Garlic essential oil: properties, use and contraindications

Garlic essential oil is derived from Allium Sativum, a plant of the Liliaceae family. Known for its many properties, it is useful as a ntimicotico, b attericida and a ntivirale . Let's find out better.

Properties and benefits of garlic essential oil

Antifungal, b attericidal, a ntiviral, it has a powerful broad-spectrum disinfectant action. Both on the respiratory tract and in lung diseases, and in the intestine, counteracting parasites of the bacterial flora.

Also useful at topical level for fungal and viral problems.

Blood flow remover, performs an anti-aggregating action, regulates blood pressure by counteracting hypertension.

It is hypoglycemic : it lowers cholesterol, regulates triglycerides.

Description of the plant

Garlic is a perennial herbaceous plant characterized by long leaves and a floriferous axis that can reach 120 cm. It has an hypogean part formed by the bulb that contains the cloves, the cloves and develops after flowering.

Part used


Extraction method

Steam current distillation

Note the essential oil of Garlic

Middle note: intense, persistent and acrid scent

Discover the properties and use of the homeopathic remedy Allium Sativum

Use and practical advice on garlic essential oil

It is indicated in case of infectious diseases, such as flu, colds, pulmonary diseases, due to its bactericidal and antiviral properties. It is indicated for treating hypertension, lowers cholesterol. Useful for smokers, since it neutralizes the effects of nicotine.

Callifugo : 3-4 drops of essential oil in a tablespoon of sweet almond oil, to be applied directly to the corn and then protected with a garzina. Leave it on all night.

For hypertension : take 1 drop of essential oil of garlic in a teaspoon of honey or in a gelatinous capsule in the morning and evening, (it is also useful to disinfect the intestine).

You can also investigate all natural remedies against high cholesterol

Contraindications of garlic essential oil

It is not recommended for those suffering from digestive disorders (ulcer, hiatal hernia). May interfere with antiplatelet drugs.


Garlic is a plant known since ancient times for its antimicrobial properties and indicated for purifying body fluids (blood, urine, sweat, catarrh). Hippocrates often cites it in fact for its diuretic, laxative, emmenagogue and for the treatment of lung diseases.

In the period of epidemics of 1600, garlic was used to counteract the miasmas and was inserted into metallic spheres pierced together with other highly odorous balsamic plants to remove pestilence.

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