behaviorally impaired people are reduced. Of omega-3 we should consume about 2.5 / 3 grams per day. Which means 2 or 3 times the fish a week or, for those who are vegetarian, linseed oil, flax seeds and nuts taken daily.

Where is the omega-3 located?

The omega-3 is abundant in particular foods such as fish oil, as we have seen. These are fish products: herring, sardines, anchovies, mussels, sea bream, sole, tuna, cod and salmon.

But beware of fish that accumulate toxins ; swordfish and verdesca in particular may contain harmful dioxins and mercury. Since toxic substances such as dioxin and some pesticides are liposoluble, they are also found in good concentrations in fish oil, so care must be taken.

It should be considered that omega-3 is also present in other foods: green leafy vegetables, for example the valerian salad, walnuts, flax seeds, chia seeds, rapeseed and soy oil . Also the use of dry aromas (rosemary, oregano, basil, sage), pumpkin seeds, portulaca, algae contributes, but it is not sufficient to guarantee the need for omega-3. Flax seeds must be well chewed or better blended, to prevent them from reaching the digestive tract intact and eliminated as such. Always better to supplement with a couple of teaspoons of linseed oil and 60 grams of walnuts per day.

Curiosity: krill oil, the tiny crustaceans that thrive in the icy waters of the Antarctic, would have even higher amounts of omega-3!

Omega 3 supplements in pregnancy

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