Cobalt: properties, benefits, curiosity

Cobalt is a very important mineral because it stimulates iron metabolism and the activity of some endocrine glands. Furthermore, it is useful to fight nostalgia and encourage change. Let's find out better.







What is cobalt

Chemical symbol: Co 3+

Cobalt is a silvery white ferromagnetic element . Stable in air and unchanged in water, at room temperature it is not very resistant and not very ductile.

It is not found in its pure state in nature and is extracted from other minerals such as cobaltite and linneite as a by-product of the extraction of nickel and copper . It is used in particularly heat-resistant alloys in various sectors of industry.

Cobalt is an essential mineral for the normal functioning and maintenance of red blood cells and cells of the human body, even if present only in traces.

Benefits and properties

Cobalt is part of the structure of vitamin B12 and as such it intervenes in the synthesis of nucleic acids, in many enzymatic processes and in the metabolism of iron metabolism, it is also indispensable for the growth and maintenance of body weight.

It stimulates the activity of some endocrine glands (thyroid, pancreas and adrenal glands) and the production of red blood cells, accelerating their maturation process and lengthening their life. A deficiency of cobalt is responsible for circulatory disorders and migraines, in the event of a deficit, can cause pernicious anemia and slowness in development.

Cobalt daily requirement

There are no specific recommendations on recommended doses of cobalt to be taken with food. The requirement of this mineral, in fact, is low ( from 5 to 8 micrograms ) and can be easily satisfied through the diet, since it is widespread in most foods.

Effects of cobalt on the psyche and the spirit

Cobalt intensifies the need for change, awakens curiosity and the natural attitude towards a spiritual vision of existence. It creates joy of life, reduces melancholy and nostalgia.

Cobalt among the remedies against depression: discover the others

Method of use

In oligotherapy the catalytic cobalt has a tranquilizing, hypotensive, antispasmodic and vasodilatory action : it is used as a regulator of the neurovegetative system, especially in the Manganese-Cobalt association as a basic treatment in dystonic diathesis III, characterized by cardiovascular and circulatory disorders, digestive, joint, insomnia, anxiety, altered metabolism, asthenia, headache.

Cobalt also enters the Zinc-Nickel-Cobalt association with a hypoglycemic effect in the treatment of the maladjustment syndrome (HIPO-PHYSIO-PANCREATIC axis) with symptoms secondary to a metabolic glucose imbalance: "wolf hunger", sudden fatigue before meals, post-prandial drowsiness, intellectual emptying.

In crystal therapy it is used to put minerals with a high cobalt content, such as calcite, in direct contact with the body to obtain the desired results: of a beautiful deep pink color, calcite cobalt has a calming effect and is perfect for restoring heal the heart and open up to joy.

Curiosities and historical notes

Cobalt was well known in ancient times as a pigment for coloring blue glasses, but was discovered by the Swedish chemist George Brandt only in 1735 by analyzing the minerals that the German miners called Kobalt, a dialectal form of Kobold, which means "elf or elf evil ". In fact, cobalt is poisonous and can contaminate other minerals, but is confused with silver.

Oligotherapy and trace elements for life

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