Flax seeds: what contraindications can they have?

By now we have all learned about the properties of flax seeds : they are important contributors of Omega 3 and Omega 6, fundamental fatty acids, especially alpha-linoleic acid, able to maintain our cardiovascular health because they reduce the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood and prevent arterial hardening .

They are useful for the physiological health of the eyes, as they counteract the forms of degeneration. Flax seeds are considered natural anticancer agents, they seem to reduce the risk of developing some forms of breast, prostate and colon cancer, thanks to the lignans, phytoestrogens with protective properties of liver and skin., heart and immune system.

The same component of lignans also helps in the passage of menopause, attenuating hot flashes and mood swings. Many of us in any case take flax seeds or seed flour for its important fiber intake .

They are rich in mucilage and proteins and for this reason they can help promote intestinal peristalsis, refresh the colon and soften the stools.

For the same use, however, flax seeds may have important contraindications and as always happens in nature "what is good for me is not said to be good for you", so be careful, let's always be informed correctly by skilled professionals and avoid the friend's word of mouth. But let's see what flax seeds can present contraindications.

Essential fatty acids and seeds

Linseed: what contraindications?

Let's find out what are the contraindications that can occur when using flax seeds and in which cases they can occur.

Flax seeds and degenerative diseases

Once arrived in the intestine, the flax seeds form a gelatinous mass thanks to the contained mucilages and in subjects suffering from degenerative diseases such as sclerosis can participate in dangerous intestinal obstructions, for which, absurdly, instead of assisting intestinal transit for the same principle, they block it.

Flax seeds in pregnancy

The phyto-oestrogenic component of flax seeds does not make them suitable for use during pregnancy : there are no established studies in this regard but it seems they could influence the development of the fetus's reproductive system .

Other philosophies of thought instead recommend its use because they help prevent hemorrhoids and favor the brain development of the fetus; in doubt, however, I would avoid taking it : there are other remedies to promote intestinal transit in such a delicate period.

Linseed for children

Flax seeds are not recommended for children: in a gastrointestinal system so delicate that it still has to be structured it is good to use mild and much more delicate remedies than oilseeds in general.

Side effects of flax seeds

In the first period in which flax seeds are used, fermentative forms can appear, flatulences which will gradually diminish, but which can cause discomfort, heaviness, swelling, digestive difficulty.

Flaxseeds behave in some ways like charcoal, ie they absorb any pharmacological substances ingested concurrently. It is therefore good to be careful to differentiate the time of intake, so as not to interfere with pharmacological treatments.

They are not recommended for those suffering from irritable bowel syndrome and those suffering from diverticulitis: in inflammation of the colon it is good to seek advice from your doctor, since periods of constipation alternate with periods of dysentery and flax seeds may increase both dysfunctions.

How to use flax seeds

It is important to respect the recommended quantities and not to exceed in the doses: 2 maximum 3 teaspoons of raw seeds, perhaps minced or crushed in abundant doses of water or herbal teas.

They can also be added to a hot soup. If you want to prepare a laxative herbal tea you can boil 2 teaspoons of crushed seeds, to be filtered later before taking.

Flaxseed against constipation: here's how to use them

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