Homotoxicological doctors

What does 'homotoxicological' mean?

The word "homotoxicology" encompasses the study of the effects that certain toxins, defined as " homotoxins ", have on humans and includes the appropriate homeopathic treatment.

The state of health and illness, from a homotoxicological point of view, depends on the fight that our body engages to eliminate excess homotoxins. If these prove to be too aggressive, homotoxicological therapy will tend to stimulate the natural self-healing mechanism of the human body by increasing a specific immune response.

Hans Reckeweg, a German homeopath, should certainly be mentioned among the homotoxicological doctors. Reckeweg introduces the concept of homotoxin and makes it the pivot on which his theory of purification of the organism turns.

Homotoxins can be endogenous or exogenous in nature. They can be represented by wastes of our metabolism that are not expelled correctly or they can be external agents that we breathe or ingest: simple bacteria and viruses, synthetic drugs, preservatives, food coloring and food additives, insecticides or pesticides. All this is homotoxic and must be expelled. If the body naturally fails to perform this function, it should be helped.

Become a homotoxicological doctor

To become a homeopath, it is mandatory to specialize after obtaining a degree in general medicine. After the specialization, a period of training and at least two years of practice follows, condition sine qua non for registration in the Register. The specialization in homeopathic medicine is a possible choice that the doctor can take, in addition to that in anthroposophic medicine and that in homotoxicology.

The specialization to become a homeopath requires a minimum of 600 hours of training-training, both theoretical and practical, as well as various seminars. At the end of the course attendance a diploma or certificate is issued. In order to be able to exercise the profession of homeopath independently, at least two years of practical experience is required, through which it then becomes possible to enroll in the National Register of Homeopathic Physicians .

As far as homotoxicological doctors are concerned, we recommend the AIOT website, the Italian Medical Association for Homotoxicology.

Recommended books

Acupuncture and homotoxicology, Fabio Elvio Farello

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